Bu Zhong, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2006 | University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD |
Journalism, Cognitive PsychologyGoogle:
"Bu Zhong"Parents
Sign in to add mentorJohn E. Newhagen | grad student | 2006 | University of Maryland | |
(Searching for meaning: Multi-level cognitive processing of news decision making among United States and Chinese journalists.) |
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Zhong B, Xie W, Davis Kempton S, et al. (2023) Health Information Processing and Symptom Management in a Cross-Cultural Setting: Insights from IBD Patients. Health Communication. 1-10 |
Zhong B, Jiang Z, Xie W, et al. (2020) Social Media Use Provides Health Information Support and Contributes to Psychiatric Disorders during China's COVID-19 Outbreak. Journal of Medical Internet Research |
Zhong B, Huang Y, Liu Q. (2020) Mental health toll from the coronavirus: Social media usage reveals Wuhan residents' depression and secondary trauma in the COVID-19 outbreak. Computers in Human Behavior. 106524 |
Sun T, Zhong B. (2020) Multitasking as multisensory behavior: Revisiting media multitasking in the perspective of media ecology theory Computers in Human Behavior. 104: 106151 |
Yang F, Zhong B, Kumar A, et al. (2018) Exchanging Social Support Online: A Longitudinal Social Network Analysis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients’ Interactions on a Health Forum Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 95: 1033-1057 |
Lewis NP, Zhong B, Yang F, et al. (2018) How U.S. and Chinese journalists think about plagiarism Asian Journal of Communication. 28: 490-507 |
Zheng Y, Zhong B, Yang F. (2018) When algorithms meet journalism: The user perception to automated news in a cross-cultural context Computers in Human Behavior. 86: 266-275 |
Zhong B, Yang F, Chen YL. (2015) Information empowers vegetable supply chain: A study of information needs and sharing strategies among farmers and vendors Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 117: 81-90 |
Zhong B, Appelman AJ. (2014) How college students read and write on the web: The role of ICT use in processing online information Computers in Human Behavior. 38: 201-207 |
Lewis NP, Zhong B. (2013) The root of journalistic plagiarism: Contested attribution beliefs Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. 90: 148-166 |