Washington University School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Neil Robert AdamesCell Cycle Regulation, Cell Division, Cytoskeleton Cell Biology and Physiology19972001 John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Julius Adlermechanism of bacterial chemotaxis Microbiology19571959 Arthur Kornberg (post-doc)
Janid Ali Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics1999 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Mohan Amaratunga Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics1993 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Edwin AntonyMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, General Biophysics Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics20102012 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Robert M. Bell Biochemistry1972 P. Roy Vagelos (post-doc)
Soumendranath Bhakatenhanced sampling, molecular dynamics, biophysics
Nandini Bhattacharya John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Keith Bjornson19911996 Timothy M. Lohman (grad student)
Ron Bose
Kathleen Brenda
Kathleen Brendza Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2003 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
David H. Brown
Boyd Butler John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Guillaume Castillon John A. Cooper (research scientist)
Indra Chandrasekar John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Satyanarayana Murthy Chintala Anesthesiology Alex Evers (post-doc)
Stanley Cohen19531959 Martin David Kamen (post-doc), Rita Levi-Montalcini (collaborator)
Timothy S CollierQuantitative Proteomics, Mass Spectrometry, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry Molecular Oncology20102013 Ron Bose (post-doc)
John A. Cooperactin assembly
Bryan A. Copitspain, optogenetics, glutamate receptors2013 Robert W. Gereau (post-doc)
Nancy DahmsBiochemistry19861989 Stuart A. Kornfeld (post-doc)
Darryl C. DeVivoNeurochemistry, mitochondrial disorders, neuromuscular transmission19691970 Philip Rodgers Dodge (post-doc)
Peter S. DiStefanoNeurotrophins, Eugene M. Johnson (post-doc)
Marek DuszykImmunology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry Elliot L. Elson (post-doc)
Alex Evers
Marilyn Ferrari Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics1994 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Christopher J. FischerStructural Enzymology, Protein Processing and Folding Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2004 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Carl Friedenprotein folding, protein structure/function relationships, protein-protein interactions and the mechanisms of enzymatic reactions19551957 Sidney F. Velick (post-doc)
George Gauss Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics1999 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
John Glover Martin David Kamen (post-doc)
Eduardo A. Groisman
William S. HancockProteomics, Biotechnology19701971 P. Roy Vagelos (post-doc)
Richard Heil-Chapdelaine John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Steven G. Heiss John A. Cooper (grad student)
Louis Henry HempelmannHealth Physics, Radiation Biology
Andrew B. HerrBiophysical chemistry, Structural biology; Bacterial biofilms, Immune receptors & antibodies Biochemistry & Biophysics19932000 Gabriel Waksman (grad student)
Kaitlin Homa John A. Cooper (research assistant)
Haifeng JiaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2011 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Martin David KamenBiological Chemistry, Radiochemistry
Tim J. Kamerzell
Ilgu KangChemistry, Enzymology and Molecular Genetics of Natural Products Biosynthesis John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Tatiana S. Karpova John A. Cooper (research scientist)
Stuart A. Kornfeldprotein trafficking in mammalian cells, biogenesis of lysosomes
Rosalind Hauk KornfeldGlycobiology Stuart A. Kornfeld (collaborator)
Yulia Korshunova John A. Cooper (research assistant)
Alexander G. Kozlov Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics1995 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
S. Kumaran Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2006 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Michael Hunter Lanier John A. Cooper (grad student)
Taekyung Lee John A. Cooper (grad student)
Emily A. Lewis20162021 Kristen L. Kroll (grad student)
Jason S. Lewis
Jun Li John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Martha Li John A. Cooper (grad student)
Yun LIang John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Mengchi Lin John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Jeffrey MilbrandtAxonal degeneration, peripheral neuropathy, Myelination, Schwann cell metabolism
Timothy Miller John A. Cooper (research assistant)
Keith Moore Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics19931995 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Olivia L. MoorenAnalytical Chemistry John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Suranjana Mukherjee John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Scott A Nelson John A. Cooper (grad student)
Binh Nguyen Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2007 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Colin G. Nicholsion channels
Hanspeter Niederstrasser John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Anita Niedziela-Majka Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics2007 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Dipanjan PanMolecular Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Therapeutics, Biosensing, Carbon Dots, Sustainability
Robert A. Pufahl
Robert G. RoederMolecular Biology
Artie Romeromedicinal chemistry
Caroline Rosello John A. Cooper (research assistant)
Philip A. Shaffermetabolism in disease, nutrition in typhoid fever, protein metabolism in exophthalmic goiter, and protein metabolism in cystinuria
Michael Simon Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics20112016 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Joshua E. SokoloskiRNA Folding and Catalysis Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics20152017 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Benjamin C. Stark John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Melissa Stuchell-Brereton John A. Cooper (post-doc)
Bryan TeetsBiochemistry20112015 Kristen L. Kroll (post-doc)
Shandiz Tehrani John A. Cooper (grad student)
Ashwin UnnikrishnanMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Hematopoietic Cancers Microbiology Department20012003 Eduardo A. Groisman (research scientist), Gary Stormo (research scientist)
P. Roy Vagelosfatty acid biosynthesis and metabolism
Amy L. VavereRadiopharmaceutical Development Radiological Sciences Jason S. Lewis (post-doc)
Vincent Waldman Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics20122014 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Scott A. WildmanPharmaceutical Chemistry
Fuqian XieBiochemistry Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics20082013 Timothy M. Lohman (post-doc)
Leslie Youngmetabolism of foreign compounds1936 Philip A. Shaffer (post-doc)
Michael E. Young John A. Cooper (grad student)