Ellen E. Kossek
Affiliations: | Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI |
Developmental Psychology, Public and Social WelfareGoogle:
"Ellen Kossek"Children
Sign in to add traineeKaumudi Misra | grad student | Michigan State | |
Shaun M. Pichler | grad student | Michigan State (Neurotree) | |
Cynthia Ozeki | grad student | 2003 | Michigan State |
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Livingston BA, Pichler S, Kossek EE, et al. (2022) An Alpha, Beta and Gamma Approach to Evaluating Occupational Health Organizational Interventions: Learning from the Measurement of Work-Family Conflict Change. Occupational Health Science. 1-31 |
Kossek EE, Ollier-Malaterre A. (2020) Desperately seeking sustainable careers: Redesigning professional jobs for the collaborative crafting of reduced-load work Journal of Vocational Behavior. 117: 103315 |
Kossek EE, Petty RA, Bodner TE, et al. (2018) Lasting Impression: Transformational Leadership and Family Supportive Supervision as Resources for Well-being and Performance. Occupational Health Science. 2: 1-24 |
Russo M, Ollier-Malaterre A, Kossek EE, et al. (2018) Boundary Management Permeability and Relationship Satisfaction in Dual-Earner Couples: The Asymmetrical Gender Effect. Frontiers in Psychology. 9: 1723 |
Crain TL, Hammer LB, Bodner T, et al. (2018) Sustaining sleep: Results from the randomized controlled work, family, and health study. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology |
Wilson KS, Baumann HM, Matta FK, et al. (2018) Misery Loves Company: An Investigation of Couples’ Interrole Conflict Congruence Academy of Management Journal. 61: 715-737 |
Nieuwenhuis R, Kossek EE. (2018) Work-life balance in times of recession, austerity and beyond Community, Work & Family. 21: 106-109 |
Kossek EE, Buzzanell PM. (2018) Women's career equality and leadership in organizations: Creating an evidence-based positive change Human Resource Management. 57: 813-822 |
Kossek EE, Thompson RJ, Lawson KM, et al. (2017) Caring for the Elderly at Work and Home: Can a Randomized Organizational Intervention Improve Psychological Health? Journal of Occupational Health Psychology |
Lee S, Davis KD, McHale SM, et al. (2017) When Mothers' Work Matters for Youths' Daily Time Use: Implications of Evening and Weekend Shifts. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 26: 2077-2089 |