Michael A. Resnick

Genetics & Molecular Biology University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Genetics, Molecular Biology
"Michael Resnick"


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Victoria F Beja-Glasser research assistant 2008-2010 NIEHS, NIH (Neurotree)
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Menendez D, Anand JR, Murphy CC, et al. (2022) Etoposide-induced DNA damage is increased in p53 mutants: identification of ATR and other genes that influence effects of p53 mutations on Top2-induced cytotoxicity. Oncotarget. 13: 332-346
Nguyen TT, Grimm SA, Bushel PR, et al. (2018) Revealing a human p53 universe. Nucleic Acids Research
Westmoreland JW, Mihalevic MJ, Bernstein KA, et al. (2017) The global role for Cdc13 and Yku70 in preventing telomere resection across the genome. Dna Repair. 62: 8-17
Sagi D, Marcos-Hadad E, Bari VK, et al. (2017) Increased LOH due to Defective Sister Chromatid Cohesion Is due Primarily to Chromosomal Aneuploidy and not Recombination. G3 (Bethesda, Md.). 7: 3305-3315
Menendez D, Nguyen TA, Snipe J, et al. (2017) The Cytidine Deaminase APOBEC3 Family is Subject to Transcriptional Regulation by p53. Molecular Cancer Research : McR
Lowe JM, Nguyen TA, Grimm SA, et al. (2016) The novel p53 target TNFAIP8 variant 2 is increased in cancer and offsets p53-dependent tumor suppression. Cell Death and Differentiation
Menendez D, Lowe JM, Snipe J, et al. (2016) Ligand dependent restoration of human TLR3 signaling and death in p53 mutant cells. Oncotarget
Godin SK, Zhang Z, Herken BW, et al. (2016) The Shu complex promotes error-free tolerance of alkylation-induced base excision repair products. Nucleic Acids Research
Westmoreland JW, Resnick MA. (2015) Recombinational repair of radiation-induced double-strand breaks occurs in the absence of extensive resection. Nucleic Acids Research
Shatz M, Shats I, Menendez D, et al. (2015) p53 amplifies Toll-like receptor 5 response in human primary and cancer cells through interaction with multiple signal transduction pathways. Oncotarget. 6: 16963-80
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