James Resnick

University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
Genetics, Molecular Biology
"James Resnick"
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Bhalla K, Rosier K, Monnens Y, et al. (2024) Similar metabolic pathways are affected in both Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome-22 and Prader-Willi Syndrome. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease. 1870: 167175
Lewis MW, Vargas-Franco D, Morse DA, et al. (2018) A mouse model of angelman syndrome imprinting defects. Human Molecular Genetics
Coulson RL, Powell WT, Yasui DH, et al. (2018) Prader-Willi locus Snord116 RNA processing requires an active endogenous allele and neuron-specific splicing by Rbfox3/NeuN. Human Molecular Genetics
Golding DM, Rees DJ, Davies JR, et al. (2016) Paradoxical leanness in the imprinting centre deletion mouse model for Prader-Willi syndrome. The Journal of Endocrinology
Lewis MW, Brant JO, Kramer JM, et al. (2015) Angelman syndrome imprinting center encodes a transcriptional promoter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 6871-5
Lim CH, Brower JV, Resnick JL, et al. (2015) Adenine nucleotide translocase 4 is expressed within embryonic ovaries and dispensable during oogenesis. Reproductive Sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 22: 250-7
Brant JO, Riva A, Resnick JL, et al. (2014) Influence of the Prader-Willi syndrome imprinting center on the DNA methylation landscape in the mouse brain. Epigenetics : Official Journal of the Dna Methylation Society. 9: 1540-56
Yazdi PG, Su H, Ghimbovschi S, et al. (2013) Differential gene expression reveals mitochondrial dysfunction in an imprinting center deletion mouse model of Prader-Willi syndrome. Clinical and Translational Science. 6: 347-55
Resnick JL, Nicholls RD, Wevrick R, et al. (2013) Recommendations for the investigation of animal models of Prader-Willi syndrome. Mammalian Genome : Official Journal of the International Mammalian Genome Society. 24: 165-78
Rodriguez-Jato S, Shan J, Khadake J, et al. (2013) Regulatory elements associated with paternally-expressed genes in the imprinted murine Angelman/Prader-Willi syndrome domain. Plos One. 8: e52390
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