Year |
Citation |
Score |
2020 |
Bhowmick A, Pandey G, Lambert DL. Detection of Fluorine in Hot Extreme Helium Stars The Astrophysical Journal. 891: 40. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab6E6D |
0.522 |
2020 |
Deepak, Lambert DL, Reddy BE. Abundance analyses of Li-enriched and normal giants in the GALAH survey Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494: 1348-1365. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Staa729 |
0.475 |
2020 |
Jeffery CS, Rao NK, Lambert DL. SALT revisits DY Cen: a rapidly-evolving strontium-rich single helium star Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 493: 3565-3579. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Staa406 |
0.444 |
2020 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL, Reddy ABS, García-Hernández DA, Manchado A, Díaz-Luis JJ. Detection of CH+, CH and H2 Molecules in the Young Planetary Nebula IC 4997 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 132: 74201. DOI: 10.1088/1538-3873/Ab9097 |
0.307 |
2019 |
Lebzelter T, Hinkle KH, Straniero O, Lambert DL, Pilachowski CA, Nault KA. Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Ratios. II. Semiregular Variable M Giants The Astrophysical Journal. 886: 117. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab4E9B |
0.469 |
2019 |
Guerço R, Cunha K, Smith VV, Hayes CR, Abia C, Lambert DL, Jönsson H, Ryde N. Fluorine Abundances in the Galactic Disk The Astrophysical Journal. 885: 139. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab45F1 |
0.481 |
2019 |
Guerço R, Cunha K, Smith VV, Pereira CB, Abia C, Lambert DL, Laverny Pd, Recio-Blanco A, Jönsson H. Fluorine Abundances in the Globular Cluster M4 The Astrophysical Journal. 876: 43. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab1340 |
0.647 |
2019 |
Reddy ABS, Lambert DL. Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open clusters Stock 2, NGC 2168, 6475, 6991, and 7762 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 485: 3623-3641. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stz468 |
0.466 |
2019 |
Ramya P, Reddy BE, Lambert DL. Chemical compositions of giants in the Hyades and Sirius superclusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 484: 125-145. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Sty3507 |
0.416 |
2018 |
Ritchey AM, Federman SR, Lambert DL. Abundances and Depletions of Neutron-capture Elements in the Interstellar Medium The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 236: 36. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/Aab71E |
0.377 |
2018 |
Draper ZH, Matthews B, Venn K, Lambert D, Kennedy G, Sitnova T. A-type Stellar Abundances: A Corollary to Herschel Observations of Debris Disks The Astrophysical Journal. 857: 93. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aab1Fd |
0.428 |
2017 |
Pandey G, Lambert DL. Non-local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Abundance Analyses of the Extreme Helium Stars V652 Her and HD 144941 The Astrophysical Journal. 847: 127. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa88Bb |
0.494 |
2017 |
McEvoy CM, Dufton PL, Smoker JV, Lambert DL, Keenan FP, Schneider FRN, Wit Wd. The Origin of B-type Runaway Stars: Non-LTE Abundances as a Diagnostic The Astrophysical Journal. 842: 32. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa745A |
0.505 |
2017 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL, Reddy ABS, Gupta R, Muneer S, Singh HP. Unveiling Vela: time variability of interstellar lines in the direction of the Vela supernova remnant – II. Na D and Ca ii Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 467: 1186-1192. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stx139 |
0.379 |
2017 |
Hema BP, Pandey G, Kamath D, Rao NK, Lambert D, Woolf VM. Abundance Analyses of the New R Coronae Borealis Stars ASAS-RCB-8 and ASAS-RCB-10 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 129: 104202. DOI: 10.1088/1538-3873/Aa7F25 |
0.443 |
2016 |
Lambert DL, Reddy ABS. Prospecting For Chemical Tags Among Open Clusters The Astrophysical Journal. 831: 202. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/831/2/202 |
0.451 |
2016 |
Ramya P, Reddy BE, Lambert DL, Musthafa MM. Chemical compositions and kinematics of the Hercules stream Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 460: 1356-1370. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw852 |
0.491 |
2016 |
Reddy ABS, Lambert DL, Giridhar S. The evolution of the Milky Way: New insights from open clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 463: 4366-4382. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw2287 |
0.416 |
2016 |
Şahin T, Lambert DL, Klochkova VG, Panchuk VE. HD 179821 (V1427 Aql, IRAS 19114+0002) – A Massive Post-Red Supergiant Star? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 461: 4071-4087. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stw1586 |
0.525 |
2016 |
Rao NK, Muneer S, Lambert DL, Varghese BA. Unveiling Vela – time variability of Na i D lines in the direction of the Vela supernova remnant Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 455: 2529-2550. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv2463 |
0.436 |
2016 |
Reddy ABS, Lambert DL. HD 16771: A lithium-rich giant in the red-clump stage Astronomy and Astrophysics. 589. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201628323 |
0.494 |
2015 |
McEvoy CM, Smoker JV, Dufton PL, Smith KT, Kennedy MB, Keenan FP, Lambert DL, Welty DE, Lauroesch JT. Early-type stars observed in the ESO UVES Paranal Observatory Project - V. Time-variable interstellar absorption Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 451: 1396-1412. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv945 |
0.428 |
2015 |
Reddy ABS, Giridhar S, Lambert DL. Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open clusters NGC 1342, 1662, 1912, 2354 and 2447 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 450: 4301-4322. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv908 |
0.476 |
2015 |
Reddy ABS, Lambert DL. Local associations and the barium puzzle Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 454: 1976-1991. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stv1876 |
0.514 |
2015 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL. Mid-infrared variations of R Coronae Borealis stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 447: 3664-3677. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu2748 |
0.441 |
2015 |
Lyubimkov LS, Lambert DL, Korotin SA, Rachkovskaya TM, Poklad DB. Carbon abundance and the N/C ratio in atmospheres of A-, F- and G-type supergiants and bright giants Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 446: 3447-3460. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu2299 |
0.445 |
2015 |
Ramírez I, Khanal S, Aleo P, Sobotka A, Liu F, Casagrande L, Meléndez J, Yong D, Lambert DL, Asplund M. The Dissimilar Chemical Composition Of The Planet-Hosting Stars Of The Xo-2 Binary System The Astrophysical Journal. 808: 13-13. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/808/1/13 |
0.768 |
2014 |
Pandey G, Rao NK, Jeffery CS, Lambert DL. On the binary helium star DY centauri: Chemical composition and evolutionary state Astrophysical Journal. 793. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/793/2/76 |
0.495 |
2014 |
Venn KA, Puzia TH, Divell M, Côté S, Lambert DL, Starkenburg E. Searching for dust around hyper metal poor stars Astrophysical Journal. 791. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/791/2/98 |
0.525 |
2014 |
Adamczak J, Lambert DL. Carbon and oxygen abundances across the Hertzsprung gap Astrophysical Journal. 791. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/791/1/58 |
0.509 |
2014 |
Ramírez I, Bajkova AT, Bobylev VV, Roederer IU, Lambert DL, Endl M, Cochran WD, Macqueen PJ, Wittenmyer RA. Elemental abundances of solar sibling candidates Astrophysical Journal. 787. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/787/2/154 |
0.789 |
2014 |
Smith HJ, Kameswara Rao N, Lambert DL, Woolf VM, Hema BP. High-resolution optical spectroscopy of the R coronae borealis star V532 ophiuchi at maximum light Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 126: 813-820. DOI: 10.1086/678129 |
0.475 |
2013 |
Reddy ABS, Giridhar S, Lambert DL. Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open clusters ngc 2527, 2682, 2482, 2539, 2335, 2251 and 2266 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 431: 3338-3348. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stt412 |
0.415 |
2013 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL, García-Hernández DA, Manchado A. The changing nebula around the hot R Coronae Borealis star DY Centauri Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 431: 159-166. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stt154 |
0.461 |
2013 |
Lyubimkov LS, Lambert DL, Poklad DB, Rachkovskaya TM, Rostopchin SI. Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen abundances in atmospheres of the 5–11 M⊙ B-type main-sequence stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 428: 3497-3508. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Sts287 |
