Zuduo Zheng, Ph.D. - Publications

2010 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Civil Engineering

45 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Ali Y, Sharma A, Haque MM, Zheng Z, Saifuzzaman M. The impact of the connected environment on driving behavior and safety: A driving simulator study. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 144: 105643. PMID 32593781 DOI: 10.1016/J.Aap.2020.105643  0.377
2020 Ali Y, Zheng Z, Mazharul Haque M, Yildirimoglu M, Washington S. Understanding the discretionary lane-changing behaviour in the connected environment. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 137: 105463. PMID 32036109 DOI: 10.1016/J.Aap.2020.105463  0.37
2020 Chen X, Sun J, Ma Z, Sun J, Zheng Z. Investigating the long- and short-term driving characteristics and incorporating them into car-following models Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies. 117: 102698. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2020.102698  0.343
2020 Sarkar NC, Bhaskar A, Zheng Z, Miska MP. Microscopic modelling of area-based heterogeneous traffic flow: Area selection and vehicle movement Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 111: 373-396. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2019.12.013  0.38
2020 Zhou F, Zheng Z, Whitehead J, Perrons RK, Washington S, Page L. Examining the impact of car-sharing on private vehicle ownership Transportation Research Part a-Policy and Practice. 138: 322-341. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tra.2020.06.003  0.364
2020 Zhou F, Zheng Z, Whitehead J, Washington S, Perrons RK, Page L. Preference heterogeneity in mode choice for car-sharing and shared automated vehicles Transportation Research Part a: Policy and Practice. 132: 633-650. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tra.2019.12.004  0.362
2020 Sharma A, Zheng Z, Kim J, Bhaskar A, Haque MM. Is an informed driver a better decision maker? A grouped random parameters with heterogeneity-in-means approach to investigate the impact of the connected environment on driving behaviour in safety-critical situations Analytic Methods in Accident Research. 27: 100127. DOI: 10.1016/J.Amar.2020.100127  0.341
2019 Sharma A, Zheng Z, Kim J, Bhaskar A, Haque MM. Estimating and Comparing Response Times in Traditional and Connected Environments Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2673: 674-684. DOI: 10.1177/0361198119837964  0.4
2019 Li Z, Zheng Z, Washington S. Short-term traffic flow forecasting: a component-wise gradient boosting approach with hierarchical reconciliation Ieee Transactions On Intelligent Transportation Systems. 1-13. DOI: 10.1109/Tits.2019.2948381  0.314
2019 Ali Y, Haque MM, Zheng Z, Washington S, Yildirimoglu M. A hazard-based duration model to quantify the impact of connected driving environment on safety during mandatory lane-changing Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 106: 113-131. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2019.07.015  0.388
2019 Ali Y, Zheng Z, Haque MM, Wang M. A game theory-based approach for modelling mandatory lane-changing behaviour in a connected environment Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 106: 220-242. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2019.07.011  0.358
2019 Sharma A, Zheng Z, Bhaskar A, Haque MM. Modelling car-following behaviour of connected vehicles with a focus on driver compliance Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 126: 256-279. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2019.06.008  0.359
2019 Sharma A, Zheng Z, Bhaskar A. Is more always better? The impact of vehicular trajectory completeness on car-following model calibration and validation Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 120: 49-75. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2018.12.016  0.326
2018 Sun J, Zuo K, Jiang S, Zheng Z. Modeling and Predicting Stochastic Merging Behaviors at Freeway On-Ramp Bottlenecks Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2018: 1-15. DOI: 10.1155/2018/9308580  0.325
2018 Sharma A, Zheng Z, Bhaskar A. A pattern recognition algorithm for assessing trajectory completeness Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 96: 432-457. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2018.09.027  0.346
2018 Ali Y, Zheng Z, Haque MM. Connectivity’s impact on mandatory lane-changing behaviour: Evidences from a driving simulator study Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 93: 292-309. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2018.06.008  0.352
