Simon J. Rhodes
Affiliations: | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States |
Molecular Biology, Human Development, Endocrinology BiologyGoogle:
"Simon Rhodes"Children
Sign in to add traineeRachel D. Mullen | grad student | 2011 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Raleigh E. Malik | grad student | 2013 | Indiana University Bloomington |
Soyoung Park | grad student | 2013 | Indiana University, Indianapolis |
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Gregory LC, Humayun KN, Turton JP, et al. (2015) Novel Lethal Form of Congenital Hypopituitarism Associated With the First Recessive LHX4 Mutation. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 100: 2158-64 |
Gahete MD, Durán-Prado M, Delgado-Niebla E, et al. (2014) Porcine sst1 can physically interact with other somatostatin receptors, and its expression is regulated by metabolic/inflammatory sensors. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 306: E483-93 |
Malik RE, Rhodes SJ. (2014) The role of DNA methylation in regulation of the murine Lhx3 gene. Gene. 534: 272-81 |
Park S, Mullen RD, Rhodes SJ. (2013) Cell-specific actions of a human LHX3 gene enhancer during pituitary and spinal cord development. Molecular Endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.). 27: 2013-27 |
Hunter CS, Malik RE, Witzmann FA, et al. (2013) LHX3 interacts with inhibitor of histone acetyltransferase complex subunits LANP and TAF-1β to modulate pituitary gene regulation. Plos One. 8: e68898 |
Prince KL, Colvin SC, Park S, et al. (2013) Developmental analysis and influence of genetic background on the Lhx3 W227ter mouse model of combined pituitary hormone deficiency disease. Endocrinology. 154: 738-48 |
Dong Y, Zhang L, Zhang S, et al. (2012) Phosphatase of regenerating liver 2 (PRL2) is essential for placental development by down-regulating PTEN (Phosphatase and Tensin Homologue Deleted on Chromosome 10) and activating Akt protein. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287: 32172-9 |
Yusuf D, Butland SL, Swanson MI, et al. (2012) The transcription factor encyclopedia. Genome Biology. 13: R24 |
Bechtold-Dalla Pozza S, Hiedl S, Roeb J, et al. (2012) A recessive mutation resulting in a disabling amino acid substitution (T194R) in the LHX3 homeodomain causes combined pituitary hormone deficiency. Hormone Research in Pã¦Diatrics. 77: 41-51 |
Mullen RD, Park S, Rhodes SJ. (2012) A distal modular enhancer complex acts to control pituitary- and nervous system-specific expression of the LHX3 regulatory gene. Molecular Endocrinology (Baltimore, Md.). 26: 308-19 |