Recent additions to AAA tree: Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
David L. Andrews (Info) University of Maryland mdgiardina 2024‑04‑05
Willard Bleyer (Info) UW Madison kgrindal 2022‑01‑20
Cees De Bont (Info) cbuzeta 2022‑01‑20
Stephen B. Crofts Wiley (Info) UIUC jjsylvia 2024‑04‑26
Marcelo Diversi (Info) University of Washington, Vancouver mdgiardina 2024‑04‑05
Jingjing Han (Info) Fudan University, China JingjingHan 2023‑05‑05
J.J. Sylvia IV (Info) NCSU, Fitchburg State University, University of Southern Mississippi, Mississippi State University jjsylvia 2024‑04‑26
Jay Jensen (Info) UIUC kgrindal 2022‑01‑20
Grant Kien (Info) Cal State-East Bay mdgiardina 2024‑04‑05
Seihill Kim (Info) University of South Carolina azain 2023‑01‑23
David Bryan Miller (Info) Stanford, Cornell, NYU, Cornell, University of Central Florida, Tufts davebmiller 2022‑06‑27
Sydney Miller (Info) University of Iowa kgrindal 2022‑01‑20
Ingrid Moons (Info) University of Antwerp cbuzeta 2022‑01‑20
Claudio Moreira (Info) U Mass Amherst mdgiardina 2024‑04‑05
Michael L. Ray (Info) Stanford marketing communication, consumer information processing, and new paradigm business jandh 2023‑03‑11
James Salvo (Info) University of Florida mdgiardina 2024‑04‑05
Frederick Siebert (Info) UIUC kgrindal 2022‑01‑20
Achiel Standaert (Info) cbuzeta 2022‑01‑20
Ross Walker (Info) University of Iowa kgrindal 2022‑01‑20
Ali Zain (Info) University of South Carolina Misinformation, information processing, health communication, science communication, digital discourse in politics azain 2023‑01‑23
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