University of California, Santa Barbara

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Alexander R. AbelaOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2012 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Ali Abo RiziqIsolated Molecules, Laser Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Photochemistry, Building Blocks of Life, UV Photodynamics of DNA, Archaeometry, Cultural Heritage, Art and Archaelogy, Prebiotic Chemistry2005 Mattanjah S. De Vries (grad student)
Ryan AbsalonsonCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2010 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Brian A. AdairMaterials2006 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Jonathan D. AdamsPhysical chemistry Physics2010 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Ray Adkins
Ayesha AhmadNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems2004 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
Mustafa Akbulutcolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering2007 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Nnamdi Akporji Chemistry20162021 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Thomas P. Albright Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Norma A. Alcantarcolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering2000 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Gustavo Miguel AlcantaraOrganic, Inorganic, organometallic Chemistry20202025 Gabriel Ménard (grad student)
Anna R. Aligcolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering2005 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Timothy F. Aligbiomembranes, liquid crystals2004 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Andre St Amant Chemistry20132018 Javier Read de Alaniz (grad student)
Badriprasad Ananthanarayananmanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers Chemical Engineering2009 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
Athina Anastasaki Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Curtis B. Anderson
Travers H. Andersoncolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering Chemical Engineering2010 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Netz ArroyoElectrochemistry, in-vivo biosensing, analytical chemistry Chemistry20152018 Kevin W. Plaxco (post-doc)
Dev P. AryaAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Shruti Arya20172019 Michael T. Bowers (post-doc)
Beverly Y. Asoopolymer interfaces2006 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Martin AttfieldMaterials Materials Science19921996 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Debra Audus2013 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Donald H. AueOrganic & Bioorganic,Theory & Computation
Scott M. AuerbachPhysical chemistry. Materials Science. Chemistry19941995 Horia Metiu (post-doc)
Jason D. Azoulayorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2010 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Neda BagheriComputational biology and control theory Electrical Engineering20022007 Francis J. Doyle (grad student)
Wenju Bai20102015 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Edward H. BairEnvironmental Sciences, Physical Geography, Geomorphology Environmental Science & Management2011 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Erin S. Baker2005 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Bernard Randall BakerCannabis alkaloids, Antimalarials, nucleosides, carbohydrates
Ronald C. Bakusorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science Chemistry2013 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Fabio BaldessariFluid Mechanics2004 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
David B. Ball Chemistry1970 Domenick J. Bertelli (grad student)
Christopher Balzer2023 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Natalie Banerji20092011 Alan J. Heeger (post-doc)
Dinesh A BarawkarBio-organic chemistry Chemistry19962000 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Katherine A. Barbeau trace metal chemistry in marine systems19982001 Alison Butler (post-doc)
Ryan BartHydrology Geography, Joint Program SDSU2014 Allen Hope (grad student)
Katalin Bartachemistry, catalysis chemistry20082010 Peter C. Ford (post-doc)
Nicholas Bartelli Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry20162022 Christopher S. Hayes (post-doc)
Glenn P. Bartholomeworganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2002 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Phillip T. Bartonmaterials chemistry Materials2014 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Euan N. BasseyNMR, EPR Materials20222024 Anton Van der Ven (collaborator)
Christopher M. Bates
Lukmaan A. BawazerBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Materials Science Engineering Biomolecular Science and Engineering2010 Daniel E. Morse (grad student)
Alexandra V. Bayles Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering20132018 Matthew E. Helgeson (grad student), Todd M. Squires (grad student)
Guillermo C. Bazanorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science
Christina M. Beck
Enrico G. BellomoPolymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering2005 Timothy J. Deming (grad student)
Jason J. Benkoskipolymer interfaces2003 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Lauren B. BenzPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy Chemistry2007 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Alan D. Berman Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Juliana Bernal OstosOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Materials2013 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Summer L. Bernstein2006 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Mia G. BerrettiniChemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis2005 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Domenick J. Bertelli
Matthew Blackmanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers Chemical Engineering2011 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
Peter A. BlomgrenOrganometallic chemistry2004 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Brycelyn M. Boardmanorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2008 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Joshua Bocarsly2015 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Charles A. BochOceanography Biology2011 Daniel E. Morse (grad student)
Shannon W. Boettcher Chemistry2008 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
James BolesGeology, Geochemistry
Andrew J. BonhamMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Biomolecular Science and Engineering20102011 Norbert O. Reich (grad student), Kevin W. Plaxco (post-doc)
Nicholas S. BonnessMaterials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Theory & Computation, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis2008 Bernard Kirtman (grad student)
Marcos Borrell-HernandezFluid Mechanics2007 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Zarko V. Boskovic Chemistry20062011 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Nathan F. BouxseinNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems Materials2010 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
Michael T. Bowers
Amy Dodd BradshawExtracellular matrix, cardiac disease, periodontal ligament Dennis Clegg (grad student)
Michael A. Brady Materials Materials2014 Michael Lawrence Chabinyc (grad student), Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Ty Brandt Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Grace BranniganComputational Biophysics, Membrane Protein Pharmacology Physics2006 Frank L. Brown (grad student)
Gary B. BraunMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Chemistry2010 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Jakoah BrgochSolid State: Experiment & Theory Chemistry20122014 Ram Seshadri (post-doc)
Erin R. Brocker Chemistry2014 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Viktoria A. BrojeEnvironmental Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Energy2006 Arturo A. Keller (grad student)
Christopher C. BroomellBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics2008 J. Herbert Waite (grad student)
Michael J. Brown2005 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Eric Brown Chemistry Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Frank L. BrownPhysical Chemistry,Theory and Computation, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics
Jessie L. Brown-McDonaldInorganic, organometallic chemistry Chemistry2013 Trevor W. Hayton (grad student)
Kenneth A. BrowneChemistry, bioorganic Chemistry & Biochemistry1995 Thomas C. Bruice (grad student)