0.465 |
2013 |
Adamczak J, Lambert DL. Atmospheric composition of weak g band stars: CNO and li abundances Astrophysical Journal. 765. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/765/2/155 |
0.473 |
2013 |
Ramírez I, Allende Prieto C, Lambert DL. Oxygen abundances in nearby FGK stars and the galactic chemical evolution of the local disk and halo Astrophysical Journal. 764. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/764/1/78 |
0.653 |
2013 |
Garcia-Hernandez DA, Zamora O, Yague A, Uttenthaler S, Karakas AI, Lugaro MA, Ventura P, Lambert DL. Hot bottom burning and s-process nucleosynthesis in massive AGB stars at the beginning of the thermally-pulsing phase Astronomy and Astrophysics. 555: 1-6. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201321818 |
0.444 |
2012 |
Ramya P, Reddy BE, Lambert DL. Chemical compositions of stars in two stellar streams from the Galactic thick disc Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 425: 3188-3200. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2012.21677.X |
0.503 |
2012 |
Stanford LM, Lambert DL. Two groups within the thick disc of the Milky Way? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 424: 2118-2129. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2012.21364.X |
0.465 |
2012 |
Reddy ABS, Giridhar S, Lambert DL. Comprehensive abundance analysis of red giants in the open clusters NGC 752, 1817, 2360 and 2506 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 419: 1350-1361. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2011.19791.X |
0.429 |
2012 |
Rao SS, Giridhar S, Lambert DL. Chemical composition of a sample of candidate post-asymptotic giant branch stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 419: 1254-1270. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2011.19780.X |
0.529 |
2012 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL, García-Hernández DA, Jeffery CS, Woolf VM, McArthur B. The Hot R Coronae Borealis Star DY Centauri is a Binary The Astrophysical Journal. 760. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/760/1/L3 |
0.512 |
2012 |
García-Hernández DA, Rao NK, Lambert DL. High-resolution optical spectroscopy of DY Cen: Diffuse interstellar bands in a proto-fullerene circumstellar environment? Astrophysical Journal Letters. 759. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/759/1/L21 |
0.38 |
2012 |
Taylor CJ, Ritchey AM, Federman SR, Lambert DL. The 7Li/6Li Isotope ratio near the supernova remnant IC 443 Astrophysical Journal Letters. 750. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/750/1/L15 |
0.399 |
2012 |
Ramírez I, Fish JR, Lambert DL, Allende Prieto C. Lithium abundances in nearby FGK dwarf and subgiant stars: Internal destruction, galactic chemical evolution, and exoplanets Astrophysical Journal. 756. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/756/1/46 |
0.692 |
2012 |
Hema BP, Pandey G, Lambert DL. The galactic R coronae borealis stars: The C2 swan bands, the carbon problem, and the 12C/13C ratio Astrophysical Journal. 747. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/747/2/102 |
0.36 |
2012 |
Bonifacio P, Caffau E, Venn KA, Lambert DL. An upper limit on the sulphur abundance in HE 1327-2326 Astronomy and Astrophysics. 544. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201219537 |
0.515 |
2012 |
Hema BP, Pandey G, Lambert DL. The galactic r coronae borealis stars and the final he-shell flash object V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object): A comparison Proceedings of Science. |
0.307 |
2012 |
Ritchey AM, Taylor CJ, Federman SR, Lambert DL. Lithium isotope ratios near the supernova remnant IC 443 Memorie Della Societa Astronomica Italiana, Supplementi - Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society, Supplement. 22: 137-141. |
0.389 |
2011 |
Balachandran SC, Mallik SV, Lambert DL. Lithium abundances in the α Per cluster Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 410: 2526-2539. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.17630.X |
0.477 |
2011 |
Şahin T, Lambert DL, Klochkova VG, Tavolganskaya NS. High-resolution optical spectroscopy of the F supergiant protoplanetary nebula IRAS 18095+2704 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 410: 612-626. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.17467.X |
0.516 |
2011 |
Rao SS, Pandey G, Lambert DL, Giridhar S. Is the post-AGB star SAO40039 mildly hydrogen-deficient? Astrophysical Journal Letters. 737. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/737/1/L7 |
0.533 |
2011 |
Kumar YB, Reddy BE, Lambert DL. Origin of lithium enrichment in K giants Astrophysical Journal Letters. 730. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/730/1/L12 |
0.441 |
2011 |
García-Hernández DA, Rao NK, Lambert DL. Dust Around R Coronae Borealis Stars. I. Spitzer/Infrared Spectrograph Observations The Astrophysical Journal. 739: 37. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/739/1/37 |
0.493 |
2011 |
García-Hernndez DA, Rao NK, Lambert DL. Are C60 molecules detectable in circumstellar shells of R Coronae Borealis stars? Astrophysical Journal. 729. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/729/2/126 |
0.323 |
2011 |
Ritchey AM, Federman SR, Sheffer Y, Lambert DL. The abundance of boron in diffuse interstellar clouds Astrophysical Journal. 728. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/728/1/70 |
0.423 |
2011 |
Ritchey AM, Federman SR, Lambert DL. Interstellar CN and CH+ in diffuse molecular clouds: 12C/13C ratios and CN excitation Astrophysical Journal. 728. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/728/1/36 |
0.328 |
2011 |
Pandey G, Lambert DL. Neon and CNO abundances for extreme helium stars-A non-LTE analysis Astrophysical Journal. 727. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/727/2/122 |
0.457 |
2011 |
Luck RE, Lambert DL. The distribution of the elements in the galactic disk. III. A reconsideration of Cepheids from l= 30° to 250° Astronomical Journal. 142. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/142/4/136 |
0.698 |
2011 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL. Nebula around R Corona Borealis Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 7: 476-477. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921312012008 |
0.323 |
2010 |
Cunha K, Smith VV, Bergemann M, Suntzeff NB, Lambert DL. MANGANESE ABUNDANCES IN THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER {omega} CENTAURI The Astrophysical Journal. 717. DOI: 10.15781/T2Sv4B |
0.466 |
2010 |
Iglesias-Groth S, Manchado A, Rebolo R, Hernández JIG, García-Hernández DA, Lambert DL. A search for interstellar anthracene towards the Perseus anomalous microwave emission region Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 407: 2157-2165. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2010.17075.X |
0.435 |
2010 |
Lyubimkov LS, Lambert DL, Rostopchin SI, Rachkovskaya TM, Poklad DB. Accurate fundamental parameters for A-, F- and G-type Supergiants in the solar neighbourhood Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 402: 1369-1379. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2009.15979.X |
0.416 |
2010 |
Cunha K, Smith VV, Bergemann M, Suntzeff NB, Lambert DL. MANGANESE ABUNDANCES IN THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER ω CENTAURI The Astrophysical Journal. 717: 333-341. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/717/1/333 |
0.678 |
2010 |
García-Hernndez DA, Lambert DL, Rao NK, Hinkle KH, Eriksson K. Oxygen isotopic ratios in cool R coronae borealis stars Astrophysical Journal. 714: 144-154. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/714/1/144 |
0.423 |
2009 |
Şahin T, Lambert DL. High-resolution optical spectroscopy of a newly discovered post-AGB star with a surprising metallicity in the globular cluster M79 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 398: 1730-1741. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2009.15251.X |
0.5 |
2009 |
Hernández JIG, Iglesias-Groth S, Rebolo R, García-Hernández DA, Manchado A, Lambert DL. The Chemical Composition of Cernis 52 (BD+31° 640) The Astrophysical Journal. 706: 866-876. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/706/1/866 |
0.513 |
2009 |
Walker KM, Federman SR, Knauth DC, Lambert DL. Rubidium in the interstellar medium Astrophysical Journal. 706: 614-622. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/706/1/614 |
0.452 |
2009 |
Garcia-Hernandez DA, Manchado A, Lambert DL, Plez B, Garcia-Lario P, D'Antona F, Lugaro M, Karakas A, Raai MAv. Rb-Rich Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars in the Magellanic Clouds The Astrophysical Journal. 705. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/705/1/L31 |
0.514 |
2009 |
Chavez J, Lambert DL. Isotopic titanium abundances in local M dwarfs Astrophysical Journal. 699: 1906-1918. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/699/2/1906 |
0.538 |
2009 |
