Helena Dodziuk | | | | | |
Witold Filipowicz | RNA biology, gene expression, RNA viruses, small RNAs, microRNAs, RNA silencing, RNA enzymology, mRNA translation | | 1968 | 1973 | Przemysław Szafrański (grad student) |
Piotr Garstecki | Microfluidics, Dynamic Self-Organization in Complex Fluids | Institute of Physical Chemistry | | 2002 | Robert Hołyst (grad student) |
Karol L. Grela | Organometallic Synthesis | | 1994 | 1998 | Mieczysław Józef Mąkosza (grad student) |
Robert Hołyst | Soft and living matter: liquid crystals, polymers, microemulsions, Brownian motion, topology and geometry, phase transitions, structure, biochemical networks. | Institute of Physical Chemistry | | 1989 | Jan Stecki (grad student) |
Mariusz Jaskolski | Structural chemistry and Structural biology | Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry | | | Maciej Wiewiórowski (post-doc) |
Oleg Lukin | | | 1996 | 2000 | Helena Dodziuk (grad student) |
Mieczysław Józef Mąkosza | | | | | |
Krzysztof Matyjaszewski | preparation and processing of precisely controlled polymers to reach targeted materials properties | | | 1976 | Stanisław Penczek (grad student) |
Jinbo Pang | large area graphene synthesis, chemical vapor deposition, field effect transistor device, | Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials (CMPW PAN) | 2016 | 2017 | Alicja Bachmatiuk (grad student) |
Stanisław Penczek | | | | | |
Jan Stecki | Statistical mechanics, Liquids and liquid solutions, Interfaces, bilayers, membranes and their computer simulation | | | | |
Przemysław Szafrański | Biochemistry | | | | |