Andrea R. BrowningSoft Matter Chemical Engineering2008 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Paula Y. BruiceChemical Education, Organic Chemistry
Thomas C. Bruicebioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry
Richard L. BrutcheyMaterials Design, Semiconductiors20052007 Daniel E. Morse (post-doc)
John D. Bryan2002 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Xianhui Busynthesis, structural, and property characterization of crystalline inorganic or inorganic-organic hybrid materials Chemistry19922003 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Alejandro Bugarin CervantesOrganic Chemistry, Catalysis Chemistry20112012 Javier Read de Alaniz (post-doc)
William R BurattoInorganic Chemistry Chemistry & Biochemistry Chemistry & Biochemistry20232015 Trevor W. Hayton (research assistant), Mahdi M. Abu-Omar (post-doc)
Steven K. BurattoPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy
Jonathan J. BurkPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy Chemistry2014 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Kieron J. BurkePhysical and Computational Chemistry1989 Walter Kohn (grad student)
Daniel J. Burkesynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2012 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Peter T. BurksCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2013 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
G. Leslie Burnett Chemistry20142016 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student), Javier Read de Alaniz (post-doc)
Michael C. BurroughsPolymers, soft matter, DNA Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering20162021 L. Gary Leal (grad student), Matthew E. Helgeson (grad student)
Cathy J. BusbyGeology, Geochemistry
Karen BushAntibiotic resistance, beta-lactamases Beatrice March Sweeney (post-doc)
David A. BussianPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy2006 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Megan M Butalasolid state chemistry; energy storage materials;20122017 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Alison Butlerbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry
Juan Carlos Caceres Brandon L. Greene (grad student)
Michael P. CallahanIsolated Molecules, Laser Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Photochemistry, Building Blocks of Life, UV Photodynamics of DNA, Archaeometry, Cultural Heritage, Art and Archaelogy, Prebiotic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Mattanjah S. De Vries (grad student)
Hilario Camacho FernandezGeology, Geochemistry2004 James Boles (grad student)
Brian A. CamleyPhysical Chemistry,Theory and Computation, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics Physics2012 Frank L. Brown (grad student)
Luis Miguel CamposNanostructured Organic and Hybrid Materials2006 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Kevin G. CannariatoGeology2002 James P Kennett (grad student)
Christopher A. CarachChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Energy Chemical Engineering2014 Michael J. Gordon (grad student)
John A. Carbonmolecular genetics of yeasts, nucleic acid biochemistry, chromosome structure and function
Catherine J. Carpenter2002 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Ryan M. CaseNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems2004 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
James F. CaseBioluminescence, invertebrate physiology
Kevin J. Cashbiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering
Jennifer N. Cha2000 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Jacob Y. ChaOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2010 Dan (R. Daniel) Little (grad student)
Jennifer Cha Daniel E. Morse (grad student)
Michael Lawrence Chabinycmaterials for flexible electronics and energy storage and conversion
Oliver A. ChadwickPhysical Geography, Soil Science Agriculture, Geochemistry
Hernan ChaimovichMicelles, Vesicles, Ion selectivity, micellar catalysis Department of Chemistry19651966 Clifford A Bunton (post-doc)
Aviel Chaimovichcolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering Chemical Engineering2013 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Charusita Chakravarty Horia Metiu (post-doc)
Juan R Chamorro Materials Materials Ram Seshadri (post-doc), Stephen D. Wilson (post-doc)
Sevada A. ChamrasOrganic & Bioorganic,Theory & Computation2001 Donald H. Aue (grad student)
Lesley Chan Chemical Engineering20152020 Michael J. Gordon (grad student)
Kazaf KC Chan Chemistry20172022 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Nichole A. Chan Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology20182023 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Tanya L. ChantawansriSoft Matter Chemical Engineering2009 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Richard R. ChapleauBiochemistry, Genetics Chemistry2009 Martin Sagermann (grad student)
Jennifer Chau19982000 Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Anthony CheethamMaterials
Mingjie ChenEnvironmental Sciences2005 Arturo A. Keller (grad student)
Kang Chen20082010 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Nianhuan Chencolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering2004 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Irene A. ChenSynthetic biology, Systems Biology, Biophysics, Origin of Life, Molecular Evolution, Phage-based Applications, Human Microbiome
Jianjun ChengMaterials Science Engineering2001 Timothy J. Deming (grad student)
Walter J. Chesnavich1976 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Kevin M. Cheung20122014 Norbert O. Reich (research assistant)
Chunyan Chi20052007 Guillermo C. Bazan (post-doc)
Soo-Hyung Choipolymers Materials Research Lab20102012 Edward J. Kramer (post-doc)
Kyoung-Shin Choidesign, synthesis, and characterization of semiconducting and metallic crystals20002002 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc), Eric W. McFarland (post-doc)
Siyoung Q. ChoiFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2011 Todd M. Squires (grad student)
Will ChrismanOrganometallic chemistry2004 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Phillip A. Christiansencomputational chemistry1976 William England Palke (grad student)
Jiaxiang Chu2016 Gabriel Ménard (post-doc)
Alexander Chu-Kungmanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers2005 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
David W. ChungOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2011 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
T.C. Mike ChungPolymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering19821984 Alan J. Heeger (post-doc)
Tracy T. Chuong Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Jerred A. Chutesynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2012 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Jordan F. ClarkGeology, Geochemistry
Giuliano César ClososkiOrganic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry, Green Chemistry20042004 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Nelson E. CoatesPhysical chemistry Physics2010 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Eric W. Cochranpolymers20042005 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Stephanie R. CoffinMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis2009 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Robert C. Coffinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2009 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Elysia Cohn20042006 Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Bret A. Coldrenbiomembranes, liquid crystals2002 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Michael Colee Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Christa L. ConradoCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2002 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Joya CooleyInorganic chemistry20182020 Ram Seshadri (post-doc)
Steven R. CorderoPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy2001 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Eleonora M. CoriglianoBiochemistry Chemistry2008 John J. Perona (grad student)
Jérôme Cornilorganic semiconductors Alan J. Heeger (post-doc)
Patrick T. Corona
Sarah R. CowanPhysical chemistry Materials2011 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
James K. Cowarddesign potent and specific "mechanism-based inhibitors" of selected target enzymes for use as drugs in the treatment of cancer and parasitic diseases1969 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
John S. Cowartsynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry Chemistry2014 Craig J. Hawker (grad student), Michael Lawrence Chabinyc (grad student)