2018 Sun J, Zheng Z, Sun J. Stability analysis methods and their applicability to car-following models in conventional and connected environments Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 109: 212-237. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2018.01.013  0.304
2017 Saifuzzaman M, Zheng Z, Haque MM, Washington S. Understanding the mechanism of traffic hysteresis and traffic oscillations through the change in task difficulty level Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 105: 523-538. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2017.09.023  0.404
2017 Sharma A, Ali Y, Saifuzzaman M, Zheng Z, Haque MM. Human factors in modelling mixed traffic of traditional, connected, and automated vehicles Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 591: 262-273. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60591-3_24  0.372
2016 Hwang YS, Ahn SY, Moon S, Zheng Z, Cha IH, Kim J, Zhang X. Insulin-like growth factor-II mRNA binding protein-3 and podoplanin expression are associated with bone invasion and prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Archives of Oral Biology. 69: 25-32. PMID 27232357 DOI: 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2016.05.008  0.33
2016 Zheng Z, Sarvi M. Modeling, calibrating, and validating car following and lane changing behavior Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 71: 182-183. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2016.07.014  0.383
2016 Zheng Z, Su D. Traffic state estimation through compressed sensing and Markov random field Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 91: 525-554. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2016.06.009  0.304
2016 Zheng Z, Washington S, Hyland P, Sloan K, Liu Y. Preference heterogeneity in mode choice based on a nationwide survey with a focus on urban rail Transportation Research Part a: Policy and Practice. 91: 178-194. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tra.2016.06.032  0.324
2015 Saifuzzaman M, Haque MM, Zheng Z, Washington S. Impact of mobile phone use on car-following behaviour of young drivers. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 82: 10-9. PMID 26009990 DOI: 10.1016/J.Aap.2015.05.001  0.366
2015 Roshandel S, Zheng Z, Washington S. Impact of real-time traffic characteristics on freeway crash occurrence: systematic review and meta-analysis. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 79: 198-211. PMID 25841161 DOI: 10.1016/J.Aap.2015.03.013  0.363
2015 Zheng Z, Im SH, Lee BH, Seo H, Bae MA, Ahn SH. In vitro permeability, pharmacokinetics and brain uptake of WAY-100635 and FCWAY in rats using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Archives of Pharmacal Research. 38: 1072-9. PMID 24838378 DOI: 10.1007/s12272-014-0369-6  0.364
2015 Zheng Z, Lee J(, Saifuzzaman M, Sun J. Exploring association between perceived importance of travel/traffic information and travel behaviour in natural disasters: A case study of the 2011 Brisbane floods Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 51: 243-259. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2014.12.011  0.353
2015 Saifuzzaman M, Zheng Z, Mazharul Haque M, Washington S. Revisiting the Task-Capability Interface model for incorporating human factors into car-following models Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 82: 1-19. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2015.09.011  0.33
2014 Seo H, Choi SH, Kwak EY, Zheng Z, Kwak HJ, Ahn JH, Lee YM, Ahn SH, Bae MA, Song JS. Determination of a novel diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 inhibitor, 2-[4-(4-{5-[2-phenyl-5-(trifluoromethyl) oxazole-4-carboxamido]-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2-yl} phenyl) cyclohexyl] acetic acid (KR-69232) in rat plasma using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and its application to a pharmacokinetic study Biomedical Chromatography. 28: 324-326. PMID 24122805 DOI: 10.1002/bmc.3053  0.364
2014 Zheng Z, Song JS, Lee BH, Ahn SH, Ahn JH, Woo J, Park JY, Yoo DS, Bae MA. Determination of 2-(3-benzoyl)-4-hydroxy-1,1-dioxo-2H-1,2-benzothiazine-2-yl-1-phenylethanone by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatographic Science. 52: 406-12. PMID 23677717 DOI: 10.1093/chromsci/bmt050  0.379
