Yukiko Y. Yarnall

2019- Astrochemistry NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MD, United States 
"Yukiko Yarnall"
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Tribbett PD, Yarnall YY, Hudson RL, et al. (2024) Radiation-Driven Destruction of Thiophene and Methyl-Substituted Thiophenes. Astrobiology
Yarnall YY, Hudson RL. (2022) Infrared intensities of methyl acetate, an interstellar compound - comparisons of three organic esters. Spectrochimica Acta. Part a, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 283: 121738
Hudson RL, Yarnall YY, Gerakines PA. (2022) Infrared Spectral Intensities of Amine Ices, Precursors to Amino Acids. Astrobiology
Hudson RL, Gerakines PA, Yarnall YY, et al. (2021) Infrared spectra and optical constants of astronomical ices: III. Propane, propylene, and propyne Icarus. 354: 114033
Hudson RL, Yarnall YY, Coleman FM. (2020) Infrared band strengths and other properties of amorphous and crystalline dimethyl ether. Spectrochimica Acta. Part a, Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 233: 118217
Yarnall YY, Gerakines PA, Hudson RL. (2020) Propanal, an interstellar aldehyde – first infrared band strengths and other properties of the amorphous and crystalline forms Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494: 4606-4615
Stelmach KB, Yarnall YY, Cooper PD. (2019) Nitrogen Sublimation as a Driver of Chemistry in Pluto-Analog Laboratory Ices: Formation of Carbon Suboxide (C3O2) and Various Salts Acs Earth and Space Chemistry. 3: 1640-1655
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