Jay (Groppe) CrailProtein Structure and Function, Protein Kinases, Targeted Protein Degradation, Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) Signaling Biological Sciences Chemistry Biological Sciences Daniel E. Morse (grad student), Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc), Steve Reed (grad student)
Jeffrey B. CreamerGeology, Petrology Geological Sciences2012 Frank J. Spera (grad student)
Grace M. CredoPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy2001 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Bridgit O. CrewsIsolated Molecules, Laser Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Photochemistry, Building Blocks of Life, UV Photodynamics of DNA, Archaeometry, Cultural Heritage, Art and Archaelogy, Prebiotic Chemistry2007 Mattanjah S. De Vries (grad student)
Phillip Crewschemistry of tropical marine sponges and marine-derived fungi1969 Domenick J. Bertelli (grad student)
Anthony J. CrisciSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemistry2012 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Michael Cromer20112013 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Scott L. CumberlandChemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis2001 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Scott A. CurtinPolymer Chemistry2001 Timothy J. Deming (grad student)
Frederick W. Dahlquistprotein structure and function, nuclear magnetic resonance
J G David Chemistry20102011 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Robert E. Davis Geography19821986 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Ryan C. DavisSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemistry2012 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Javier R. de AlanizChemical Engineering, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering
Stephanie S. de los RiosBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2006 John J. Perona (grad student)
Miguel A. de los Riosbiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering2005 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Mattanjah S. De VriesIsolated Molecules, Laser Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Photochemistry, Building Blocks of Life, UV Photodynamics of DNA, Archaeometry, Cultural Heritage, Art and Archaelogy, Prebiotic Chemistry
Elizabeth R. DecolvenaereChemical Engineering, Chemistry, Electronic Structure, Materials Science Chemical Engineering Materials20122017 Michael J. Gordon (grad student), Anton Van der Ven (grad student)
Joanna DeekNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems Chemistry2012 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
George D. Degen Chemical Engineering Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Eric W. DegunsSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization2006 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Edward F. DeLongMicrobiology, Ecology, Evolution, Genomics, Biogeochemistry, Oceanography
Daniel G DeMartiniBiochemistry, Biomaterials2014 Daniel E. Morse (grad student)
Cori A. DemmelmaierSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization2008 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Ryan J. DePuitFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2011 Todd M. Squires (grad student)
Frank DeRosaCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2003 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Steve J. Diamantiorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2005 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Tommy D. DickeyPhysical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry
Michael D. Dimitrioupolymer interfaces Materials Materials2011 Edward J. Kramer (grad student), Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Ronald V. DimockBiochemistry, Toxicology, Environmental Sciences1970 Demorest Davenport (grad student)
Junqi Dingbiomembranes, liquid crystals2001 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Kadir DiriTheoretical Chemistry
Jack E. DixonProtein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Dual=specific Phosphatase, PTEN 1971 Thomas C. Bruice (grad student)
Thanh D Do Chemistry2015 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Sonya L. Donato Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology20132019 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Scott Donneenergy storage, electrochemistry Chemistry19961997 John H. Kennedy (post-doc)
Jeff DozierEnvironmental Engineering, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences
Carlos Drummond Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Aidee Duarteorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science Chemistry2012 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Christophe DuplaisOrganic chemistry, Natural products chemistry, Chemical Ecology Bruce H. Lipshutz (post-doc)
Nicholas F. Dupuis Chemistry2009 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Christine DuvauchelleBehavioral pharmacology, dopamine, ethanol1992 Aaron Ettenberg (grad student)
Collin M. Dyerprotein structure and function, nuclear magnetic resonance Chemistry2008 Frederick W. Dahlquist (grad student)
Mason L. DykstraGeology, Geophysics2005 James P Kennett (grad student)
Julia L. E.
Hellmut EckertInorganic Chemistry
Nicholas J. EconomouPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy Chemistry2014 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Chelsea E. R. Edwards
Shlomo Efrima Horia Metiu (post-doc)
Peter EichhublGeoscience, Structural Geololgy, Geochemistry, Energy geoscience Geosciences1997 James Boles (grad student)
Greg Ekberg Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology20142020 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Kelly Elder Geography19911995 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
William S ElliottPhotoelectrocatalysis and plasmonics Chemistry Chemistry20132018 Martin Moskovits (grad student), Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Volker Engel19871989 Horia Metiu (post-doc)
Ryan N. EngstromPhysical Geography, Biogeochemistry2005 Allen Hope (grad student)
R. A. EstabrookMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis2007 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Abril Y. EstradaBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics Chemistry2010 J. Herbert Waite (grad student)
Larken E. EulissOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry2004 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Heather M. EvansNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems2005 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
Hayden A. Evans Chemistry Ram Seshadri (grad student), Fred Wudl (grad student)
Christopher M. Evanspolymers20142016 Rachel A. Segalman (post-doc)
Chunhai Fan
Chunhai FanNucleic acids chemistry; Biosensors; Bioimaging20002003 Alan J. Heeger (post-doc), Kevin W. Plaxco (post-doc)
Robert M. Farinamanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers Chemical Engineering2012 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
Kathleen E. Feldmanpolymer interfaces Materials2009 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Darby FeldwinnChemical Education, Curriculum Development, Teacher Professional Development
Russell K. FellerMaterials Chemistry2008 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Janos H. Fendlerradiation chemistry, physical organic chemistry, micelles, membrane mimetic chemistry material sciences, nanomaterials, and plasmonic19651966 Clifford A Bunton (post-doc)
Pingyun FengMaterials Chemistry, Porous Materials, Photocatalysis19982000 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student), David J. Pine (post-doc)
Zhengao Fengtotal synthesis Chemistry and Biochemistry20112015 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Gabriel FenteanyBiochemistry1992 Daniel E. Morse (grad student)
Bernadette O. FernandezCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2004 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Maria-Jose FerrerNMR, hyperpolarization Chemistry and Biochemistry20232024 Songi Han (post-doc)
Lisa Fetter
Kristen A. FichthornMulti-Scale Materials Theory and Simulation1990 W. Henry Weinberg (post-doc)
Robert W. Fielddynamics of small polyatomic molecules19711974 Herbert Philip Broida (post-doc), David O. Harris (post-doc)
C Adrian Figgpolymer chemistry, nanomaterials Chemistry20112013 Craig J. Hawker (research assistant)
Samuel D. FleischmanSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemistry2011 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Peter C. FordCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.
