Alain Doressoundiram

UPMC Univ Paris 6, France 
"Alain Doressoundiram"


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Marcello Fulchignoni grad student 1997 UPMC Univ Paris 6
 (Origine collisionnelle des familles d'asteroides et des systemes binaires : etude spectroscopique et modelisation numerique)
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Thirouin A, Sheppard SS, Noll KS, et al. (2016) ROTATIONAL PROPERTIES of the HAUMEA FAMILY MEMBERS and CANDIDATES: SHORT-TERM VARIABILITY Astronomical Journal. 151
Carry B, Hestroffer D, Demeo FE, et al. (2011) Integral-field spectroscopy of (90482) Orcus-Vanth Astronomy and Astrophysics. 534
Doressoundiram A, Leblanc F, Foellmi C, et al. (2009) Metallic species in Mercury's exosphere: EMMI/new technology telescope observations Astronomical Journal. 137: 3859-3863
Roques F, Boissel Y, Doressoundiram A, et al. (2009) Exploration of the Outer Solar System by Stellar Occultations Earth Moon and Planets. 105: 201-208
Müller TG, Lellouch E, Böhnhardt H, et al. (2009) TNOs are cool: A survey of the transneptunian region Earth, Moon and Planets. 105: 209-219
Barucci MA, Fulchignoni M, Birlan M, et al. (2005) Rosetta Asteroid Candidates Highlights of Astronomy. 13: 726-728
Boehnhardt H, Barucci A, Delsanti A, et al. (2003) Results from the Eso Large Program on Transneptunian Objects and Centaurs Earth, Moon, and Planets. 92: 145-156
Veillet C, Parker JW, Griffin I, et al. (2002) The binary Kuiper-belt object 1998 WW31. Nature. 416: 711-3
Romon-Martin J, Barucci MA, Bergh Cd, et al. (2002) Observations of Centaur 8405 Asbolus: Searching for Water Ice Icarus. 160: 59-65
Zappalà V, Bendjoya P, Cellino A, et al. (2000) Fugitives from the Eos Family: First Spectroscopic Confirmation Icarus. 145: 4-11
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