García-Hernández DA, Hinkle KH, Lambert DL, Eriksson K. CNO abundances of hydrogen-deficient carbon and R coronae borealis stars: A view of the nucleosynthesis in a white dwarf merger Astrophysical Journal. 696: 1733-1754. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/696/2/1733 |
0.522 |
2008 |
Davis AM, Hashizume K, Chaussidon M, Ireland TR, Prieto CA, Lambert DL. Oxygen in the sun Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. 68: 73-92. DOI: 10.2138/Rmg.2008.68.6 |
0.587 |
2008 |
Reddy BE, Lambert DL. Searching for the metal-weak thick disc in the solar neighbourhood Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 391: 95-109. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2008.13905.X |
0.53 |
2008 |
Hughes GL, Gibson BK, Carigi L, Sánchez-Blázquez P, Chavez JM, Lambert DL. The evolution of carbon, sulphur and titanium isotopes from high redshift to the local Universe Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 390: 1710-1718. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2008.13870.X |
0.452 |
2008 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL. High-resolution spectroscopy of the R Coronae Borealis star v Coronae Australis Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 384: 477-488. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2007.12643.X |
0.494 |
2008 |
Allende Prieto C, Sivarani T, Beers TC, Lee YS, Koesterke L, Shetrone M, Sneden C, Lambert DL, Wilhelm R, Rockosi CM, Lai DK, Yanny B, Ivans II, Johnson JA, Aoki W, et al. The segue stellar parameter pipeline. III. Comparison with high-resolution spectroscopy of SDSS/SEGUE field stars Astronomical Journal. 136: 2070-2082. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/136/5/2070 |
0.716 |
2008 |
Yong D, Karakas AI, Lambert DL, Chieffi A, Limongi M. Heavy Element Abundances in Giant Stars of the Globular Clusters M4 and M5 The Astrophysical Journal. 689: 1031-1043. DOI: 10.1086/592600 |
0.637 |
2008 |
Iglesias-Groth S, Manchado A, García-Hernández DA, Hernández JIG, Lambert DL. Evidence for the Naphthalene Cation in a Region of the Interstellar Medium with Anomalous Microwave Emission The Astrophysical Journal. 685. DOI: 10.1086/592349 |
0.337 |
2008 |
Sheffer Y, Rogers M, Federman SR, Abel NP, Gredel R, Lambert DL, Shaw G. Ultraviolet survey of CO and H2 in diffuse molecular clouds: The reflection of two photochemistry regimes in abundance relationships Astrophysical Journal. 687: 1075-1106. DOI: 10.1086/591484 |
0.52 |
2008 |
Venn KA, Lambert DL. Could the ultra-metal-poor stars be chemically peculiar and not related to the first stars? Astrophysical Journal. 677: 572-580. DOI: 10.1086/529069 |
0.535 |
2008 |
Pandey G, Lambert DL, Rao NK. Fluorine in R coronae borealis stars Astrophysical Journal. 674: 1068-1077. DOI: 10.1086/526492 |
0.461 |
2008 |
Yong D, Lambert DL, Paulson DB, Carney BW. Rubidium and lead abundances in giant stars of the globular clusters M4 and M5 Astrophysical Journal. 673: 854-863. DOI: 10.1086/524376 |
0.804 |
2008 |
Ramírez I, Allende Prieto C, Lambert DL. Granulation in K-type dwarf stars I. Spectroscopic observations Astronomy and Astrophysics. 492: 841-855. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:200810901 |
0.688 |
2007 |
Thompson HMA, Keenan FP, Dufton PL, Ryans RSI, Smoker JV, Lambert DL, Zijlstra AA. Iron abundances of B-type post-asymptotic giant branch stars in globular clusters: Barnard 29 in M 13 and ROA 5701 in ω Cen* Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 378: 1619-1632. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2007.11916.X |
0.531 |
2007 |
Maas T, Giridhar S, Lambert DL. The chemical compositions of the type II cepheids - The BL Herculis and W Virginis variables Astrophysical Journal. 666: 378-392. DOI: 10.1086/520081 |
0.514 |
2007 |
Hinkle KH, Brittain SD, Lambert DL. Infrared high-resolution spectroscopy of post-AGB circumstellar disks. I. HR 4049: The winnowing flow observed? Astrophysical Journal. 664: 501-517. DOI: 10.1086/518682 |
0.485 |
2007 |
Vanture AD, Smith VV, Lutz J, Wallerstein G, Lambert D, Gonzalez G. Correlations between lithium and technetium absorption lines in the spectra of Galactic S stars Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 119: 147-155. DOI: 10.1086/512823 |
0.537 |
2006 |
Kameswara Rao N, Lambert DL, Shetrone MD. R Coronae Borealis at the 2003 light minimum Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 370: 941-953. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2006.10520.X |
0.419 |
2006 |
Reddy BE, Lambert DL, Prieto CA. Elemental abundance survey of the Galactic thick disc Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 367: 1329-1366. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2006.10148.X |
0.699 |
2006 |
Ritchey AM, Martinez M, Pan K, Federman SR, Lambert DL. The nature of interstellar gas toward the pleiades revealed in absorption lines Astrophysical Journal. 649: 788-806. DOI: 10.1086/506585 |
0.352 |
2006 |
Ryde N, Richter MJ, Harper GM, Eriksson K, Lambert DL. Water vapor on supergiants: The 12 μm texes spectra of μ cephei Astrophysical Journal. 645: 652-658. DOI: 10.1086/504287 |
0.371 |
2006 |
Welty DE, Federman SR, Gredel R, Thorburn JA, Lambert DL. VLT UVES observations of interstellar molecules and diffuse bands in the magellanic clouds Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 165: 138-172. DOI: 10.1086/504153 |
0.361 |
2006 |
Asplund M, Lambert DL, Nissen PE, Primas F, Smith VV. Lithium isotopic abundances in metal-poor halo stars The Astrophysical Journal. 644: 229-259. DOI: 10.1086/503538 |
0.485 |
2006 |
Mendel JT, Venn KA, Proffitt CR, Brooks AM, Lambert DL. Testing rotational mixing predictions with new boron abundances in main-sequence B-type stars Astrophysical Journal. 640: 1039-1050. DOI: 10.1086/500252 |
0.473 |
2006 |
Yong D, Aoki W, Lambert DL, Paulson DB. Rubidium and lead abundances in giant stars of the globular clusters M13 and NGC 6752 Astrophysical Journal. 639: 918-928. DOI: 10.1086/499580 |
0.833 |
2006 |
Yong D, Aoki W, Lambert DL. Mg isotope ratios in giant stars of the globular clusters M13 and M71 1 Astrophysical Journal. 638: 1018-1027. DOI: 10.1086/498974 |
0.633 |
2006 |
Pandey G, Lambert DL, Jeffery CS, Rao NK. An Analysis of Ultraviolet Spectra of Extreme Helium Stars and New Clues to Their Origins The Astrophysical Journal. 638: 454-471. DOI: 10.1086/498674 |
0.533 |
2006 |
Ramirez I, Prieto CA, Redfield S, Lambert DL. Fundamental parameters and abundances of metal-poor stars : the SDSS standard BD +17 4708 Astronomy and Astrophysics. 459: 613-625. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20065647 |
0.64 |
2005 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Reddy BE, Gonzalez G, Yong D. Abundance Analyses of Field RV Tauri Stars. VI. An Extended Sample The Astrophysical Journal. 627: 432-445. DOI: 10.1086/430265 |
0.697 |
2005 |
Reddy BE, Lambert DL. Three Li-rich K giants: IRAS 12327-6523, 13539-4153, and 17596-3952 Astronomical Journal. 129: 2831-2835. DOI: 10.1086/430190 |
0.485 |
2005 |
Federman SR, Sheffer Y, Lambert DL, Smith VV. Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer measurements of interstellar fluorine Astrophysical Journal. 619: 884-890. DOI: 10.1086/426778 |
0.404 |
2005 |
Yong D, Grundahl F, Nissen PE, Jensen HR, Lambert DL. Abundances in giant stars of the globular cluster NGC 6752 Astronomy and Astrophysics. 438: 875-888. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20052916 |
0.686 |
2005 |
Ramirez I, Allende Prieto C, Lambert DL. Oxygen in galactic disk stars: Non-LTE abundances from the 777 nm O I triplet Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union. 1: 271-272. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921305005788 |
0.662 |
2005 |
Prieto CA, Yong D, Lambert DL. Oxygen, sodium and iron abundances in the Hyades European Space Agency, (Special Publication) Esa Sp. 389-390. |
0.602 |
2004 |
Rao NK, Reddy BE, Lambert DL. R coronae borealis stars at minimum light - UW Cen Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 355: 855-861. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2004.08363.X |
0.41 |
2004 |
Pandey G, Lambert DL, Rao NK, Gustafsson B, Ryde N, Yong D. The R Coronae Borealis stars: Carbon abundances from forbidden carbon lines Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 353: 143-152. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2004.08057.X |
0.656 |
2004 |
Lyubimkov LS, Rostopchin SI, Lambert DL. Surface abundances of light elements for a large sample of early B-type stars - III. An analysis of helium lines in spectra of 102 stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 351: 745-767. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2004.07825.X |
0.479 |
2004 |
Lambert DL, Reddy BE. Lithium abundances of the local thin disc stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 349: 757-767. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2004.07557.X |
0.526 |
2004 |
Federman SR, Knauth DC, Lambert DL. The interstellar rubidium isotope ratio toward ρ Ophiuchi A Astrophysical Journal. 603: L105-L108. DOI: 10.1086/383225 |
0.394 |
2004 |
Pandey G, Lambert DL, Rao NK, Jeffery CS. Abundances of Neutron-Capture Elements in the Hot Extreme Helium Stars V1920 Cygni and HD 124448 The Astrophysical Journal. 602. DOI: 10.1086/382684 |
