James Avery Sauls, Ph.D.

1980-1987 Physics Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
 1987- Physics Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Theoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics
"James Avery Sauls"

I received my BSc in Engineering Physics at Colorado School of Mines in Golden (1975), then moved to New York to do graduate work at SUNY-Stony Brook, where I received a Ph.D. in physics in 1980. I did post-doctoral research at Princeton University in New Jersey (1980-83), NORDITA in Copenhagen and Helsinki University of Technology (1983-84), then joined the Princeton physics faculty for four years (1983-1987). Since 1987 I have been a professor of physics at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. Curriculum Vitae.
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Gerald E. Brown grad student 1980 SUNY Stony Brook (Physics Tree)
 (Anisotropic superfluidity in neutron stars and strong-coupling effects in superfluid helium-3.)
Joseph William Serene grad student 1980 SUNY Stony Brook (Physics Tree)
Philip Warren Anderson post-doc 1980-1982 Princeton (Physics Tree)


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Vladimir Vulovic grad student 1983 Princeton (Physics Tree)
Peter J. Hirschfeld grad student 1984 Princeton (Physics Tree)
Randy Fishman grad student 1985 Princeton (Physics Tree)
Jens H. Jensen grad student 1987 Princeton (Physics Tree)
Ross McKenzie grad student 1990 Princeton (Physics Tree)
Taku A. Tokuyasu grad student 1990 Northwestern (Computer Science Tree)
Geneva Moores grad student 1994 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
Dandong Xu grad student 1995 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
Priya Sharma grad student 2003 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
Anton Vorontsov grad student 2005 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
Erhai Zhao grad student 2006 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
Hao Wu grad student 2016 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
Joshua J. Wiman grad student 2018 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
Robert C. Regan grad student 2020 Northwestern (Physics Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Ngampruetikorn V, Sauls JA. (2020) Impurity-Induced Anomalous Thermal Hall Effect in Chiral Superconductors. Physical Review Letters. 124: 157002
Sauls JA. (2020) Andreev bound states and their signatures. Philosophical Transactions. Series a, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 376
Regan RC, Wiman JJ, Sauls JA. (2020) Vortex phase diagram of rotating superfluid He3−B Physical Review B. 101
Avers KE, Gannon WJ, Kuhn SJ, et al. (2020) Broken time-reversal symmetry in the topological superconductor UPt3 Nature Physics. 16: 531-535
Uematsu H, Mizushima T, Tsuruta A, et al. (2019) Chiral Higgs Mode in Nematic Superconductors. Physical Review Letters. 123: 237001
Wiman JJ, Sauls JA. (2018) Spontaneous Helical Order of a Chiral p-Wave Superfluid Confined in Nanoscale Channels. Physical Review Letters. 121: 045301
Halperin WP, Parpia JM, Sauls JA. (2018) Superfluid helium-3 in confined quarters Physics Today. 71: 30-36
Sauls JA, Mizushima T. (2017) On the Nambu fermion-boson relations for superfluidHe3 Physical Review B. 95
Shevtsov O, Sauls JA. (2016) Electron bubbles and Weyl fermions in chiral superfluidHe3−A Physical Review B. 94
Wiman JJ, Sauls JA. (2016) Strong-Coupling and the Stripe Phase of $$^3$$He Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 184: 1054-1070
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