Shawna L. Fleming, Ph.D.

2002 Brown University, Providence, RI 
Cell Biology, Pathology, Molecular Biology
"Shawna Fleming"


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Kim Boekelheide grad student 2002 Brown
 (gamma-tubulin overexpression in Sertoli cells in vivo leads to disruption of spermatogenesis.)
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Fleming SL, Shank PR, Boekelheide K. (2003) gamma-Tubulin overexpression in Sertoli cells in vivo: I. Localization to sites of spermatid head attachment and alterations in Sertoli cell microtubule distribution. Biology of Reproduction. 69: 310-21
Fleming SL, Shank PR, Boekelheide K. (2003) gamma-Tubulin overexpression in Sertoli cells in vivo. II: Retention of spermatids, residual bodies, and germ cell apoptosis. Biology of Reproduction. 69: 322-30
Boekelheide K, Fleming SL, Allio T, et al. (2003) 2,5-hexanedione-induced testicular injury. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology. 43: 125-47
Boekelheide K, Fleming SL, Johnson KJ, et al. (2000) Role of Sertoli cells in injury-associated testicular germ cell apoptosis. Proceedings of the Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society For Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 225: 105-15
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