0.513 |
2004 |
Boesgaard AM, McGrath EJ, Lambert DL, Cunha K. Boron benchmarks for the Galactic disk Astrophysical Journal. 606: 306-318. DOI: 10.1086/382672 |
0.69 |
2004 |
Yong D, Lambert DL, Prieto CA, Paulson DB. Magnesium isotope ratios in Hyades stars Astrophysical Journal. 603: 697-707. DOI: 10.1086/381701 |
0.81 |
2004 |
Yushchenko AV, Gopka VF, Khokhlova VL, Lambert DL, Kim C, Kang YW. HD 153720 - A SB2 system with twin metallic-line components Astronomy and Astrophysics. 425: 171-177. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20035922 |
0.445 |
2004 |
Ryde N, Lambert DL. On the galactic chemical evolution of sulfur Astronomy and Astrophysics. 415: 559-569. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20034616 |
0.465 |
2004 |
Goswami A, Kameswara Rao N, Lambert DL. A high-resolution spectroscopic analysis of the supergiant HD 165553 Observatory. 124: 47-54. |
0.431 |
2003 |
Yong D, Lambert DL, Ivans II. Magnesium isotopic abundance ratios in cool stars Astrophysical Journal. 599: 1357-1371. DOI: 10.1086/379369 |
0.803 |
2003 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL. A High-Resolution Spectrum of the R Coronae Borealis Star V2552 Ophiuchi Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 115: 1304-1307. DOI: 10.1086/379205 |
0.384 |
2003 |
Knauth DC, Federman SR, Lambert DL. Erratum: “An Ultra–High‐Resolution Survey of the Interstellar7Li/6Li Isotope Ratio in the Solar Neighborhood” (ApJ, 586, 268 [2003]) The Astrophysical Journal. 594: 664-664. DOI: 10.1086/377371 |
0.36 |
2003 |
Cunha K, Smith VV, Lambert DL, Hinkle KH. Fluorine abundances in the large magellanic cloud and ω Centauri: Evidence for neutrino nucleosynthesis? Astronomical Journal. 126: 1305-1311. DOI: 10.1086/377023 |
0.658 |
2003 |
Yong D, Lambert DL. Finding cool subdwarfs using a V - J reduced proper-motion diagram: Stellar parameters for 91 candidates Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 115: 796-806. DOI: 10.1086/376398 |
0.673 |
2003 |
Prieto CA, Hubeny I, Lambert DL. Non-LTE Model Atmospheres for Late-Type Stars. II. Restricted Non-LTE Calculations for A Solar-Like Atmosphere Astrophysical Journal. 591: 1192-1202. DOI: 10.1086/375527 |
0.601 |
2003 |
Federman SR, Lambert DL, Sheffer Y, Cardelli JA, Andersson BG, Van Dishoeck EF, Zsargó J. Further evidence for chemical fractionation from ultraviolet observations of carbon monoxide Astrophysical Journal. 591: 986-999. DOI: 10.1086/375483 |
0.366 |
2003 |
Allende Prieto C, Lambert DL, Hubeny I, Lanz T. Non-LTE model atmospheres for late-type stars. I. A collection of data for light neutral and singly ionized atoms Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 147: 363-368. DOI: 10.1086/375213 |
0.385 |
2003 |
Knauth DC, Federman SR, Lambert DL. An ultra-high-resolution survey of the interstellar 7Li/6Li isotope ratio in the solar neighborhood Astrophysical Journal. 586: 268-285. DOI: 10.1086/346264 |
0.494 |
2003 |
Yong D, Lambert DL. A search for cool subdwarfs: Stellar parameters for 134 candidates Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 115: 22-36. DOI: 10.1086/345104 |
0.687 |
2003 |
Yong D, Grundahl F, Lambert DL, Nissen PE, Shetrone M. Mg isotopic ratios in giant stars of the globular cluster NGC 6752 Astronomy and Astrophysics. 402: 985-1001. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20030296 |
0.682 |
2003 |
Reddy BE, Tomkin J, Lambert DL, Prieto CA. The chemical compositions of Galactic disc F and G dwarfs Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 340: 304-340. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2003.06305.X |
0.697 |
2002 |
Smith VV, Hinkle KH, Cunha K, Plez B, Lambert DL, Pilachowski CA, Barbuy B, Meléndez J, Balachandran S, Bessell MS, Geisler DP, Hesser JE, Winge C. Chemical abundances in 12 red giants of the large magellanic cloud from high-resolution infrared spectroscopy Astronomical Journal. 124: 3241-3254. DOI: 10.1086/344482 |
0.725 |
2002 |
Ryde N, Lambert DL, Richter MJ, Lacy JH. Detection of water vapor in the photosphere of arcturus Astrophysical Journal. 580: 447-458. DOI: 10.1086/343040 |
0.402 |
2002 |
Prieto CA, Lambert DL, Asplund M. A Reappraisal of the Solar Photospheric C/O Ratio The Astrophysical Journal. 573. DOI: 10.1086/342095 |
0.602 |
2002 |
Sheffer Y, Federman SR, Lambert DL. High-resolution measurements of intersystem bands of carbon monoxide toward X persei Astrophysical Journal. 572: L95-L98. DOI: 10.1086/341549 |
0.307 |
2002 |
Brooks AM, Venn KA, Lambert DL, Lemke M, Cunha K, Smith VV. Boron in the small magellanic cloud: A novel test of light-element production Astrophysical Journal. 573: 584-596. DOI: 10.1086/340662 |
0.529 |
2002 |
Drake NA, Reza Rdl, Silva Ld, Lambert DL. Rapidly Rotating Lithium-rich K Giants: The New Case of the Giant PDS 365 The Astronomical Journal. 123: 2703-2714. DOI: 10.1086/339968 |
0.43 |
2002 |
Allende Prieto C, Lambert DL, Tull RG, MacQueen PJ. Convective wavelength shifts in the spectra of late-type stars Astrophysical Journal. 566: L93-L96. DOI: 10.1086/339658 |
0.502 |
2002 |
Reddy BE, Lambert DL, Hrivnak BJ, Bakker EJ. Spectroscopic study of IRAS 19285+0517 (PDS 100): A rapidly rotating Li-rich K giant Astronomical Journal. 123: 1993-2001. DOI: 10.1086/339310 |
0.523 |
2002 |
Prieto CA, Asplund M, López RJG, Lambert DL. Signatures of convection in the spectrum of Procyon: Fundamental parameters and iron abundance Astrophysical Journal. 567: 544-565. DOI: 10.1086/338248 |
0.63 |
2002 |
Venn KA, Brooks AM, Lambert DL, Lemke M, Langer N, Lennon DJ, Keenan FP. Boron abundances in B-type stars: A test of rotational depletion during main-sequence evolution Astrophysical Journal. 565: 571-586. DOI: 10.1086/324435 |
0.521 |
2002 |
Reddy BE, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G, Yong D. Spectroscopic Analysis of Two Carbon-rich Post-Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars The Astrophysical Journal. 564: 482-494. DOI: 10.1086/324216 |
0.7 |
2002 |
Nissen PE, Primas F, Asplund M, Lambert DL. O/Fe in metal-poor main sequence and subgiant stars Astronomy and Astrophysics. 390: 235-251. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20020736 |
0.419 |
2002 |
Plez B, Lambert DL. The outer atmosphere of the M-type supergiant α Orionis: KI 7699 Å emission Astronomy and Astrophysics. 386: 1009-1018. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20020363 |
0.408 |
2002 |
Ryans R, Dufton P, Rolleston WRJ, Lennon DJ, Keenan F, Smoker J, Lambert DL. Macroturbulent and rotational broadening in the spectra of B-type supergiants Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 336: 577-586. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2002.05780.X |
0.401 |
2002 |
Reddy BE, Lambert DL, Laws C, Gonzalez G, Covey K. A search for 6Li in stars with planets Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 335: 1005-1016. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2002.05682.X |
0.708 |
2002 |
Lambert DL, Allende Prieto C. The isotopic mixture of barium in the metal-poor subgiant HD 140283 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 335: 325-334. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2002.05643.X |
0.43 |
2002 |
Rao NK, Goswami A, Lambert DL. High-resolution spectroscopy of QY Sge: An obscured RV Tauri variable? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 334: 129-136. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2002.05502.X |
0.429 |
2002 |
Lyubimkov LS, Rachkovskaya TM, Rostopchin SI, Lambert DL. Surface abundances of light elements for a large sample of early B-type stars – II. Basic parameters of 107 stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 333: 9-26. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2002.05341.X |
0.333 |
2001 |
Allende Prieto C, Lambert DL, Asplund M. The Forbidden abundance of oxygen in the sun Astrophysical Journal. 556. DOI: 10.1086/322874 |
0.457 |
2001 |
Busso M, Gallino R, Lambert DL, Travaglio C, Smith VV. Nucleosynthesis and Mixing on the Asymptotic Giant Branch. III. Predicted and Observed s-Process Abundances The Astrophysical Journal. 557: 802-821. DOI: 10.1086/322258 |
0.473 |
2001 |
Knauth DC, Federman SR, Pan K, Yan M, Lambert DL. Physical conditions in the foreground gas of reflection nebulae: NGC 2023, VDB 102, and NGC 7023 Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 135: 201-255. DOI: 10.1086/321786 |
0.396 |
2001 |
Lambert DL, Rao NK, Pandey G, Ivans II. Infrared Space Observatory Spectra of R Coronae Borealis Stars. I. Emission Features in the Interval 3-25 Microns* The Astrophysical Journal. 555: 925-931. DOI: 10.1086/321504 |
0.365 |
2001 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G, Pandey G. Chemical Compositions of Four Metal-poor Giant Stars Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 113: 519-528. DOI: 10.1086/320291 |
0.492 |
2001 |
Smith VV, Vargas-Ferro O, Lambert DL, Olgin JG. An analysis of the K I λ7698 line profile in the halo turnoff Star HD 84937 and its implications for Lithium Isotopic studies Astronomical Journal. 121: 453-457. DOI: 10.1086/318026 |