Arnold J. Formansurface chemical-electrical phenomena related to catalysis and photoelectrocatalysis, and photovoltaic and chemo-electronic devices Chemistry2010 Eric W. McFarland (grad student)
Brett P. ForsOrganic synthesis, Catalysis, Supramolecular chemistry, Materials20112014 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Paul M. ForsterMaterials2005 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Skye FortierInorganic, organometallic chemistry Chemistry2011 Trevor W. Hayton (grad student)
Jayme N. Franklinbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry2003 Alison Butler (grad student)
Glenn H. FredricksonSoft Matter
Dave Freeman20002005 Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Alan E. FriedmanInorganic Chemistry/Proteomics Chemistry19821987 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Bryan A. FriemanOrganometallic chemistry2006 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Karen L. FrindellOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry2003 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
John M. FrostadFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2013 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Germaine FuBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2005 Daniel E. Morse (grad student)
Wenzhen Fubiocatalysis, protein engineering, directed evolution, asymmetric catalysis Department of Chemistry20202024 Yang Yang (grad student)
Morgan GainerChemical Education, Organic Chemistry
Pritam Ganguly Joan-Emma Shea (post-doc)
Daniel J. GargasPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy Chemistry2007 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Logan E. Garnerorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science Chemistry2012 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Julia M. Gauglitzbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry Marine Science2011 Alison Butler (grad student)
Michael W. Gaultois MRL20112015 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Brent S. Gaylordorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2004 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Cody GearyMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Molecular Design & Synthesis, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics Chemistry2010 Luc Jaeger (grad student)
Matthew Gebbie
Jeffrey A. GerbecChemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis2006 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Gustav Gerber19741976 Herbert Philip Broida (post-doc)
Brian C. Gergensurface chemical-electrical phenomena related to catalysis and photoelectrocatalysis, and photovoltaic and chemo-electronic devices2002 Eric W. McFarland (grad student)
J. Thomas GerigSmall Molecule-Peptide Interactions
Megan M. Gessel Chemistry2011 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Prasenjit Ghosh20012003 Guillermo C. Bazan (post-doc)
Daniel Gianola
Jennifer A. Gidden2001 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Brian GieraFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2014 Todd M. Squires (grad student)
Jennifer G. Gin Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology20072009 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Yuval GolanNanomaterials, thin films, chemical epitaxy MRL Jacob N. Israelachvili (post-doc), James Stephen Speck (post-doc)
David J GoldfeldPolymers, sustainability, polyelectrolytes, block polymers Materials20202021 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Steven J Gomez AlvaradoQuantum Materials Materials Stephen D. Wilson (grad student)
Michael J. Gordon
Megan A. Grabenauer Chemistry2008 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Wade W. GrabowBiochemistry, Molecular Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology Chemistry2012 Luc Jeager (grad student)
Carolyn M. GramlichFluid Dynamics2006 George M. Homsy (grad student)
Jimmy E. GranstromPhysical chemistry2010 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Donald John Graves
Robert Green Geography19992003 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Jason Green Chemistry20042009 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
George W. Greenecolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering Materials2010 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Carol W. GreiderTelomeres and telomerase in chromosome maintenance and stability1981 Beatrice March Sweeney (research assistant), Leslie Wilson (research assistant)
Qian Gu Daniel E. Morse (post-doc)
Grant C. Gucinski20122017 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Steven J. Gulding2004 Alec M. Wodtke (grad student)
Lisa E. GulianIsolated Molecules, Laser Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Photochemistry, Building Blocks of Life, UV Photodynamics of DNA, Archaeometry, Cultural Heritage, Art and Archaelogy, Prebiotic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Mattanjah S. De Vries (grad student)
Gautam Gundiah20052008 Anthony Cheetham (post-doc)
Rahul GuptaPhysical chemistry2000 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Nalini Guptasynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science2010 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Will Gutekunst20132015 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Bradley R. HackerGeochemistry
Jeanette C. HaganGeology, Plate Tectonics Geological Sciences2010 Cathy J. Busby (grad student)
Christopher J. HagedornChemical Engineering2000 W. Henry Weinberg (grad student)
Tiffany M. Halvorsen Biomolecular Science and Engineering20152020 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Damon J. Hamelprotein structure and function, nuclear magnetic resonance2007 Frederick W. Dahlquist (grad student)
Gordon G. Hammesenzyme catalysis
Matthew R. Hammondpolymer interfaces2005 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Yong-Jin Hanbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry2002 Alison Butler (grad student)
Song-i HanNuclear Magnetic Resonance, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, Membrane Biophysics, Protein Structure-Dynamics-Function, Solvation Science, Surface Chemistry Characterization
Khalid M. HanifChemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis2004 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Paul K. HansmaMaterials
David O. Harris
William TA Harrisoncrystallography, microporous solids19881992 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Brett D. HartmanGeography Geography2014 Oliver A. Chadwick (grad student)
Scott I. HauensteinBiochemistry Chemistry2007 John J. Perona (grad student)
Craig J. Hawkersynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science
Christopher S. Hayes
Sophia Eugenie Hayeschemistry, materials science, NMR Chemistry19941999 Hellmut Eckert (grad student)
Trevor W. HaytonInorganic, organometallic chemistry
Ryan C. Haywardpolymer interfaces2004 Edward J. Kramer (grad student), Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Ming Henatural product total synthesis Chemistry2007 Jeffrey W. Bode (grad student)
Alan J. HeegerPhysical chemistry
A. Frank HegartyPhysical organic chemistry19681970 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Julie L. HeineckeCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2011 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Matthew E. Helgesoncomplex fluids
Sameh HelmyOrganic Photochromism Javier Read de Alaniz (grad student)
Ingrid L. HendyPaleoecology, Geochemistry2000 James P Kennett (grad student)
Zachary B. Hensonorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science Chemistry2014 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Alexander Hexemerpolymer interfaces2006 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Tessa M. HillBiogeochemistry, Paleontology, Geochemistry19992004 James P Kennett (grad student), Dorothy Pak (collaborator)
David A. HillerBiochemistry2005 John J. Perona (grad student)
Matthew D. Hirscheybioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry2006 Alison Butler (grad student)
Christophe Hoarau19992005 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Kaj Hoernle George R. Tilton (grad student)
Laura E. Holberger Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20062011 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Karen W. HolmesPhysical Geography, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences2003 Oliver A. Chadwick (grad student)
Eric P. HolowkaNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems Materials Science & Engineering Materials Science & Engineering Materials Science & Engineering Materials Science & Engineering2007 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student), Edward J. Kramer (research assistant), Galen Dean Stucky (research assistant), Jacob N. Israelachvili (research assistant), Guillermo C. Bazan (research assistant), Timothy J. Deming (grad student)
Niels Holten-AndersenBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics Biomolecular Science and Engineering2008 J. Herbert Waite (grad student)
Celeste T. Holz-SchietingerMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Biomolecular Science and Engineering2012 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Vanessa V. Homannbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry Chemistry2008 Alison Butler (grad student)
George M. HomsyFluid Dynamics
Janice W. Hongorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2005 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Thomas McClellan HookerBiophysical Chemistry
Allen HopePhysical Geography, Biogeochemistry
Dorothy Hosler1986 Barbara Voorhies (grad student)
Atsushi Hotta20032005 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Timothy Hovanec1998 Edward F. DeLong (grad student)
