Allison C. Mallory, Ph.D.

2003 University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 
Molecular Biology, Plant Pathology Agriculture, Botany Biology
"Allison Mallory"


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Vicky V. Bowman grad student 2003 University of South Carolina
 (Helper component -proteinase suppression of RNA silencing in plants.)
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Graindorge A, Pinheiro I, Nawrocka A, et al. (2019) In-cell identification and measurement of RNA-protein interactions. Nature Communications. 10: 5317
Bitetti A, Mallory AC, Golini E, et al. (2018) MicroRNA degradation by a conserved target RNA regulates animal behavior. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology
Shamandi N, Zytnicki M, Charbonnel C, et al. (2015) Plants Encode a General siRNA Suppressor That Is Induced and Suppressed by Viruses. Plos Biology. 13: e1002326
Mallory AC, Shkumatava A. (2015) LncRNAs in vertebrates: advances and challenges. Biochimie. 117: 3-14
Martínez de Alba AE, Moreno AB, Gabriel M, et al. (2015) In plants, decapping prevents RDR6-dependent production of small interfering RNAs from endogenous mRNAs. Nucleic Acids Research. 43: 2902-13
Moreno AB, Martínez de Alba AE, Bardou F, et al. (2013) Cytoplasmic and nuclear quality control and turnover of single-stranded RNA modulate post-transcriptional gene silencing in plants. Nucleic Acids Research. 41: 4699-708
Martínez de Alba AE, Jauvion V, Mallory AC, et al. (2011) The miRNA pathway limits AGO1 availability during siRNA-mediated PTGS defense against exogenous RNA. Nucleic Acids Research. 39: 9339-44
Mallory A, Vaucheret H. (2010) Form, Function, and Regulation of ARGONAUTE Proteins The Plant Cell. 22: 3879-3889
Mallory AC, Hinze A, Tucker MR, et al. (2009) Redundant and specific roles of the ARGONAUTE proteins AGO1 and ZLL in development and small RNA-directed gene silencing Plos Genetics. 5
Mallory AC, Vaucheret H. (2009) ARGONAUTE 1 homeostasis invokes the coordinate action of the microRNA and siRNA pathways. Embo Reports. 10: 521-6
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