Kuan-Chung Su, Ph.D

Whitehead Institute (MIT), Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Kuan-Chung Su"
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Ly J, Xiang K, Su KC, et al. (2024) Nuclear release of eIF1 globally increases stringency of start-codon selection to preserve mitotic arrest physiology. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Su KC, Radul E, Maier NK, et al. (2024) Functional genetics reveals modulators of anti-microtubule drug sensitivity. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Funk L, Su KC, Ly J, et al. (2022) The phenotypic landscape of essential human genes. Cell
Yunes SA, Willoughby JLS, Kwan JH, et al. (2022) Factor quinolinone inhibitors disrupt spindles and multiple LSF (TFCP2)-protein interactions in mitosis, including with microtubule-associated proteins. Plos One. 17: e0268857
Swartz SZ, McKay LS, Su KC, et al. (2019) Quiescent Cells Actively Replenish CENP-A Nucleosomes to Maintain Centromere Identity and Proliferative Potential. Developmental Cell
Omer Javed A, Li Y, Muffat J, et al. (2018) Microcephaly Modeling of Kinetochore Mutation Reveals a Brain-Specific Phenotype. Cell Reports. 25: 368-382.e5
Su KC, Tsang MJ, Emans N, et al. (2018) CRISPR/Cas9-based gene targeting using synthetic guide RNAs enables robust cell biological analyses. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbcE18040214
Kern DM, Monda JK, Su KC, et al. (2017) Astrin-SKAP complex reconstitution reveals its kinetochore interaction with microtubule-bound Ndc80. Elife. 6
Kern DM, Monda JK, Su K, et al. (2017) Author response: Astrin-SKAP complex reconstitution reveals its kinetochore interaction with microtubule-bound Ndc80 Elife
Su KC, Barry Z, Schweizer N, et al. (2016) A Regulatory Switch Alters Chromosome Motions at the Metaphase-to-Anaphase Transition. Cell Reports. 17: 1728-1738
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