Corey V. Hovenorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2010 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Adam S. HsuFluid Mechanics2008 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Yufang Hucolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering2003 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Shenlin HuangOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2011 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Yaodong Huang Chemistry20022007 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Kenneth S. HuangPhysical Chemistry2003 J. Thomas Gerig (grad student)
Xiao HuangNanotechnology, immune engineering, biomaterials
Zeric HulveyMaterials Chemistry2010 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Jasmine N. Huntsynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2010 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Sun Hurfunctions and mechanisms of several pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that specifically recognize viral nucleic acids, such as several Toll like receptors and RIG-I-like helicases2003 Thomas C. Bruice (grad student)
Su-Mi HurSoft Matter Chemical Engineering2012 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Taeho HwangSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemical Engineering2014 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Jungyeon HwangPolymer Chemistry, Chemical Engineering2002 Timothy J. Deming (grad student)
Akira Iinishibioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry Chemistry2008 Alison Butler (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Ilardi Chemistry2011 Armen Zakarian (grad student)
Andreas J IlliesPhysical Chemistry1984 Michael T. Bowers (post-doc)
Jacob N. Israelachvilicolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering
Anna IvanovskayaOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Chemistry2011 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Bo Brummerstedt IversenEnergy storage, Solids chemistry, Catalysis, Material chemistry, Nanochemistry, X-ray crystallography, Inorganic chemistry19961998 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Parameswar Krishnan IyerNanotechnology20012003 Steven K. Buratto (post-doc)
Bret E. JacksonPhysical Chemistry1983 Horia Metiu (post-doc)
Stephen K. Jackson20092011 Thomas R.R. Pettus (post-doc)
Luc JaegerMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Molecular Design & Synthesis, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics
Brian D. Janssen
Thomas F. JaramilloElectrocatalysis for Energy Production2004 Eric W. McFarland (grad student)
Martin F. JarroldCharge Detection Mass Spectrometry, Phase Transitions in Small Systems, Mechanism of Silica Charging Michael T. Bowers (post-doc)
Artjay JavierChemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis2006 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Luc JeagerBiochemistry, Molecular Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Nanotechnology
Scott A. JewhurstMaterials Science Engineering2003 Frederick F. Lange (grad student)
David JiMaterials Chemistry2012 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Yuanyuan Ji Chemistry2011 Alec M. Wodtke (grad student)
S Jiménez-Alonso20102011 Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Kenneth D. Johnson1969 William Kirkwood Purves (grad student)
Jayna B. JonesNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems Materials2007 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
Crisjoe A. JosephCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2005 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Matthew J. Kadesynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2010 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Annelen KahlHydrology, Environmental Sciences Environmental Science & Management2013 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Kalju KahnChemical Education, Biochemistry
Kinson C. KamMaterials Chemistry Chemistry2007 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Taegon Kangsynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Materials2012 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Di KangBiosensor, Biochemistry Chemsitry20102016 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Katherine Kanipeplasmonics, metamaterials Chemistry Chemistry20122017 Martin Moskovits (grad student), Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Michail KapnistosFluid Mechanics2006 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
William C. Kaska Inorganic Chemistry
Mark Kastantinmanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers2009 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
Reika KatsumataDirected Self-Assembly of Functional Materials on Non-Ideal Surfaces Rachel A. Segalman (post-doc)
Rick Kattelmann Geography19911995 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Sukhvinder KaurFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2008 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Tetsuya Kawamuraprotein structure and function, nuclear magnetic resonance Chemistry2009 Frederick W. Dahlquist (grad student)
Sarah L. Kellerlipid membrane biophysics19951997 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (post-doc)
Arturo A. KellerEnvironmental Sciences, Organic Chemistry
Michelle P. Kembioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry Chemistry2014 Alison Butler (grad student)
Moureen C. Kemeimaterials chemistry Materials2014 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
John H. Kennedyanalytical chemistry
James P KennettPaleoecology, Geochemistry
Aditya S. KhairFluid mechanics and transport processes; Complex and multiphase fluids20072010 Todd M. Squires (post-doc)
Rashda K. KhanOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry2007 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Vikram Khannapolymer interfaces2006 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Chosu KhinCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2008 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Gregory A. KhitrovChemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis2003 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Nina E. KilhamPhysical Geography, Remote Sensing, Hydrology, Sedimentary Geology Geography2009 Oliver A. Chadwick (grad student)
Annette B. KillmerEnvironmental Sciences, Public and Social Welfare, Theory Economics2004 Arturo A. Keller (grad student)
Kathryn L. Killopssynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2010 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Tae-Hyun Kim2015 Craig J. Hawker (research scientist)
Bumjoon Kimpolymer interfaces2006 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
KyuHan KimFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2013 Todd M. Squires (grad student)
Myung Hwa KimChemical Dynamics and spectroscopy, Electrochemistry Chemistry & Biochemistry20062009 Alec M. Wodtke (post-doc)
Joseph R. A. Kincaid
William M. KincannonChemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry Michael T. Bowers (research assistant)
Keith M. KirkwoodFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2009 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Bernard KirtmanMaterials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Theory & Computation, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis
Edward T. Kisakbiomembranes, liquid crystals2001 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Alan Kleiman-ShwarscetinOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Materials2010 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Abigail S Knightbioinspired materials20152018 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Travis L. KohChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering2013 Michael J. Gordon (grad student)
Walter KohnTheoretical chemistry
Jonathan E. Kohnbiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering2005 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Zachary J. Komonorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2002 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Alexey Y. KoyfmanMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Biomolecular Science and Engineering2008 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Mark L. KramEnvironmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Environmental Engineering2002 Arturo A. Keller (grad student)
Edward J. Kramerpolymer interfaces
Charles T. Kresgemesoporous molecular sieves1979 Ralph G. Pearson (grad student)
Daniel V. Krogstadmanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers Materials2012 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
Mary G. KronePhysical Chemistry, Theory & Computation, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Chemistry2007 Joan-Emma Shea (grad student)
Tonya L. KuhlBiomedical Engineering, Biochemistry Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Jens-Uwe Kuhnbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry2009 Alison Butler (grad student)
praveen Kumarcatalysis; renewable energy; hydrogenation
Nitya Gopal KunduSynthetic organic chemistry19651967 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Bryanna M. KunkelSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemistry2011 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Joshua A. Kurzmanmaterials chemistry Chemistry2011 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Obum Kwonorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science Chemistry2013 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Andrew R. Kylander-ClarkGeology Geological Sciences2008 Bradley R. Hacker (grad student)
Jacob J. LacharityTotal Synthesis
James G. Lamoureux
Stephanie Landon
Avery S. Landon Stephanie Landon (grad student)
Evan B. LandstromOrganic Synthesis, Green Chemistry
Frederick F. LangeInorganic Chemistry
Ross E. Larsentheoretical physical chemistry, statistical mechanics, electronic structure, polymers Chemistry19982001 Horia Metiu (post-doc)
Jerry L. LaRue Chemistry2011 Alec M. Wodtke (grad student)
