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Arthur Kornberg

Biochemistry Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
DNA replication
"Arthur Kornberg"

(1918 - 2007)
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1959 was awarded jointly to Severo Ochoa and Arthur Kornberg "for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid"

Mean distance: 10.34 (cluster 9)
Cross-listing: Computational Biology Tree - Cell Biology Tree


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William S. McCann grad student 1942 Rochester
Severo Ochoa post-doc 1946 NYU
Carl F. Cori post-doc 1947 Washington University


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Nicholas E. Dixon grad student
Robert S. Fuller grad student Stanford
Arturo Falaschi grad student 1962-1965 (Neurotree)
James A. Spudich grad student 1968 Stanford
David Lee Nelson grad student 1969 Stanford
Douglas L. Brutlag grad student 1972 Stanford
Randy W. Schekman grad student 1975 Stanford
Tania A. Baker grad student 1988 Stanford
Robert A. Bambara post-doc Stanford
Maurice J. Bessman post-doc (Physics Tree)
Nicholas R. Cozzarelli post-doc Stanford
Ullrich Hübscher post-doc (Computational Biology Tree)
Peter M. J. Burgers post-doc Stanford University Medical School (GenetiTree)
Uriel Z. Littauer post-doc Washington University
Ian J. Molineux post-doc MIT / Harvard (Cell Biology Tree)
Michael E. O'Donnell post-doc Stanford
Kazuhisa Sekimizu post-doc (Neurotree)
Osamu Hayaishi post-doc 1952 Stanford
Paul Berg post-doc 1953-1954 Washington University
I. Robert Lehman post-doc 1955-1959 Washington University
Julius Adler post-doc 1957-1959 Washington University School of Medicine
Thomas A. Trautner post-doc 1959-1961 Stanford
H. Vasken Aposhian post-doc 1962 Stanford
Charles C. Richardson post-doc 1961-1963 Stanford
Ross B. Inman post-doc 1960-1964 Stanford
Sankar Mitra post-doc 1966 Stanford Medical School
Mehran Goulian post-doc 1967 Stanford
Paul T. Englund post-doc 1966-1968 Stanford Medical School
Regis B. Kelly post-doc 1969 Stanford
Peter Setlow post-doc 1968-1971 Stanford Medical School
Jack D. Griffith post-doc 1970-1973 Stanford
William Wickner post-doc 1971-1974 Stanford
Alan M. Weiner post-doc 1973-1974 Stanford Medical School
Jerard Hurwitz research scientist 1956-1958 Washington University
Pierre Chambon research scientist 1966-1967 Stanford (Neurotree)
BETA: Related publications


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Rao NN, Gómez-García MR, Kornberg A. (2009) Inorganic polyphosphate: essential for growth and survival. Annual Review of Biochemistry. 78: 605-47
Zhang H, Gómez-García MR, Shi X, et al. (2007) Polyphosphate kinase 1, a conserved bacterial enzyme, in a eukaryote, Dictyostelium discoideum, with a role in cytokinesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 104: 16486-91
Shi X, Kornberg A. (2005) Endopolyphosphatase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae undergoes post-translational activations to produce short-chain polyphosphates. Febs Letters. 579: 2014-8
Altman S, Bassler BL, Beckwith J, et al. (2005) An open letter to Elias Zerhouni. Science (New York, N.Y.). 307: 1409-10
Gómez-García MR, Kornberg A. (2004) Formation of an actin-like filament concurrent with the enzymatic synthesis of inorganic polyphosphate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 101: 15876-80
Kornberg A. (2003) Ten commandments of enzymology, amended. Trends in Biochemical Sciences. 28: 515-7
Zhang H, Ishige K, Kornberg A. (2002) A polyphosphate kinase (PPK2) widely conserved in bacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99: 16678-83
Ishige K, Zhang H, Kornberg A. (2002) Polyphosphate kinase (PPK2), a potent, polyphosphate-driven generator of GTP. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99: 16684-8
Arrow KJ, Axelrod J, Benacerraf B, et al. (2001) Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush. The Washington Post. A02
Kuroda A, Nomura K, Ohtomo R, et al. (2001) Role of inorganic polyphosphate in promoting ribosomal protein degradation by the Lon protease in E. coli Science. 293: 705-708
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