2014 Saifuzzaman M, Zheng Z. Incorporating human-factors in car-following models: A review of recent developments and research needs Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 48: 379-403. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2014.09.008  0.368
2014 Zheng Z. Recent developments and research needs in modeling lane changing Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 60: 16-32. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2013.11.009  0.339
2014 Chen D, Ahn S, Laval J, Zheng Z. On the periodicity of traffic oscillations and capacity drop: The role of driver characteristics Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 59: 117-136. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2013.11.005  0.522
2014 Zheng Z, Liu Z, Liu C, Shiwakoti N. Understanding public response to a congestion charge: A random-effects ordered logit approach Transportation Research Part a: Policy and Practice. 70: 117-134. DOI: 10.1016/J.Tra.2014.10.016  0.32
2013 Zheng Z, Lee BH, Choi JY, Ryu YH, Bae MA, Ahn SH. Determination of 5-HT receptor antagonists, MEFWAY and MPPF using liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry in rat plasma and brain tissue. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 913: 24-9. PMID 23266361 DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2012.11.014  0.364
2013 Zheng Z, Ahn S, Chen D, Laval J. The effects of lane-changing on the immediate follower: Anticipation, relaxation, and change in driver characteristics Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 26: 367-379. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2012.10.007  0.51
2012 Murray CJ, Vos T, Lozano R, Naghavi M, Flaxman AD, Michaud C, Ezzati M, Shibuya K, Salomon JA, Abdalla S, Aboyans V, Abraham J, Ackerman I, Aggarwal R, Ahn SY, ... ... Zheng ZJ, et al. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet. 380: 2197-223. PMID 23245608 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61689-4  0.373
2012 Vos T, Flaxman AD, Naghavi M, Lozano R, Michaud C, Ezzati M, Shibuya K, Salomon JA, Abdalla S, Aboyans V, Abraham J, Ackerman I, Aggarwal R, Ahn SY, Ali MK, ... ... Zheng ZJ, et al. Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet. 380: 2163-96. PMID 23245607 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61729-2  0.385
2012 Lozano R, Naghavi M, Foreman K, Lim S, Shibuya K, Aboyans V, Abraham J, Adair T, Aggarwal R, Ahn SY, Alvarado M, Anderson HR, Anderson LM, Andrews KG, Atkinson C, ... ... Zheng ZJ, et al. Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20 age groups in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. Lancet (London, England). 380: 2095-128. PMID 23245604 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61728-0  0.377
2012 Zheng Z, Washington S. On selecting an optimal wavelet for detecting singularities in traffic and vehicular data Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 25: 18-33. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trc.2012.03.006  0.336
2012 Chen D, Laval JA, Ahn S, Zheng Z. Microscopic traffic hysteresis in traffic oscillations: A behavioral perspective Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 46: 1440-1453. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2012.07.002  0.516
2011 Zheng Z, Ahn S, Chen D, Laval J. Freeway traffic oscillations: Microscopic analysis of formations and propagations using Wavelet Transform Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 45: 1378-1388. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2011.05.012  0.508
2011 Zheng Z, Ahn S, Chen D, Laval J. Applications of wavelet transform for analysis of freeway traffic: Bottlenecks, transient traffic, and traffic oscillations Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 45: 372-384. DOI: 10.1016/J.Trb.2010.08.002  0.52
2010 Zheng Z, Ahn S, Monsere CM. Impact of traffic oscillations on freeway crash occurrences. Accident; Analysis and Prevention. 42: 626-36. PMID 20159088 DOI: 10.1016/J.Aap.2009.10.009  0.473
2006 Yoon MH, Tahk SJ, Choi SY, Choi TY, Choi BJ, Choi JH, Yoo SY, Ahn SG, Zheng ZG, Hwang GS, Shin JH. Effect of distal protection device on the microvascular integrity in acute myocardial infarction during primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Circulation Journal : Official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society. 70: 1284-9. PMID 16998260 DOI: 10.1253/CIRCJ.70.1284  0.319
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