Susan LatturnerMaterials Chemistry2000 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Leroy E. LavermanChemical Education, Physical Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemsitry19941999 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Camille Lawrencebiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering Biomolecular Science and Engineering2013 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
David W. LeaPaleoclimatology, Paleoceanography, Marine Geochemistry, Global Climate Change
L. Gary LealFluid Mechanics
Deborah E. Leckbandhow the physical chemical properties of surfaces impacts fundamental biological functions and device/material performance in biological environments Jacob N. Israelachvili (post-doc)
Nancy LeeMolecular Biology and Biochemistry
William A. LeeAntiviral drugs Chemistry19821985 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Won B. LeeSoft Matter Chemical Engineering2007 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Ching-Tien LeeOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2009 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Kwang-hee Lee19901995 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Jongbok LeeOrganic synthesis, Polymer synthesis Materials Research Laboratory2018 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Changhee LeeOLED Display, Quantum Dot Display, Organic Electronics, Organic Optoelectronic Devices Physics19891994 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
In-Hwan Lee20162018 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Mark W Lee Jr.Boron chemistry Chemistry1999 Bruce Rickborn (research assistant)
Frank A. Leibfarthsynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2013 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Erin M. LennonSoft Matter Chemical Engineering2008 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Mary Lerner Brandon L. Greene (grad student)
Domenick Leto Chemical Engineering2014 Susannah L. Scott (post-doc)
Emily Levin2015 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Jacob LevinDegradation Chemistry Chemistry2020 Armen Zakarian (grad student)
Richard Alan Lewis20082013 Trevor W. Hayton (grad student)
Hui Li Chemistry and Biochemistry2015 Kevin W. Plaxco (post-doc)
Yongfang Li19971998 Alan J. Heeger (post-doc)
Felice C. Lightstone1998 Thomas C. Bruice (grad student)
Mark D. LimCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2005 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Alison J. LinNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems2001 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
Brian Linsynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2012 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Yanxian LinComplex Coacervation, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Christopher C. Lindsey19992004 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Craig W. Lindsley1996 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
William M. LindstromMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis2000 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Bruce H. LipshutzOrganometallic chemistry
Dan (R. Daniel) Littleorganic chemistry
Shishi LiuPhysical Geography, Geodesy Geography2011 Oliver A. Chadwick (grad student)
Biao Liu2006 Frederick F. Lange (grad student)
Andrea J. Liusoft matter physics19911994 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Dengfeng Liu2006 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Thomas Stuart LivinghouseNatural products Chemistry1973 Bruce Rickborn (research assistant)
John A. LoveOrganic Photovoltaic Chemistry Materials Thuc-Quyen T. Nguyen (grad student), Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Asher LowerOrganometallic chemistry2006 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Geoffrey M. LowmanPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy2003 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Arica A. Lubinbiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering Chemistry2009 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Nathaniel A. LyndPolymer science Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Materials Department20082010 Edward J. Kramer (post-doc), Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc), Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Wanli MaPhysical chemistry2007 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Gerald S. MacalaCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2009 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Derek J. Magdziak19982003 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Dmitrii E. MakarovMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry19962000 Horia Metiu (post-doc)
Xingkun Man20112013 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Manuel J. Manard2006 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Lingling Mao Materials2018 Ram Seshadri (post-doc), Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Jonathan A. MarhenkeCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2002 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Danny Marks Geography19841988 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Maurice A. Marsini Chemistry20032009 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Jessica E. Martinbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry2006 Alison Butler (grad student)
Amy M. MartinMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis2001 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
George B. MartinGeophysics, Geochemistry Geological Sciences2011 Frank J. Spera (grad student)
Pamela A. Martin2000 David W. Lea (grad student)
Jennifer S. Martinezbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry2002 Alison Butler (grad student)
Steven Ronnie MartinezOrganic Chemistry Chemistry & Biochemistry20102013 Armen Zakarian (grad student)
Rachel Marullomanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers Chemical Engineering2011 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
Michael D. MasonPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy2000 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Patrick Mather1994 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Douglas M. MatjeMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Chemistry2011 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Daniel Matsiev Chemistry2007 Alec M. Wodtke (grad student)
Gerald B. Matsonmagnetic resonance J. Thomas Gerig (post-doc)
Theodore D. MatsonCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2012 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Ian H. Matthews Biomolecular Science and Engineering20212022 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Kaila M. Mattson Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Peter H. McBreenPhysical Chemistry Chemistry Martin Moskovits (grad student)
Evan R. McCarneybiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering2005 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Eric W. McFarlandsurface chemical-electrical phenomena related to catalysis and photoelectrocatalysis, and photovoltaic and chemo-electronic devices
Karen L. McFarlane Holmanruthenium anti-cancer drugs, photochemistry, organometallics, XANES, OEC in PSII Chemistry19901996 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Michael D. McGeheePhotovoltaics1999 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Brandon J. McKennaOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Chemistry2007 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Margaret A. McLoughlin Chemistry1990 William C. Kaska (grad student)
Christine E. McMichaelGeography, Hydrology, Remote Sensing2004 Allen Hope (grad student)
Kevin M. McQuaid20022004 Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Eduardo Mecado20042006 Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Martin A. Medina ElizaldeGeophysics, Geochemistry2007 David W. Lea (grad student)
Sarah E. MedleyPaleoclimate Science Marine Science2011 David W. Lea (grad student)
Simon J. Meek Research Interests Organic Synthesis, Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis20012002 Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Lupe H. Mejorado20012006 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Nicholas A. Meloshmolecular electronics and plasmonics, diamondoids, dynamic self-assembly of biomolecules and lipid bilayers as nano-bio interfaces2001 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student), Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Brent C. MelotInorganic Solid State Materials Chemistry Materials20062010 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Gabriel MénardClean Energy, Sustainable Chemistry, Catalyst Design, Inorganic Synthesis and Catalysis
Sheena R. MenezesGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics Biology Chemistry2011 John J. Perona (grad student)
X. Zoey Meng materials research laboratory20212023 Rachel A. Segalman (post-doc)
Andrew W. MerithewNitrogen-functionalized molecules Chemistry Chemistry2014 Javier Read de Alaniz (grad student), Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Crystal A. MerrillMaterials Materials2009 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Robert J. MessingerFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2012 Todd M. Squires (grad student)
Zoltan Mester Chemical Engineering2013 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Horia MetiuComputational chemistry
Robert W. MeulenbergChemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis2002 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Emily E. MeyerNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems2006 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
