University of Sheffield

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Fernando Perez-Diaz Automatic Control and Systems Engineering20152016 Roderich Gross (grad student), Matthew J. Doyle (collaborator)
Stefan Trenkwalder Automatic Control and Systems Engineering20132017 Roderich Gross (grad student)
Yuri Kaszubowski Lopes Automatic Control and Systems Engineering20122016 Roderich Gross (grad student)
Matthew J. Doyle Automatic Control and Systems Engineering20132018 Roderich Gross (grad student)
Roderich Grossswarm robotics, swarm intelligence, modular robotics
Melvin Gauci Automatic Control and Systems Engineering20102014 Roderich Gross (grad student)
James A.R. Marshall
Angreagiovanni ReinaCollective Behaviour Computer Science20162020 James A.R. Marshall (post-doc)
Mohamed Salaheddine TalamaliSwarm Robotics