Marc Davis
Affiliations: | 1975-1981 | Astronomy | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
1981- | Astronomy and Physics | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
Large-scale structure, cosmology, evolution of galaxiesWebsite:
"Marc Davis"Bio:
Cross-listing: Physics Tree
Sign in to add mentorDavid Todd Wilkinson | grad student | 1973 | Princeton | |
(Search for galaxies at large redshift.) | ||||
P. James E. Peebles | post-doc | Princeton (Physics Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeJohn Tonry | grad student | Harvard (Physics Tree) | |
Michael Abram Strauss | grad student | 1989 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Leonidas Moustakas | grad student | 1998 | UC Berkeley |
Douglas Paul Finkbeiner | grad student | 1999 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Jeffrey A. Newman | grad student | 2000 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Evan Scannapieco | grad student | 2001 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Bryan J. Mendez | grad student | 2002 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Cailin A. Nelson | grad student | 2002 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Alison L. Coil | grad student | 2004 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Michael C. Cooper | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Brian F. Gerke | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Renbin Yan | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
Julia M. Comerford | grad student | 2009 | UC Berkeley (Physics Tree) |
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Zhou R, Cooper MC, Newman JA, et al. (2019) Deep ugrizY imaging and DEEP2/3 spectroscopy: a photometric redshift testbed for LSST and public release of data from the DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 488: 4565-4584 |
Nusser A, Davis M, Branchini E. (2014) ON THE RECOVERY OF THE LOCAL GROUP MOTION FROM GALAXY REDSHIFT SURVEYS The Astrophysical Journal. 788: 157 |
Davis M, Nusser A. (2014) Re-examination of Large Scale Structure & Cosmic Flows Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 11: 310-317 |
Newman JA, Cooper MC, Davis M, et al. (2013) The deep2 galaxy redshift survey: Design, observations, data reduction, and redshifts Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 208 |
Mostek N, Coil AL, Cooper M, et al. (2013) The deep2 galaxy redshift survey: Clustering dependence on galaxy stellar mass and star formation rate at z ∼ 1 Astrophysical Journal. 767 |
Branchini E, Davis M, Nusser A. (2012) The linear velocity field of 2MASS Redshift Survey, Ks= 11.75 galaxies: constraints on β and bulk flow from the luminosity function Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 424: 472-481 |
Cooper MC, Griffith RL, Newman JA, et al. (2012) The DEEP3 Galaxy Redshift Survey: The impact of environment on the size evolution of massive early-type galaxies at intermediate redshift† Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 419: 3018-3027 |
Griffith RL, Cooper MC, Newman JA, et al. (2012) The advanced camera for surveys general catalog: Structural parameters for approximately half a million galaxies Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 200 |
Cheung E, Faber SM, Koo DC, et al. (2012) The dependence of quenching upon the inner structure of galaxies at 0.5 ≤ z < 0.8 in the deep2/aegis survey Astrophysical Journal. 760 |
Gerke BF, Newman JA, Davis M, et al. (2012) The deep2 galaxy redshift survey: The Voronoi-Delaunay method catalog of galaxy groups Astrophysical Journal. 751 |