Raffaele Mezzenga20012002 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Nicole Michenfelder-Schauser2016 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Luke A. Miller Chemistry2012 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Ralph Milliff Geography19851989 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Younjin MinInterfacial Phenomena, Adhesion, Friction, Tribology, Biophysics, Biomaterials, Polymers Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering20042009 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student), Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Lauren M. MischOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Chemistry2014 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Vindhya Mishrapolymer interfaces Chemical Engineering2011 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Himanshu MishraBiomimetics; Desert rehabilitation; Food–water–climate security; Soil chemistry & physics; Carbon Sequestration; Circular Carbon Economy Chemical Engineering and CNSI20132014 Jacob N. Israelachvili (post-doc)
Marie M. MitaniEnvironmental Sciences, Organic Chemistry2002 Arturo A. Keller (grad student)
Guoya Moprotein structure and function, nuclear magnetic resonance Chemistry2012 Frederick W. Dahlquist (grad student)
Kevin D. MoellerOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Dan (R. Daniel) Little (grad student)
Lone F. MoellnitzComputational chemistry2001 Horia Metiu (grad student)
Paul MollardOrganometallic chemistry2001 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Noah P. MolotchHydrology, Environmental Sciences, Physical Geography, Remote Sensing Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Damien Montarnal20112013 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Ji S. MoonPhysical chemistry Materials2011 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Antonio F. Moreira dos SantosMaterials2002 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Andrew R. Morrillsurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) Chemistry2009 Martin Moskovits (grad student)
Herbert A. Morriss-AndrewsPhysical Chemistry, Theory & Computation, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Physics2014 Joan-Emma Shea (grad student)
David C. Morse Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Daniel E. MorseBiochemistry
Ralph MoserOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2011 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Anthony W. MosesSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization2007 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Dana N. MosesBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics2007 J. Herbert Waite (grad student)
Martin Moskovitssurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
Eve M Mozurmaterials chemistry, solid-state chemistry Materials2020 Ram Seshadri (post-doc)
Sanjoy Mukherjee Materials2017 Michael Lawrence Chabinyc (post-doc), Christopher M. Bates (post-doc)
Ryan G. MullenPhysical Chemistry, Theory & Computation, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Chemical Engineering2014 Joan-Emma Shea (grad student)
Kristen E. MurphyOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Chemistry2013 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Meredith M. MurrBiochemistry2006 Daniel E. Morse (grad student)
Allison Murray1998 Edward F. DeLong (grad student)
Paul F. MutoloOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry2000 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student), Hellmut Eckert (grad student)
Srinivasan NatarajanSolid-state and structural chemistry Anthony Cheetham (post-doc)
Daniel J. NeedlemanPhysics of Macromolecular Assemblies and Subcellular Organization Materials Research Laboratory (MRL)19992005 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student), Deborah Fygenson (grad student)
James Neilsonmaterials chemistry Biochemistry20072011 Daniel E. Morse (grad student)
Maureen NeitzMolecular Genetics and Color Vision John A. Carbon (grad student)
Francesco NencioliPhysical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry Geography2010 Tommy D. Dickey (grad student)
Daniel NeumanCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2007 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Surekha G. Neumannsynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2012 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Dean I. NevinsGeology, Geochemistry Geological Sciences2009 Frank J. Spera (grad student)
Kate J. NewberryBiochemistry2002 John J. Perona (grad student)
Chi K. Nguyenchemistry, materials science Chemistry and Biochemistry20032016 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Anna Nguyen
Tuan T. D. NguyenColloidal Gels Chemical Engineering20142020 Matthew E. Helgeson (grad student)
Thuy-Ai Nguyen Chemistry David E. Chavez (post-doc)
Thuc-Quyen T. Nguyenfemtosecond laser spectroscopies and mixed quantum/classical molecular dynamics simulations
Dinh Q. Nhan Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology20172023 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Danielle M. NihanOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2008 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Kiel C. Nikolakakis
Tracy A. NissanBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Molecular Biology2001 John J. Perona (grad student)
Anne Nolin Geography19931997 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Kevin Nosonpatent law2003 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Andrew P. NowakMaterials Science Engineering2003 Timothy J. Deming (grad student)
Hunaid B. Nulwalasynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2009 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
James R. O'DeaPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy Chemistry2010 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
James P. OberhauserFluid Mechanics2001 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Kenneth J. Ohbiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering Chemistry2007 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Benjamin G. Ohlerbiomembranes, liquid crystals2003 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Adetunji J. Onikoyipolymer interfaces Chemical Engineering2013 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Erin L. OrazemPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy Chemistry2007 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Victoria J. OrphanMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biogeochemistry2001 Edward F. DeLong (grad student)
Todd A. OstomelOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry2006 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Alexis D. OstrowskiCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2010 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Jacek C. Ostrowskiorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2005 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Xiaoying OuyangSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemistry2012 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Tate Owenbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry2007 Alison Butler (grad student)
Bridget T. OwensCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2009 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Javin P. OzaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, General Biophysics Biomolecular Science and Engineering2012 John J. Perona (grad student)
Brendon M. O\'Boyle
Katharine L. Pagematerials chemistry Materials2008 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Thomas H. Painter Geography19982002 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Dorothy Pak
Raj Ganesh S PalaElectrochemical, Catalysis and Separation Science and Engineering Chemistry and Chemical Engineering chemistry and chemical engineering20052008 Eric W. McFarland (post-doc), Horia Metiu (post-doc)
William England Palketheoretical chemistry
Patrick W. PapaOrganometallic chemistry2002 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Chungsoo C. ParkFluid Mechanics2002 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Chad K. Parkcolloidal dispersions, biological systems, and polymer engineering2000 Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Stanley M. ParsonsImaging Alzheimer's Disease, Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporter, Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase Structure and Function, Hydroxyacid-Oxoacid Transhydrogenase,
Deena M. PatelSoft Matter2004 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Adriana S. Pattersonbiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering Biomolecular Science and Engineering2012 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Jos M.J. Paulussedrug delivery, polymer chemistry, organic chemistry Materials Research Laboratory Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Joel S. PaustianFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2014 Todd M. Squires (grad student)
Ralph G. Pearsontheoretical inorganic chemistry
Jeffrey H. Peetorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science Materials2009 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Jian Pei19982000 Alan J. Heeger (research assistant)
Rodney I. PelzelChemical Engineering2000 W. Henry Weinberg (grad student)
Brian C. PeoplesSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization2008 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Louis A. Perezpolymer interfaces Materials2014 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Renee J. Perez RodriguezGeochemistry, Mineralogy, Hydrology2003 James Boles (grad student)
John J. PeronaBiochemistry
Ryan L. PerroyGeography, Environmental Management, Natural Resource Management Geography2009 Oliver A. Chadwick (grad student)
Emily M. PetermanGeology Geological Sciences2009 Bradley R. Hacker (grad student)
John David Petersen1975 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Tue B. PetersenOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2008 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Stacey N. PetersonMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis2007 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Thomas R.R. Pettussynthetic organic chemistry, o-quinone methides, cyclohexadienones,