0.435 |
2001 |
Pandey G, Rao PNK, Lambert DL, Jeffery CS, Asplund M. Abundance analyses of cool extreme helium stars Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 324: 937-959. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2001.04371.X |
0.504 |
2001 |
Lambert DL. Chemical compositions of metal-poor stars - dreams and nightmares Nuclear Physics A. 688. DOI: 10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00663-7 |
0.44 |
2000 |
Knauth DC, Federman SR, Lambert DL, Crane P. Newly synthesized lithium in the interstellar medium Nature. 405: 656-8. PMID 10864316 DOI: 10.1038/35015028 |
0.456 |
2000 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. The Chemical Compositions of the SRd Variable Stars. III. KK Aquilae, AG Aurigae, Z Aurigae, W Leo Minoris, and WW Tauri Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 112: 1559-1566. DOI: 10.1086/317721 |
0.446 |
2000 |
Cunha K, Smith VV, Parizot E, Lambert DL. Light-Element Abundance Patterns in the Orion Association. I.Hubble Space Telescope Observations of Boron in G Dwarfs The Astrophysical Journal. 543: 850-860. DOI: 10.1086/317139 |
0.48 |
2000 |
Gay PL, Lambert DL. The isotopic abundances of magnesium in stars Astrophysical Journal. 533: 260-270. DOI: 10.1086/308653 |
0.492 |
2000 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. Abundance Analyses of Field RV Tauri Stars. V. DS Aquarii, UY Arae, TW Camelopardalis, BT Librae, U Monocerotis, TT Ophiuchi, R Scuti, and RV Tauri The Astrophysical Journal. 531: 521-536. DOI: 10.1086/308451 |
0.465 |
2000 |
Cunha K, Smith VV, Boesgaard AM, Lambert DL. A uniform analysis of boron in F and G disk dwarfs from Hubble Space Telescope archival spectra The Astrophysical Journal. 530: 939-948. DOI: 10.1086/308415 |
0.483 |
2000 |
Prieto CA, López RJG, Lambert DL, Cobo BR. Model Photospheres for Late-Type Stars from the Inversion of High-Resolution Spectroscopic Observations: Groombridge 1830 and ∊ Eridani The Astrophysical Journal. 528: 885-895. DOI: 10.1086/308213 |
0.637 |
2000 |
Prieto CA, Lambert DL. The near-ultraviolet continuum of late-type stars Astronomical Journal. 119: 2445-2454. DOI: 10.1086/301340 |
0.698 |
2000 |
Smith VV, Suntzeff NB, Cunha K, Gallino R, Busso M, Lambert DL, Straniero O. The Chemical Evolution of the Globular Cluster ω Centauri (NGC 5139) The Astronomical Journal. 119: 1239-1258. DOI: 10.1086/301276 |
0.519 |
2000 |
Lyubimkov LS, Lambert DL, Rachkovskaya TM, Rostopchin SI, Tarasov AE, Poklad DB, Larionov VM, Larionova LV. Surface abundances of light elements for a large sample of early B‐type stars – I. Spectral observations of 123 stars; measurements of hydrogen and helium lines; infrared photometry Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 316: 19-32. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2000.03413.X |
0.524 |
2000 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL. High-resolution spectroscopy of V854 Cen in decline - Absorption and emission lines of C2 molecules Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 313. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2000.03397.X |
0.43 |
2000 |
Cram L, Barbuy B, Gerbaldi M, Lambert D, Pallavicini R, Zahn J, Zinnecker H. Division IV: Stars: (Etoiles) Transactions of the International Astronomical Union. 24: 173-175. DOI: 10.1017/S0251107X00002832 |
0.49 |
2000 |
Vrancken M, Lennon DJ, Dufton PL, Lambert DL. The atmospheric parameters and chemical composition of early B-type giants in h and χ Persei Astronomy and Astrophysics. 358: 639-650. |
0.391 |
2000 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. The chemical compositions of the SRd variable stars. III. KK Aquilae, AG Aurigae, Z Aurigae, W Leo minoris, and WW Tauri Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 112: 1559-1566. |
0.337 |
2000 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. Abundance analyses of field RV Tauri stars. V. DS Aquarii, UY Arae, TW Camelopardalis, BT Librae, U Monocerotis, TT Ophiuchi, R Scuti, and RV Tauri Astrophysical Journal. 531: 521-536. |
0.36 |
1999 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. The Chemical Compositions of the SRd Variable Stars- II. WY Andromedae, VW Eridani, and UW Librae Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 111: 1269-1274. DOI: 10.1086/316436 |
0.459 |
1999 |
Sheffer Y, Lambert DL. Intereclipse spectroscopic snapshot of ε Aurigae with the Hubble Space Telescope Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 111: 829-839. DOI: 10.1086/316398 |
0.416 |
1999 |
Woolf VM, Lambert DL. Three very young HgMn stars in the Orion OB1 association Astrophysical Journal. 520. DOI: 10.1086/312146 |
0.474 |
1999 |
Prieto CA, López RJG, Lambert DL, Gustafsson B. A Consistency Test of Spectroscopic Gravities for Late-Type Stars The Astrophysical Journal. 527: 879-892. DOI: 10.1086/308096 |
0.526 |
1999 |
Prieto CA, López RJG, Lambert DL, Gustafsson B. Spectroscopic Observations of Convective Patterns in the Atmospheres of Metal-poor Stars The Astrophysical Journal. 526: 991-1000. DOI: 10.1086/308019 |
0.669 |
1999 |
Tomkin J, Lambert DL. Rubidium in metal-deficient disk and halo stars Astrophysical Journal. 523: 234-247. DOI: 10.1086/307735 |
0.519 |
1999 |
Woolf VM, Lambert DL. Mercury elemental and isotopic abundances in mercury-manganese stars Astrophysical Journal. 521: 414-431. DOI: 10.1086/307551 |
0.489 |
1999 |
Cunha K, Smith VV, Lambert DL. The boron abundance of the Orion G-dwarf member BD -05°1317 Astrophysical Journal. 519: 844-849. DOI: 10.1086/307413 |
0.484 |
1999 |
Combi MR, Cochran AL, Cochran WD, Lambert DL, Johns-Krull CM. Observation and analysis of high-resolution optical line profiles in comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2) The Astrophysical Journal. 512: 961-968. DOI: 10.1086/306798 |
0.397 |
1999 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL, Adams MT, Doss DR, Gonzalez G, Hatzes AP, James CR, Johns-Krull CM, Luck RE, Pandey G, Reinsch K, Tomkin J, Woolf VM. The 1995-96 decline of R Coronae Borealis: high-resolution optical spectroscopy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 310: 717-744. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.1999.02993.X |
0.668 |
1999 |
Allende Prieto C, Lambert DL. Fundamental parameters of nearby stars from the comparison with evolutionary calculations: Masses, radii and effective temperatures Astronomy and Astrophysics. 352: 555-562. |
0.368 |
1999 |
Nissen PE, Lambert DL, Primas F, Smith VV. Isotopic lithium abundances in five metal-poor disk stars Astronomy and Astrophysics. 348: 211-221. |
0.486 |
1999 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. The chemical compositions of the SRd variable stars. II. WY Andromedae, VW Eridani, and UW Librae Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 111: 1269-1274. |
0.353 |
1998 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. The Chemical Compositions of the SRd Variable Stars. I. XY Aquarii, RX Cephei, AB Leonis, and SV Ursae Majoris Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 110: 671-675. DOI: 10.1086/316179 |
0.503 |
1998 |
Gonzalez G, Lambert DL, Wallerstein G, Rao NK, Smith VV, McCarthy JK. FG Sagittae: A newborn R coronae borealis star? Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 114: 133-149. DOI: 10.1086/313068 |
0.491 |
1998 |
Glridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. Abundance analyses of field RV Tauri stars. IV. AD aquilae, ds aquarii, V360 cygni, AC Herculis, and V453 ophiuchi Astrophysical Journal. 509: 366-378. DOI: 10.1086/306487 |
0.484 |
1998 |
Barker EJ, Lambert DL. The circumstellar shell of the post-asymptotic giant branch star HD 56126:12C12C/12C13C isotope ratio and12C16O column density Astrophysical Journal. 508: 387-396. DOI: 10.1086/306403 |
0.336 |
1998 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL, Nissen PE. Isotopic lithium abundances in nine halo stars Astrophysical Journal. 506: 405-423. DOI: 10.1086/306238 |
0.485 |
1998 |
Barker EJ, Lambert DL. The circumstellar shell of the post-asymptotic giant branch star HD 56126: The12CN/13CN isotope ratio and fractionation Astrophysical Journal. 502: 417-427. DOI: 10.1086/305879 |
0.38 |
1998 |
López JG, Lambert DL, Edvardsson B, Gustafsson B, Kiselman D, Rebolo R. Boron in very metal-poor stars The Astrophysical Journal. 500: 241-256. DOI: 10.1086/305722 |
0.548 |
1998 |
Lambert DL, Sheffer Y, Federman SR, Cardelli JA, Sofia UJ, Knauth DC. The 11B/10B ratio of local interstellar diffuse clouds Astrophysical Journal. 494: 614-622. DOI: 10.1086/305235 |
0.337 |
1998 |
Cunha K, Smith VV, Lambert DL. Chemical evolution of the Orion association. IV. The oxygen and iron abundances of F and G stars Astrophysical Journal. 493: 195-205. DOI: 10.1086/305118 |
0.46 |
1998 |
Boesgaard AM, Deliyannis CP, Stephens A, Lambert DL. Boron in lithium- and beryllium-deficient F stars Astrophysical Journal. 492: 727-742. DOI: 10.1086/305059 |
0.526 |
1998 |
Joyce RR, Hinkle KH, Wallace L, Dulick M, Lambert DL. Spectra of Cool Stars in the J Band (1.0-1.3 μm) at Medium Resolution The Astronomical Journal. 116: 2520-2529. DOI: 10.1086/300594 |
