Robert Callender

1976- Chemistry City College New York - CUNY 
"Robert Callender"
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Deng H, Vu DV, Clinch K, et al. (2011) Conformational heterogeneity within the Michaelis complex of lactate dehydrogenase. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 115: 7670-8
Ghanem M, Saen-oon S, Zhadin N, et al. (2008) Tryptophan-free human PNP reveals catalytic site interactions. Biochemistry. 47: 3202-15
Khajehpour M, Wu L, Liu S, et al. (2007) Loop dynamics and ligand binding kinetics in the reaction catalyzed by the Yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase. Biochemistry. 46: 4370-8
Cheng H, Nikolic-Hughes I, Wang JH, et al. (2002) Environmental effects on phosphoryl group bonding probed by vibrational spectroscopy: implications for understanding phosphoryl transfer and enzymatic catalysis. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 124: 11295-306
Deng H, Callender R, Huang Z, et al. (2002) Is the PTPase-vanadate complex a true transition state analogue? Biochemistry. 41: 5865-72
Deng H, Kurz LC, Rudolph FB, et al. (1998) Characterization of hydrogen bonding in the complex of adenosine deaminase with a transition state analogue: a Raman spectroscopic study. Biochemistry. 37: 4968-76
Huang L, Deng H, Koutalos Y, et al. (1997) A resonance Raman study of the C=C stretch modes in bovine and octopus visual pigments with isotopically labeled retinal chromophores. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 66: 747-54
Chen YQ, Kraut J, Callender R. (1997) pH-dependent conformational changes in Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase revealed by Raman difference spectroscopy. Biophysical Journal. 72: 936-41
van Beek J, Callender R, Gunner MR. (1997) The contribution of electrostatic and van der Waals interactions to the stereospecificity of the reaction catalyzed by lactate dehydrogenase. Biophysical Journal. 72: 619-26
Senak L, Ju Z, Noy N, et al. (1997) The interactions between cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP-I) and retinal: A vibrational spectroscopic study Biospectroscopy. 3: 131-142
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