Brian Lin, Ph.D.

2012 Chemistry University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States 
synthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science
"Brian Lin"
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Craig J. Hawker grad student 2012 UC Santa Barbara
 (Tailoring peptide amphiphiles and their assemblies for biomedical applications.)
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Lin BF, Megley KA, Viswanathan N, et al. (2012) PH-responsive branched peptide amphiphile hydrogel designed for applications in regenerative medicine with potential as injectable tissue scaffolds Journal of Materials Chemistry. 22: 19447-19454
Lin BF, Marullo RS, Robb MJ, et al. (2011) De novo design of bioactive protein-resembling nanospheres via dendrimer-templated peptide amphiphile assembly. Nano Letters. 11: 3946-50
Trent A, Marullo R, Lin B, et al. (2011) Structural properties of soluble peptide amphiphile micelles Soft Matter. 7: 9572-9582
Gupta N, Lin BF, Campos LM, et al. (2010) A versatile approach to high-throughput microarrays using thiol-ene chemistry. Nature Chemistry. 2: 138-45
Smitthipong W, Chworos A, Lin B, et al. (2008) Self-assembled materials containing complementary nucleobase molecular recognition Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1094: 39-44
Kastantin M, Ananthanarayanan B, Lin B, et al. (2007) Increase of fluorescence anisotropy upon self-assembly in headgroup-labeled surfactants. Macromolecular Bioscience. 7: 189-94
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