0.424 |
1998 |
Lambert DL. A Retrospective Introduction Highlights of Astronomy. 11: 94-98. DOI: 10.1017/S1539299600020062 |
0.513 |
1998 |
Goswami A, Rao NK, Lambert DL. Is DZ Andromedae an R Coronae Borealis variable? Observatory. 118: 213-218. |
0.347 |
1998 |
Giridhar S, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. The chemical compositions of the SRd variable stars. I. XY Aquarii, RX Cephei, AB Leonis, and SV Ursae Majoris Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 110: 671-675. |
0.418 |
1998 |
Asplund M, Gustafsson B, Rao NK, Lambert DL. Abundance similarities between the R CrB star V854 Cen and the born-again Sakurai's object Astronomy and Astrophysics. 332: 651-660. |
0.305 |
1997 |
Wallerstein G, Iben I, Parker P, Boesgaard AM, Hale GM, Champagne AE, Barnes CA, Käppeler F, Smith VV, Hoffman RD, Timmes FX, Sneden CA, Boyd RN, Meyer BS, Lambert DL. Synthesis of the elements in stars: forty years of progress Reviews of Modern Physics. 69: 995-1084. DOI: 10.1103/Revmodphys.69.995 |
0.697 |
1997 |
Kameswara Rao N, Lambert DL. High-resolution spectroscopy of R CrB - Pulsations, shells and mass loss Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 284: 489-498. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/284.2.389 |
0.407 |
1997 |
Federman SR, Knauth DC, Lambert DL, Andersson BG. Probing the photodissociation region toward HD 200775 Astrophysical Journal. 489: 758-765. DOI: 10.1086/304804 |
0.39 |
1997 |
Gonzalez G, Lambert DL, Glridhar S. Abundance analyses of field RV Tauri variables. III. DY Aquilae, SS Geminorum, CT Orionis, and CE Virginis Astrophysical Journal. 481: 452-466. DOI: 10.1086/304049 |
0.456 |
1997 |
Gonzalez G, Lambert DL, Giridhar S. Abundance analyses of the field RV Tauri variables: EP Lyrae, DY Orionis, AR Puppis, and R Sagittae Astrophysical Journal. 479: 427-440. DOI: 10.1086/303852 |
0.515 |
1997 |
Cunha K, Lambert DL, Lemke M, Gies DR, Roberts LC. Boron abundances of B stars of the Orion association Astrophysical Journal. 478: 211-224. DOI: 10.1086/303791 |
0.492 |
1997 |
Goswami A, Rao NK, Lambert DL, Gonzalez G. On The Hydrogen Deficient Nature Of Z Umi Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 109: 796-798. DOI: 10.1086/133946 |
0.402 |
1997 |
Goswami A, Rao NK, Lambert DL, Smith VV. The Spectrum Of The Cool R Coronae Borealis Variable S Apodis In A Deep Decline Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 109: 270-273. DOI: 10.1086/133884 |
0.36 |
1997 |
Gonzalez G, Lambert DL. Abundance analyses of type II cepheids in globular clusters Astronomical Journal. 114: 341-351. DOI: 10.1086/118478 |
0.449 |
1997 |
Tomkin J, Edvardsson B, Lambert DL, Gustafsson B. The rise and fall of the NaMgAl stars Astronomy and Astrophysics. 327: 587-597. |
0.425 |
1996 |
Pandey G, Rao NK, Lambert DL. The emission-line spectrum of the hot R Coronae Borealis star MV Sgr Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 282: 889-899. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/282.3.889 |
0.418 |
1996 |
Sembach KR, Danks AC, Lambert DL. High-Resolution Observations of Interstellar C2 toward ζ Ophiuchi The Astrophysical Journal. 460. DOI: 10.1086/309971 |
0.312 |
1996 |
Lambert DL, Heath JE, Lemke M, Drake J. The chemical composition of field RR Lyrae stars. I. Iron and calcium Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 103: 183-210. DOI: 10.1086/192274 |
0.42 |
1996 |
Balachandran S, Lambert DL, Stauffer JR. Lithium in Lower Main-Sequence Stars of the alpha Persei Cluster: Erratum The Astrophysical Journal. 470: 1243. DOI: 10.1086/177947 |
0.341 |
1996 |
Drake JJ, Stern RA, Stringfellow G, Mathioudakis M, Laming JM, Lambert DL. Detection of Quiescent Extreme Ultraviolet Emission from the Very Low Mass Dwarf van Biesbroeck 8: Evidence for a Turbulent Field Dynamo The Astrophysical Journal. 469: 828. DOI: 10.1086/177830 |
0.333 |
1996 |
Federman SR, Weber J, Lambert DL. Cosmic ray-induced chemistry toward perseus OB2 Astrophysical Journal. 463: 181-190. DOI: 10.1086/177233 |
0.351 |
1996 |
Gonzalez G, Lambert DL. A fine abundance analysis of four stars in the α per cluster - A cautionary tale Astronomical Journal. 111: 424-438. DOI: 10.1086/117795 |
0.391 |
1996 |
Briley MM, Smith VV, Suntzeff NB, Lambert DL, Bell RA, Hesser JE. Sodium abundance variations in main-sequence stars of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae Nature. 383: 604-606. DOI: 10.1038/383604A0 |
0.463 |
1996 |
Federman SR, Lambert DL, Cardelli JA, Sheffer Y. The boron isotope ratio in the interstellar medium Nature. 381: 764-766. DOI: 10.1038/381764A0 |
0.383 |
1996 |
Giridhar S, Rao NK, Lambert DL. Spectral variations of DY Cen Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. 17: 23-40. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02709343 |
0.423 |
1996 |
Venn KA, Lambert DL, Lemke M. The abundance of boron in evolved A- and B-type stars Astronomy and Astrophysics. 307: 849-859. |
0.38 |
1995 |
Woolf VM, Tomkin J, Lambert DL. The r-process element europium in galactic disk F and G dwarf stars The Astrophysical Journal. 453: 660-672. DOI: 10.1086/176428 |
0.394 |
1995 |
Cunha K, Smith VV, Lambert DL. Chemical evolution of the orion association. III. The lithium abundance of F and G stars Astrophysical Journal. 452: 634-651. DOI: 10.1086/176336 |
0.698 |
1995 |
Lambert DL, Smith VV, Busso M, Gallino R, Straniero O. The chemical composition of red giants. IV. The neutron density at the s-process site Astrophysical Journal. 450: 302-317. DOI: 10.1086/176141 |
0.451 |
1995 |
Busso M, Lambert DL, Beglio L, Gallino R, Raiteri CM, Smith VV. Nucleosynthesis and mixing on the asymptotic giant branch. II. Carbon and barium stars in the galactic disk The Astrophysical Journal. 446: 775-792. DOI: 10.1086/175835 |
0.429 |
1995 |
Federman SR, Cardell JA, Dishoeck EFV, Lambert DL, Black JH. Vibrationally excited H2, HCl and NO+ in the diffuse clouds toward zeta Ophiuchi The Astrophysical Journal. 445: 325-329. DOI: 10.1086/175696 |
0.332 |
1995 |
Smith VV, Plez B, Lambert DL, Lubowich DA. A Survey of Lithium in the Red Giants of the Magellanic Clouds The Astrophysical Journal. 441: 735-746. DOI: 10.1086/175395 |
0.365 |
1995 |
Lambert DL, Sheffer Y, Federman SR. Hubble Space Telescope observations of C2 molecules in diffuse interstellar clouds Astrophysical Journal. 438: 740-749. DOI: 10.1086/175119 |
0.309 |
1995 |
Tull RG, Macqueen PJ, Sneden C, Lambert DL. The High-Resolution Cross-Dispersed Echelle White Pupil Spectrometer Of The Mcdonald Observatory 2.7-M Telescope Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 107: 251. DOI: 10.1086/133548 |
0.655 |
1995 |
Smith VV, Cunha K, Lambert DL. The chemical composition of omega centauri. I. Heavy-element abundances of seven warm giants Astronomical Journal. 110: 2827-2843. DOI: 10.1086/117732 |
0.696 |
1995 |
Ryan SG, Lambert DL. The demise of the metal poor disk?: Spectroscopic iron abundances Astronomical Journal. 109: 2068-2080. DOI: 10.1086/117432 |
0.498 |
1994 |
Federman SR, Cardelli JA, Sheffer Y, Lambert DL, Morton DC. Intersystem transitions of interstellar carbon monoxide toward zeta Ophiuchi The Astrophysical Journal. 432. DOI: 10.1086/187531 |
0.319 |
1994 |
Plez B, Lambert DL. Fluorescent K I 7699 Å emission from circumstellar shells of red giants: Evidence for highly asymmetric winds Astrophysical Journal. 425. DOI: 10.1086/187320 |
0.313 |
1994 |
Briley MM, Smith VV, Lambert DL. Isotopic carbon ratios among M71 bright red giants Astrophysical Journal. 424. DOI: 10.1086/187289 |
0.454 |
1994 |
Giridhar S, Kameswara Rao N, Lambert DL. The chemical composition of the RV Tauri variable IW Carinae Astrophysical Journal. 437: 476-484. DOI: 10.1086/175011 |
0.522 |
1994 |
Drake JJ, Lambert DL. Sodium in weak G-band giants Astrophysical Journal. 435: 797-804. DOI: 10.1086/174858 |
0.312 |
1994 |
Cunha K, Lambert DL. Chemical evolution of the Orion association. II. The carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, and iron abundances of main-sequence B stars Astrophysical Journal. 426: 170-191. DOI: 10.1086/174053 |
0.482 |
1994 |
Lambert DL, Sheffer Y, Gilliland RL, Federman SR. Interstellar carbon monoxide toward zeta Ophiuchi The Astrophysical Journal. 420: 756. DOI: 10.1086/173600 |
0.317 |
1994 |
Tomkin J, Lambert DL. The Carbon underabundance of the secondary of V356 Sagittarii Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 106: 365. DOI: 10.1086/133387 |
0.412 |
1994 |
Lambert DL, Kameswara Rao N. The R Coronae Borealis stars - A few mere facts Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. 15: 47-67. DOI: 10.1007/Bf03010404 |
0.505 |
1994 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL. High-resolution spectroscopy of V1853 Cygni (LS II + 34°26): Birth of a planetary nebula? Astrophysical Journal. 424. |
0.313 |
1993 |
Tomkin J, Lambert DL, Lemke M. The chemical composition of Algol systems. V: Confirmation of carbon deficiencies in the primaries of eight systems Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 265: 581-587. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/265.3.581 |
