Gregory S. Carpenter

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Marketing Business Administration, Management Business Administration, Cultural Anthropology
"Gregory Carpenter"
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Sozuer S, Carpenter GS, Kopalle PK, et al. (2020) The past, present, and future of marketing strategy Marketing Letters. 31: 163-174
Humphreys A, Carpenter GS. (2018) Status Games: Market driving through social influence in the U.S. Wine industry Journal of Marketing. 82: 141-159
Lehmann DR, Carpenter GS. (2016) Theory + practice in marketing International Journal of Research in Marketing. 33: 709-710
Shankar V, Carpenter GS. (2012) Handbook of Marketing Strategy Handbook of Marketing Strategy
Gebhardt GF, Carpenter GS, Sherry JF. (2006) Creating a market orientation: A longitudinal, multifirm, grounded analysis of cultural transformation Journal of Marketing. 70: 37-55
Rust RT, Ambler T, Carpenter GS, et al. (2004) Measuring marketing productivity: Current knowledge and future directions Journal of Marketing. 68: 76-89
Chernev A, Carpenter GS. (2001) The role of market efficiency intuitions in consumer choice: A case of compensatory inferences Journal of Marketing Research. 38: 349-361
Brown CL, Carpenter GS. (2000) Why is the trivial important? A reasons-based account for the effects of trivial attributes on choice Journal of Consumer Research. 26: 372-385
Shankar V, Carpenter GS, Krishnamurthi L. (1999) The advantages of entry in the growth stage of the product life cycle: An empirical analysis Journal of Marketing Research. 36: 269-276
Shankar V, Carpenter GS, Krishnamurthi L. (1999) The advantages of entry in the growth stage of the product life cycle: An empirical analysis Journal of Marketing Research. 36: 269-276
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