Peter Scheid
Affiliations: | Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
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"Peter Scheid"
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Scheid P, Piiper J. (2011) Vertebrate Respiratory Gas Exchange Comprehensive Physiology. 309-356 |
Piiper J, Scheid P. (2011) Diffusion and Convection in Intrapulmonary Gas Mixing Comprehensive Physiology. 51-69 |
Piiper J, Scheid P. (1999) Modeling oxygen availability to exercising muscle. Respiration Physiology. 118: 95-101 |
Oyamada Y, Ballantyne D, Mückenhoff K, et al. (1998) Respiration-modulated membrane potential and chemosensitivity of locus coeruleus neurones in the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord of the neonatal rat. The Journal of Physiology. 513: 381-98 |
Kawai A, Ballantyne D, Mückenhoff K, et al. (1996) Chemosensitive medullary neurones in the brainstem--spinal cord preparation of the neonatal rat. The Journal of Physiology. 492: 277-92 |
Kobayashi H, Scheid P, Tomita T. (1994) Diffusion and perfusion limitations in patients suffering fibrosing lung disease. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 345: 105-11 |
Landich RM, Spangenberg E, Mückenhoff K, et al. (1994) Pump for accurate mixing of three gas components with predetermined fractions. PflüGers Archiv : European Journal of Physiology. 427: 178-80 |
Pelster B, Scheid P. (1994) Gegenstromkonzentrierung in der Schwimmblase Die Erzeugung hoher Gaspartialdrücke durch das Zusammenspiel von zellulärem Stoffwechsel und Organdurchblutung Naturwissenschaften. 81: 473-480 |
Shams H, Scheid P. (1993) Effects of hypobaria on parabronchial gas exchange in normoxic and hypoxic ducks. Respiration Physiology. 91: 155-63 |
Orr JA, Shams H, Karla W, et al. (1993) Transient ventilatory responses to endotoxin infusion in the cat are mediated by thromboxane A2. Respiration Physiology. 93: 189-201 |