Jonathan Satin

Physiology, Biophysics University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
"Jonathan Satin"
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Aboulesia R, Devilée L, Miller J, et al. (2023) Pharmacological or genetic inhibition of LTCC promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation through inhibition of calcineurin activity. Research Square
DeHaan RL, Fujii S, Satin J. (2023) Cell Interactions in Cardiac Development: (induction/local cues/heart development/heartrate/ion channels). Development, Growth & Differentiation. 32: 233-241
Ahern BM, Sebastian A, Levitan BM, et al. (2021) L-type channel inactivation balances the increased peak calcium current due to absence of Rad in cardiomyocytes. The Journal of General Physiology. 153
Ahern B, Sebastian A, Andres DA, et al. (2020) Myocardial RAD Deletion Increases Early L-type Calcium Current without Affecting Late Calcium Current through Multiple Mechanisms Biophysical Journal. 118: 105a
Ahern BM, Levitan BM, Veeranki S, et al. (2019) Myocardial-restricted ablation of the GTPase RAD results in a pro-adaptive heart response in mice. The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Ahern BM, Satin J. (2019) The L-type calcium channel current modulation mechanism: the plot thickens and fogs. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 129: 496-498
Ahern B, Levitan B, Veeranki S, et al. (2019) Abstract 807: Rad Ablation as a Treatment to Target Cardiac Inotropy via L-type Calcium Channel Function Circulation Research. 125
Ahern B, Shah M, Sebastian A, et al. (2019) Myocardial Rad Deletion Modulates L-Type Calcium Channel Current Biophysical Journal. 116: 237a
Manning JR, Chelvarajan L, Levitan BM, et al. (2018) Rad GTPase deletion attenuates post-ischemic cardiac dysfunction and remodeling. Jacc. Basic to Translational Science. 3: 83-96
Levitan BM, Manning JR, Withers CN, et al. (2016) Rad-deletion Phenocopies Tonic Sympathetic Stimulation of the Heart. Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research
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