Stuart T. Perry, Ph.D. - Publications

2006 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
Molecular Biology

16 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2015 Abdul-Sater AA, Majoros A, Plumlee CR, Perry S, Gu AD, Lee C, Shresta S, Decker T, Schindler C. Different STAT Transcription Complexes Drive Early and Delayed Responses to Type I IFNs. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 195: 210-6. PMID 26019270 DOI: 10.4049/Jimmunol.1401139  0.484
2013 Perry ST, Buck MD, Plummer EM, Penmasta RA, Batra H, Stavale EJ, Warfield KL, Dwek RA, Butters TD, Alonzi DS, Lada SM, King K, Klose B, Ramstedt U, Shresta S. An iminosugar with potent inhibition of dengue virus infection in vivo. Antiviral Research. 98: 35-43. PMID 23376501 DOI: 10.1016/J.Antiviral.2013.01.004  0.353
2013 Makhluf H, Buck MD, King K, Perry ST, Henn MR, Shresta S. Tracking the evolution of dengue virus strains D2S10 and D2S20 by 454 pyrosequencing. Plos One. 8: e54220. PMID 23342105 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0054220  0.308
2011 Perry ST, Buck MD, Lada SM, Schindler C, Shresta S. STAT2 mediates innate immunity to Dengue virus in the absence of STAT1 via the type I interferon receptor. Plos Pathogens. 7: e1001297. PMID 21379341 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Ppat.1001297  0.426
2009 Perry ST, Prestwood TR, Lada SM, Benedict CA, Shresta S. Cardif-mediated signaling controls the initial innate response to dengue virus in vivo. Journal of Virology. 83: 8276-81. PMID 19494017 DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00365-09  0.376
2006 Perry ST, Compton T. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus virions inhibit interferon responses induced by envelope glycoprotein gpK8.1. Journal of Virology. 80: 11105-14. PMID 16956942 DOI: 10.1128/Jvi.00846-06  0.615
2006 Fagerness AJ, Flaherty MT, Perry ST, Jia B, Payne SL, Fuller FJ. The S2 accessory gene of equine infectious anemia virus is essential for expression of disease in ponies. Virology. 349: 22-30. PMID 16503341 DOI: 10.1016/J.Virol.2005.12.041  0.339
2004 Boehme KW, Singh J, Perry ST, Compton T. Human cytomegalovirus elicits a coordinated cellular antiviral response via envelope glycoprotein B. Journal of Virology. 78: 1202-11. PMID 14722275 DOI: 10.1128/Jvi.78.3.1202-1211.2004  0.332
1996 Sellon DC, Walker KM, Russell KE, Perry ST, Fuller FJ. Phorbol ester stimulation of equine macrophage cultures alters expression of equine infectious anemia virus. Veterinary Microbiology. 52: 209-21. PMID 8972047 DOI: 10.1016/S0378-1135(96)00071-5  0.411
1996 Sellon DC, Walker KM, Russell KE, Perry ST, Covington P, Fuller FJ. Equine infectious anemia virus replication is upregulated during differentiation of blood monocytes from acutely infected horses. Journal of Virology. 70: 590-4. PMID 8523576 DOI: 10.1128/Jvi.70.1.590-594.1996  0.336
1993 Threadgill DS, Steagall WK, Flaherty MT, Fuller FJ, Perry ST, Rushlow KE, Le Grice SF, Payne SL. Characterization of equine infectious anemia virus dUTPase: growth properties of a dUTPase-deficient mutant. Journal of Virology. 67: 2592-600. PMID 8386267 DOI: 10.1128/Jvi.67.5.2592-2600.1993  0.417
1992 Tan JA, Marschke KB, Ho KC, Perry ST, Wilson EM, French FS. Response elements of the androgen-regulated C3 gene. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 267: 4456-66. PMID 1537831  0.348
1992 Tan J, Marschke KB, Ho KC, Perry ST, Wilson EM, French FS. Response elements of the androgen-regulated C3 gene. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 267: 7958. PMID 1339454  0.326
1992 Perry ST, Flaherty MT, Kelley MJ, Clabough DL, Tronick SR, Coggins L, Whetter L, Lengel CR, Fuller F. The surface envelope protein gene region of equine infectious anemia virus is not an important determinant of tropism in vitro Journal of Virology. 66: 4085-4097. PMID 1318398 DOI: 10.1128/Jvi.66.7.4085-4097.1992  0.389
1991 Clabough DL, Gebhard D, Flaherty MT, Whetter LE, Perry ST, Coggins L, Fuller FJ. Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia in horses infected with equine infectious anemia virus. Journal of Virology. 65: 6242-51. PMID 1717720 DOI: 10.1128/Jvi.65.11.6242-6251.1991  0.345
1982 Perry ST, Kulkarni SB, Lee KL, Kenney FT. Selective Effect of the Metallocarcinogen Beryllium on Hormonal Regulation of Gene Expression in Cultured Cells Cancer Research. 42: 473-476. PMID 6120038  0.319
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