NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Gilles AdandeAstrochemistry
José Carlos Aponte
Aaron Burton Jason Peter Dworkin (post-doc)
David G. BurttIsotope geochemistry Planetary Environments Lab2022 Jennifer C. Stern (post-doc)
Michael P. CallahanIsolated Molecules, Laser Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Photochemistry, Building Blocks of Life, UV Photodynamics of DNA, Archaeometry, Cultural Heritage, Art and Archaelogy, Prebiotic Chemistry Jason Peter Dworkin (post-doc), Daniel P. Glavin (post-doc)
Paul Cooper Astrochemistry20052007 Marla H. Moore (post-doc)
Gwenaelle Celina DufourAstrochemistry 6912016 Steven Black Charnley (research assistant)
Jason Peter DworkinMeteorites, astrobiology, organic analytical chemistry
Jamie E. Elsilaastrobiology, astrochemistry
Charles Gatebe UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION19941999 Harold John Annegarn (grad student)
Thomas GAUTIERPlanetary science, astrobiology
Perry A. GerakinesAstrochemistry Laboratory for Extraterrestrial Physics19982000 Marla H. Moore (post-doc)
Adeline GicquelAstrochemistry
Daniel P. Glavinastrobiology, meteorites, mars, origin of life, chirality
Heather V. Graham Jennifer C. Stern (post-doc)
Reggie L. HudsonAstrochemistry Perry A. Gerakines (collaborator)
William M. Jacksonphotochemistry, lasers chemistry, astrochemistry.
Natasha Johnson Joe Nuth (post-doc)
John W KellerPhysical Chemistry, Planetary Science
Dylan Jacob KlineEnergetic Materials
Erika N Kohler
Mark J. LoefflerAstrochemistry Perry A. Gerakines (collaborator)
Stefanie N. MilamChemistry, Astrochemistry, Astronomy Scott Sandford (post-doc)
Marla H. MooreAstrochemistry
Joe Nuth
Eric Thomas Parker
Chad Pozaryckiastrobiology, analytical chemistry, capillary electrophoresis Analytical Astrobiology Lab20202021 Heather V. Graham (research assistant)
Christina R. RicheyAstrochemistry20112013 Stephen A. Rinehart (post-doc)
Violeta Sanjuan Calzado
Harrison Smith Matthew J Oliver (grad student)
Karen E. SmithAstrochemistry Astrochemistry20142016 Perry A. Gerakines (post-doc)
Jennifer C. Stern
Susan Elaine Strahan
Bethany P. TheilingGeochemistry, Sedimentary Geology, Climate Change
Patrick D. Tribbett Astrochemistry2023 Christopher Kroboth Materese (post-doc)
Yukiko Y. Yarnall Astrochemistry2019 Perry A. Gerakines (post-doc)
Katarina YocumAstrochemistry, Spectroscopy, Physical Chemistry Astrochemistry Stefanie N. Milam (post-doc)