0.404 |
1993 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL. Optical emission bands in the spectrum of the R CrB star V854 Cen at minimum Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 263. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/263.1.L27 |
0.381 |
1993 |
Lambert DL. Quantitative stellar spectroscopy with large optical telescopes Physica Scripta. 1993: 186-198. DOI: 10.1088/0031-8949/1993/T47/030 |
0.316 |
1993 |
Cardelli JA, Federman SR, Lambert DL, Theodosiou CE. Ultraviolet transitions of low condensation temperature heavy elements and new data for interstellar arsenic, selenium, tellurium, and lead Astrophysical Journal. 416: L41-L44. DOI: 10.1086/187066 |
0.391 |
1993 |
Plez B, Smith VV, Lambert DL. Lithium abundances and other clues to envelope burning in small Magellanic Cloud asymptotic giant branch stars The Astrophysical Journal. 418: 812-831. DOI: 10.1086/173438 |
0.526 |
1993 |
Smith VV, Coleman H, Lambert DL. Abundances in CH subgiants: Evidence of mass transfer onto main-sequence companions The Astrophysical Journal. 417: 287-297. DOI: 10.1086/173311 |
0.389 |
1993 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL, Nissen PE. The 6Li/7Li ratio in the metal-poor halo dwarfs HD 19445 and HD 84937 The Astrophysical Journal. 408: 262-276. DOI: 10.1086/172585 |
0.412 |
1993 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL. On the absolute magnitude of V482 Cygni, an R Coronae Borealis star Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 105: 574-577. DOI: 10.1086/133196 |
0.464 |
1993 |
Lemke M, Lambert DL, Edvardsson B. The boron abundance of Procyon Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 105: 468-475. DOI: 10.1086/133180 |
0.36 |
1993 |
Rao NK, Lambert DL. High resolution spectroscopy of the R coronae borealis star, V854 centauri, during a delp minimum Astronomical Journal. 105: 1915-1926. DOI: 10.1086/116566 |
0.408 |
1993 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL, Nissen PE. The 6Li/7Li ratio in the metal-poor halo dwarfs HD 19445 and HD 84937 Astrophysical Journal. 408: 262-276. |
0.372 |
1992 |
Luck RE, Lambert DL. The chemical composition of magellanic cloud cepheids and nonvariable supergiants Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 79: 303-329. DOI: 10.1086/191655 |
0.71 |
1992 |
Duncan DK, Lambert DL, Lemke M. The abundance of boron in three halo stars Astrophysical Journal. 401: 584-595. DOI: 10.1086/172088 |
0.437 |
1992 |
Cunha K, Lambert DL. Chemical evolution of the orion association. I. The oxygen abundance of main-sequence B stars Astrophysical Journal. 399: 586-598. DOI: 10.1086/171950 |
0.485 |
1992 |
Busso M, Gallino R, Lambert DL, Raiteri CM, Smith VV. Nucleosynthesis and mixing on the asymptotic giant branch. I. MS and S stars with and without Tc The Astrophysical Journal. 399: 218-230. DOI: 10.1086/171918 |
0.463 |
1992 |
Sheffer Y, Federman SR, Lambert DL, Cardelli JA. Fractionation of CO in the diffuse clouds toward Zeta Ophiuchi The Astrophysical Journal. 397: 482-491. DOI: 10.1086/171805 |
0.339 |
1992 |
Gies DR, Lambert DL. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in early B-type stars Astrophysical Journal. 387: 673-700. DOI: 10.1086/171116 |
0.512 |
1992 |
Lambert DL, McWilliam A, Smith VV. The chemical composition of blue horizontal branch stars in M4 and NGC 6397 Astrophysical Journal. 386: 685-694. DOI: 10.1086/171048 |
0.493 |
1992 |
Sheffer Y, Lambert DL. Behavioral Study Of Yellow Supergiants: Iii. [N Ii] Emission Of Hr 8752 From 1961-1991 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 104: 1054-1059. DOI: 10.1086/133090 |
0.303 |
1992 |
Tomkin J, Lemke M, Lambert DL, Sneden C. The carbon-to-oxygen ratio in halo dwarfs The Astronomical Journal. 104: 1568. DOI: 10.1086/116342 |
0.732 |
1992 |
Federman SR, Lambert DL. High-velocity interstellar gas toward HB 169454 Astronomical Journal. 104: 691-695. DOI: 10.1086/116264 |
0.393 |
1992 |
Lambert DL. Atomic Data, Stellar Atmospheres, and the Hubble Space Telescope Highlights of Astronomy. 9: 557-558. DOI: 10.1017/S1539299600009710 |
0.415 |
1992 |
Giridhar S, Rao NK, Lambert DL. High resolution spectroscopy of the semi-regular variable LR Sco Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. 13: 307-318. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02702268 |
0.455 |
1992 |
Tomkin J, Lemke M, Lambert DL, Sneden C. The carbon-to-oxygen ratio in halo dwarfs Astronomical Journal. 104: 1568-1584. |
0.324 |
1991 |
Lambert DL, Heath JE, Edvardsson B. Lithium abundances for 81 F dwarfs Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 253: 610-618. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/253.4.610 |
0.473 |
1991 |
Smith AM, Bruhweiler FC, Lambert DL, Savage BD, Cardelli JA, Ebbets DC, Lyu C, Sheffer Y. First results from Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph - C I, S I, and CO toward XI Persei and the physical conditions in diffuse clouds The Astrophysical Journal. 377: L61. DOI: 10.1086/186117 |
0.373 |
1991 |
Denn GR, Luck RE, Lambert DL. Lithium abundances in carbon stars Astrophysical Journal. 377: 657-668. DOI: 10.1086/170393 |
0.705 |
1990 |
Roby SW, Lambert DL. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen abundances in the chemically peculiar stars of the upper main sequence Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 73: 67-102. DOI: 10.1086/191440 |
0.531 |
1990 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL. The chemical composition of red giants. III. Further CNO isotopic and s-process abundances in thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 72: 387-416. DOI: 10.1086/191421 |
0.46 |
1990 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL. On the occurrence of enhanced lithium in Magellanic Cloud red giants The Astrophysical Journal. 361. DOI: 10.1086/185829 |
0.512 |
1990 |
Venn KA, Lambert DL. The chemical composition of three lambda Bootis stars Astrophysical Journal. 363: 234-244. DOI: 10.1086/169334 |
0.533 |
1990 |
Crane P, Lambert DL, Palazzi E. The interstellar (C-12)/(C-13) ratio toward Mu Normae The Astrophysical Journal. 363: 192-196. DOI: 10.1086/169329 |
0.335 |
1990 |
Luck RE, Bond HE, Lambert DL. Chemical compositions of four high-latitude A-F supergiants Astrophysical Journal. 357: 188-203. DOI: 10.1086/168904 |
0.738 |
1990 |
Campbell B, Lambert DL, Maillard J. On a search for O-17 in super-metal-rich red giants Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 102: 79-87. DOI: 10.1086/132609 |
0.328 |
1990 |
Brown JA, Smith VV, Lambert DL, Dutchover E, Hinkle KH, Johnson HR. S Stars without Technetium: The Binary Star Connection The Astronomical Journal. 99: 1930-1940. DOI: 10.1086/115475 |
0.499 |
1990 |
Lambert DL, Hinkle KH, Smith VV. Infrared spectroscopy of four carbon stars with 9. 8 micron emission from silicate grains The Astronomical Journal. 99: 1612-1620. DOI: 10.1086/115443 |
0.485 |
1990 |
Lambert DL, Rao NK, Giridhar S. High resolution spectroscopy of R Coronae Borealis during the 1988- 1989 minimum Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. 11: 475-490. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02709762 |
0.35 |
1989 |
Tomkin J, Lambert DL. The chemical composition of algol systems – IV. The primary of R CMa Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 241: 777-785. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/241.4.777 |
0.346 |
1989 |
Brown JA, Sneden C, Lambert DL, Dutchover E. A Search for Lithium-rich Giant Stars Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 71: 293-322. DOI: 10.1086/191375 |
0.733 |
1989 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL. Synthesis of Lithium and s-Process Elements in Small Magellanic Cloud Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars The Astrophysical Journal. 345. DOI: 10.1086/185556 |
0.56 |
1988 |
McWilliam A, Lambert DL. Isotopic magnesium abundances in stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 230: 573-585. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/230.4.573 |
0.761 |
1988 |
Lambert DL, Hinkle KH, Luck RE. The Peculiar Supergiant HR 4049 The Astrophysical Journal. 333: 917-924. DOI: 10.1086/166800 |
0.58 |
1988 |
Balachandran S, Lambert DL, Stauffer JR. Lithium in lower-main-sequence stars of the Alpha Persei cluster The Astrophysical Journal. 333: 267. DOI: 10.1086/166743 |
0.497 |
1988 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL. s-process-enriched cool stars with and without technetium: clues to asymptotic giant branch and binary star evolution The Astrophysical Journal. 333: 219-226. DOI: 10.1086/166738 |
0.415 |
1988 |
Harris MJ, Lambert DL, Smith VV. Oxygen isotopic abundances in evolved stars. IV. Five K giants The Astrophysical Journal. 325: 768-775. DOI: 10.1086/166047 |
0.401 |
1988 |
Lambert DL. On The Identification Of Molecules In The Cool Carbon Stars Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 100: 1202-1215. DOI: 10.1086/132293 |
0.414 |
1987 |
Lambert DL. Further Observations of the He i 10830 Angstrom Chromospheric Line in Stars Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 65: 255-271. DOI: 10.1086/191224 |
