Paquito Bernard

Montpellier 1 
Exercise, Smoking cessation, Depression, Evidence based medicine
"Paquito Bernard"


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Grégory Ninot grad student 2012 Montpellier 1
 (Rôles de l'activité physique dans l’arrêt du tabac de fumeurs touchés par un trouble dépressif)
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Baillot A, Asselin M, Bernard P, et al. (2024) Acceptability and Feasibility of the Telehealth Bariatric Behavioral Intervention to Increase Physical Activity Before Bariatric Surgery: A Single-Case Experimental Study (Part I). Obesity Surgery
St-Amour S, Cailhol L, Ruocco AC, et al. (2022) Acute Effect of Physical Exercise on Negative Affect in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Pilot Study. Clinical Psychology in Europe. 4: e7495
Baillot A, St-Pierre M, Bernard P, et al. (2022) Exercise and bariatric surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the feasibility and acceptability of exercise and controlled trial methods. Obesity Reviews : An Official Journal of the International Association For the Study of Obesity. e13480
Romain AJ, Bernard P, Piché F, et al. (2022) [A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body: The Value of Physical Activity for Youth With First Episode Psychosis]. Sante Mentale Au Quebec. 46: 249-276
Romain AJ, Bernard P, Akrass Z, et al. (2020) Motivational theory-based interventions on health of people with several mental illness: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Research
Chevance G, Bernard P, Chamberland PE, et al. (2019) The association between implicit attitudes toward physical activity and physical activity behavior: A systematic review and correlational meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review. 1-74
Bernard P, Hains-Monfette G, Atoui S, et al. (2018) Daily Objective Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in Adults with COPD Using Spirometry Data from Canadian Measures Health Survey. Canadian Respiratory Journal. 2018: 9107435
Romain AJ, Bortolon C, Gourlan M, et al. (2018) Matched or nonmatched interventions based on the transtheoretical model to promote physical activity. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 7: 50-57
Bernard P, St Amour S, Kingsbury C, et al. (2018) We need reproducible health behaviour change interventions to help adults with severe mental illness. Schizophrenia Research
Mas S, Bernard P, Gourlan M. (2018) Determinants of physical activity promotion by smoking cessation advisors. Patient Education and Counseling
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