Christy G. Turner

Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Physical Anthropology
"Christy Turner"
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Delgado-Burbano ME, Scott GR, Turner CG. (2010) The Uto-Aztecan premolar among North and South Amerindians: Geographic variation and genetics American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 143: 570-578
Burnett SE, Hawkey DE, Turner CG. (2010) Brief communication: Population variation in human maxillary premolar accessory ridges (MxPAR). American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 141: 319-24
Turner CG. (2006) Dental morphology and the population history of the Pacific rim and basin: commentary on Hirofumi Matsumura and Mark J. Hudson. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 130: 455-458
Turner CG. (2004) A second drilled tooth from prehistoric western North America American Antiquity. 69: 356-360
Schollmeyer KG, Turner CG. (2004) Dental caries, prehistoric diet, and the pithouse-to-pueblo transition in southwestern Colorado American Antiquity. 69: 569-582
Turner CG. (2003) Three Ounces of Sea Shells and One Fish Bone do not a Coastal Migration Make American Antiquity. 68: 391-395
Turner CG. (1998) American beginnings. the prehistory and palaeoecology of Beringia American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 106: 408-409
Irish JD, Turner CG. (1997) Brief communication: First evidence of LSAMAT in non-native Americans: Historic Senegalese from west Africa American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 102: 141-146
Wu L, Turner CG. (1993) Brief communication: Variation in the frequency and form of the lower permanent molar middle trigonid crest American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 91: 245-248
Turner CG. (1992) The dental bridge between Australia and Asia: following Macintosh into the East Asian hearth of humanity Archaeology in Oceania. 27: 143-152
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