0.397 |
1987 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL, McWilliam A. Neutron-exposure variations in MS and S stars, and the implications for s-process nucleosynthesis The Astrophysical Journal. 320: 862. DOI: 10.1086/165601 |
0.448 |
1987 |
Harris MJ, Lambert DL. A search for (C-14)(O-16) in the atmospheres of evolved stars The Astrophysical Journal. 318: 868-872. DOI: 10.1086/165417 |
0.39 |
1987 |
Harris MJ, Lambert DL, Hinkle KH, Gustafsson B, Eriksson K. Oxygen isotopic abundances in evolved stars. III: 26 carbon stars The Astrophysical Journal. 316: 294-304. DOI: 10.1086/165201 |
0.492 |
1987 |
Sheffer Y, Lambert DL. Spectroscopic Observations Of Yellow Supergiants : Ii. Multiperiodic Variability Of Hr 8752. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 99: 1277-1287. DOI: 10.1086/132114 |
0.375 |
1987 |
Harris MJ, Lambert DL, Smith VV. On The Evolutionary Status Of Mu Leonis. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 99: 1003-1008. DOI: 10.1086/132068 |
0.419 |
1987 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL. On the absence of young white dwarf companions to five technetium stars The Astronomical Journal. 94: 977. DOI: 10.1086/114531 |
0.467 |
1987 |
Lambert DL. Chemical evolution of the galaxy: Abundances of the light elements (sodium to calcium) Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. 8: 103-122. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02714309 |
0.461 |
1987 |
Parthasarathy M, Lambert DL. Alpha Cygni as a radial-velocity variable Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy. 8: 51-56. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02714251 |
0.317 |
1987 |
Slovak MH, Cassinelli JP, Anderson CM, Lambert DL. Combined satellite and ground-based observations of the quiescent, high latitude symbiotic variable AG Draconis=BD+67°922 Astrophysics and Space Science. 131: 765-769. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00668171 |
0.388 |
1987 |
Lambert DL, McWilliam A, Smith VV. Isotopic abundances of silicon in four red giants Astrophysics and Space Science. 133: 369-381. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00642494 |
0.783 |
1986 |
Balachandran S, Lambert DL, Tomkin J, Parthasarathy M. The chemical composition of algol systems – III. Beta Lyrae–nucleosynthesis revealed Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 219: 479-494. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/219.3.479 |
0.353 |
1986 |
Obrien GT, Lambert DL. The 10830 Å chromospheric line of helium in bright stars Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 62: 899-938. DOI: 10.1086/191160 |
0.367 |
1986 |
Lambert DL, Gustafsson B, Eriksson K, Hinkle KH. The chemical composition of carbon stars. I. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in 30 cool carbon stars in the Galactic disk Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 62: 373-425. DOI: 10.1086/191145 |
0.375 |
1986 |
Smith VV, Lambert DL. The Chemical Composition of Red Giants. II. Helium Burning and the s-Process in the MS and S Stars The Astrophysical Journal. 311: 843-863. DOI: 10.1086/164823 |
0.457 |
1986 |
Tomkin J, Lambert DL. Heavy-element abundances in the mild barium stars Omicron Virginis and 16 Serpentis The Astrophysical Journal. 311: 819-825. DOI: 10.1086/164821 |
0.514 |
1986 |
Tomkin J, Sneden C, Lambert DL. Carbon abundances in halo dwarfs The Astrophysical Journal. 302: 415. DOI: 10.1086/164000 |
0.65 |
1986 |
Lambert DL, McKinley LK, Roby SW. Carbon abundances and meridional mixing in rapidly rotating early-A stars Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 98: 927-934. DOI: 10.1086/131846 |
0.492 |
1986 |
Sheffer Y, Lambert DL. Spectroscopic Observations Of Yellow Supergiants: I. Radial Pulsations Of Rho Cassiopeiae. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 98: 914-921. DOI: 10.1086/131844 |
0.428 |
1986 |
Lambert DL. A spectroscopic view of Epsilon Aurigae Highlights of Astronomy. 7: 151-159. DOI: 10.1017/S1539299600006353 |
0.459 |
1985 |
Harris MJ, Lambert DL, Smith VV. Oxygen isotopic abundances in evolved stars. II. Eight MS and S stars The Astrophysical Journal. 299: 375-385. DOI: 10.1086/163707 |
0.344 |
1985 |
Harris MJ, Lambert DL, Smith VV. Oxygen isotopic abundances in evolved stars. I - Six barium stars The Astrophysical Journal. 292: 620-627. DOI: 10.1086/163195 |
0.35 |
1984 |
Tomkin J, Lambert DL. Nitrogen abundances in disk and halo Dwarfs The Astrophysical Journal. 279: 220. DOI: 10.1086/161885 |
0.475 |
1983 |
Brown JA, Tomkin J, Lambert DL. Evidence of non-LTE in photospheric lines of G and K giants. The Astrophysical Journal. 265. DOI: 10.1086/183965 |
0.305 |
1983 |
Luck RE, Lambert DL, Bond HE. Hr 4912 : A Variable Of The Old-Disk Population. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 95: 413-421. DOI: 10.1086/131186 |
0.468 |
1982 |
Lambert DL, Roby SW, Bell RA. Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen abundances in Sirius and Vega. The Astrophysical Journal. 254: 663-669. DOI: 10.1086/159777 |
0.421 |
1981 |
Sneden C, Lambert DL, Pilachowski CA. A study of CNO elements in barium stars The Astrophysical Journal. 247: 1052-1062. DOI: 10.1086/159114 |
0.74 |
1979 |
Sneden C, Lambert DL, Whitaker RW. The oxygen abundance in metal-poor stars The Astrophysical Journal. 234: 964. DOI: 10.1086/157580 |
0.703 |
1978 |
Lambert DL, Luck RE. Spectrum variations of the superluminous star HR 8752. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 184: 405-422. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/184.3.405 |
0.484 |
1978 |
Lambert DL. The abundances of the elements in the solar photosphere – VIII. Revised abundances of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 182: 249-272. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/182.2.249 |
0.321 |
1978 |
Sneden C, Lambert DL, Tomkin J, Peterson RC. Light-element abundances in the weak G-band star HR 6766 The Astrophysical Journal. 222: 585. DOI: 10.1086/156173 |
0.68 |
1978 |
Barker ES, Lambert DL, Tomkin J, Africano J. Emission Lines In The Spectrum Of Vega Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 90: 514-517. DOI: 10.1086/130374 |
0.331 |
1977 |
Barnes TG, Hinkle KH, Lambert DL, Beer R. A high-resolution infrared spectrum of IRC +10216 The Astrophysical Journal. 213: 71-78. DOI: 10.1086/155130 |
0.343 |
1976 |
Hinkle KH, Barnes TG, Lambert DL, Beer R. Silicon monoxide in the 4 micron infrared spectrum of long-period variables The Astrophysical Journal. 210. DOI: 10.1086/182324 |
0.336 |
1976 |
Tomkin J, Luck RE, Lambert DL. The /sup 12/C//sup 13/C ratio in stellar atmospheres. VII. 38 giants and supergiants The Astrophysical Journal. 210: 694. DOI: 10.1086/154876 |
0.345 |
1976 |
Hinkle KH, Lambert DL, Snell RL. The C-12/C-13 ratio in stellar atmospheres. VI - Five luminous cool stars The Astrophysical Journal. 210: 684-693. DOI: 10.1086/154875 |
0.306 |
1975 |
Lambert DL, Snell RL. The infrared excess of cool giant stars - A chromospheric contribution Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 172: 277-288. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/172.2.277 |
0.384 |
1975 |
Sneden C, Lambert DL. Isotopic abundance ratios for carbon and nitrogen in Nova Herculis 1934 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 170: 533-540. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/170.3.533 |
0.659 |
1974 |
Beer R, Lambert DL, Sneden C. The silicon monoxide radical and the atmosphere of alpha Orionis Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 86: 806. DOI: 10.1086/129677 |
0.629 |
1974 |
Lambert DL. λ 4097.3 N iii emission in the chromospheric spectrum? Solar Physics. 16: 336-339. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00162475 |
0.351 |
1974 |
Lambert DL. High resolution interferometry of cool stars Highlights of Astronomy. 3: 237-254. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-010-2211-8_18 |
0.36 |
1973 |
Lambert DL, Mallia EA. The possible presence of C2 lines in sunspot spectra Solar Physics. 31: 123-126. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00156077 |
0.334 |
1972 |
Lambert DL, Mallia EA, Smith G. Thallium in the solar atmosphere Solar Physics. 26: 250-256. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00155124 |
0.347 |
1971 |
Lambert DL, Mallia EA, Brault J. On the abundance of chlorine in the Sun Solar Physics. 19: 289-296. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00146057 |
0.327 |
1968 |
Lambert DL, Mallia EA. Absolute wavelengths of Fraunhofer lines: Convective motions in the solar photosphere and the gravitational red shift Solar Physics. 3: 499-504. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00151930 |
0.305 |
1968 |
Lambert DL, Mallia EA. The abundance of chlorine in the Sun Solar Physics. 5: 181-186. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00147964 |
0.351 |
1967 |
Lambert DL, Swings JP. Forbidden carbon I lines in the solar spectrum Solar Physics. 2: 34-38. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00155890 |
0.331 |
Show low-probability matches. |