Susan Janicki

1999-2005 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 
"Susan Janicki"
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Shastrula PK, Sierra I, Deng Z, et al. (2019) PML is recruited to heterochromatin during S phase and represses DAXX-mediated histone H3.3 chromatin assembly. Journal of Cell Science
Shastrula PK, Lund PJ, Garcia BA, et al. (2018) Rpp29 regulates histone H3.3 chromatin assembly through transcriptional mechanisms. The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Newhart A, Powers SL, Shastrula PK, et al. (2016) RNase P Protein Subunit, Rpp29, Represses Histone H3.3 Nucleosome Deposition. Molecular Biology of the Cell
Britton LM, Newhart A, Bhanu NV, et al. (2013) Initial characterization of histone H3 serine 10 O-acetylation. Epigenetics : Official Journal of the Dna Methylation Society. 8: 1101-13
Newhart A, Rafalska-Metcalf IU, Yang T, et al. (2013) Single cell analysis of RNA-mediated histone H3.3 recruitment to a cytomegalovirus promoter-regulated transcription site. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 288: 19882-99
Newhart A, Negorev DG, Rafalska-Metcalf IU, et al. (2013) Sp100A promotes chromatin decondensation at a cytomegalovirus-promoter- regulated transcription site Molecular Biology of the Cell. 24: 1454-1468
Newhart A, Rafalska-Metcalf IU, Yang T, et al. (2012) Single-cell analysis of Daxx and ATRX-dependent transcriptional repression. Journal of Cell Science. 125: 5489-501
Shanbhag NM, Rafalska-Metcalf IU, Balane-Bolivar C, et al. (2010) ATM-dependent chromatin changes silence transcription in cis to DNA double-strand breaks. Cell. 141: 970-81
Rafalska-Metcalf IU, Powers SL, Joo LM, et al. (2010) Single cell analysis of transcriptional activation dynamics Plos One. 5
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