Liping H. Pettus19981999 Thomas R.R. Pettus (post-doc)
David H. PeytonOrganic Chemistry1983 J. Thomas Gerig (grad student)
Steven S. PfeifferOrganometallic chemistry2003 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Toan V. Phoorganic conductors and superconductors Chemistry2012 Fred Wudl (grad student)
Ashley M. Piekarskisynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Chemistry2011 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Agustin E. PierriCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2014 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Kartik Pilar2018 Ram Seshadri (post-doc)
Kevin W. Plaxcobiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering
Adam J. PollakMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis Chemistry2014 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Maurizio Prato1991 Fred Wudl (research scientist)
Molleigh Preefer2015 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Eric D. Presslysynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Materials2010 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Christina Preston1998 Edward F. DeLong (grad student)
Scott PriceChemical Education, Physical Chemistry
Mallikarjuna R PuttaOligonucleotide Chemistry20012005 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Jeffrey Pyun Chemistry20022004 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Dayna J. QuickPhysical Geography, Soil Science Agriculture, Geochemistry Geography2012 Oliver A. Chadwick (grad student)
Alfredo Quinto Hernandez Chemistry2012 Alec M. Wodtke (grad student)
Laura K. RademacherGeology, Geochemistry2002 Jordan F. Clark (grad student)
Igor RahinovPhysical Chemistry20062009 Alec M. Wodtke (post-doc)
Asanga D. RanasinghePhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy Chemistry2007 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Orlando E. Raolaanalytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, chemical education2005 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Morgan Raven
Javier Read de AlanizNitrogen-functionalized molecules
Norbert O. ReichMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis
Jeffrey Alan ReimerNuclear magnetic resonance, Materials19741976 J. Thomas Gerig (research assistant)
Bailey E Rhodeschemistry, materials Materials Materials Materials2020 Daniel Gianola (grad student), Irene Beyerlein (grad student), Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Bruce Rickborn
Claron J. RidgePhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy Chemistry2011 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Robert A. Riggleman20092010 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Isaac J. RiisnesssChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering2013 Michael J. Gordon (grad student)
Anouk M. Rijs20032005 Mattanjah S. De Vries (post-doc)
Ralph D. RimmerCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators. Chemistry2009 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Matthew RiouxGeology2006 Bradley R. Hacker (grad student)
Aditi S. Risbudmaterials chemistry2005 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Karl E. RittgerHydrology, Remote Sensing Environmental Science & Management2012 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Maxwell J. RobbPolymer chemistry, organic chemistry, materials science Chemistry20092014 Craig J. Hawker (grad student)
Matthew R. RobinsonPhysical chemistry2003 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Andrew R. Rodriguez20012003 Thomas R.R. Pettus (research assistant)
Efrain E. Rodriguez Materials2009 Anthony Cheetham (grad student)
Annia Rodriguez HernandezBiochemistry Chemistry2011 John J. Perona (grad student)
James T. Rogerspolymer interfaces Materials2013 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Laurence S. (Larry) RomstedPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry19761980 Clifford A Bunton (post-doc)
Aaron A. Rowebiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering Chemistry2011 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Zachary C. Ruhe Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology20072012 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Justin A. Russaknatural product total synthesis Chemistry2010 Jeffrey W. Bode (grad student)
Marina RuthsMaterials Science Engineering, Molecular Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Cyrus R. SafinyaNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems
Martin SagermannBiochemistry
Jason SagertBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics2006 J. Herbert Waite (grad student)
Tatsuo Saito Armen Zakarian (post-doc)
Olivier Sandrenanoparticles and nanomaterials for biomedical applications Chemical Engineering Physics (Broida Hall)20002001 David J. Pine (post-doc), Deborah Fygenson (post-doc)
Moriah M. Sandybioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry Chemistry2011 Alison Butler (grad student)
Alexander L. Satzbioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry2001 Thomas C. Bruice (grad student)
Robert O. SavinelliSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemistry2011 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
April M. SawvelOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Chemistry2010 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Ryan E. Schaub
Michael F. SchettiniInorganic, organometallic chemistry Chemistry2012 Trevor W. Hayton (grad student)
Martin Schierhornsurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) Chemistry2009 Martin Moskovits (grad student)
Birgit SchiøttBiomodelling and Medical Chemistry1995 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Christa Schleper19961997 Edward F. DeLong (post-doc)
Bernhard VKJ Schmidtpolymer chemistry, polymer materials20132014 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Holger Schmidt Electrical Engineering1999 Ataç Imamoǧlu (grad student)
David D. SchnaarsInorganic, organometallic chemistry Chemistry2011 Trevor W. Hayton (grad student)
Yanika Schneiderorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2010 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Oscar SchofieldOceanography Biology, Paleoecology, Biogeochemistry1983 Barbara B. Prezelin (grad student)
Arthur K. Scholzpolymer interfaces Materials2013 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Emily Schueller2016 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Benjamin J. Schwartzfemtosecond laser spectroscopies and mixed quantum/classical molecular dynamics simulations1997 Alan J. Heeger (post-doc)
Birgit Schwenzer Daniel E. Morse (post-doc)
Brian J. Scott2002 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Susannah L. ScottSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization
Lani A. SeamanInorganic, organometallic chemistry Chemistry2012 Trevor W. Hayton (grad student)
Kimberly A. See Chemistry Materials Science20112015 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student), Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Dwight S. Seferosorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, polymers and materials science2006 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Rachel A. SegalmanPolymer Science19982002 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Martin SeifridMaterials Chemistry, Self-Driving Labs Chemistry20142019 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Carolyn Selenski20012006 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Rajarshi Sengupta Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Robert K. SentinellaFluid Mechanics Mathematics2007 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Eileen Soyoung Seocolloidal crystal engineering with DNA, polymerization Materials2018 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Jeff Servesko Chemistry2006 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Jeffrey M. ServeskoOrganometallic chemistry2006 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Ram Seshadrimaterials chemistry
Isil SevercanMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Molecular Design & Synthesis, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics Chemistry2008 Luc Jaeger (grad student)
Giorgia SgalariFluid Mechanics2002 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Joan-Emma SheaPhysical Chemistry, Theory & Computation, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis
Luke D. SherlinBiochemistry2002 John J. Perona (grad student)
Jessica B. Shermanmaterials for flexible electronics and energy storage and conversion Chemistry2014 Michael Lawrence Chabinyc (grad student)
Amelia E. ShevenellGeology, Paleontology2004 James P Kennett (grad student)
Jiancheng Shi Geography19871991 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Qihui ShiOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Chemistry2008 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Ian C. Shiehbiomembranes, liquid crystals Chemical Engineering2012 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Fa-Kuen ShiehMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis2007 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Young-Jun ShinOrganometallic chemistry2002 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Seiji ShinkaiSupramolecular chemistry19721974 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Rahau S. Shirazibiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering
Devleena M. ShivakumarComputational Chemistry2004 Thomas C. Bruice (grad student)
Daniel P. Shoemakermaterials chemistry Materials2010 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Andrew B. SiaCounseling Psychology Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology2010 Michael J. Brown (grad student)
Teruna J. SiahaanPharmaceutical Chemistry Bruce H. Lipshutz (post-doc)
Vikram K. SiddavaramFluid Dynamics Mechanical Engineering2007 George M. Homsy (grad student)
Rint P. Sijbesmapolymer chemistry1993 Fred Wudl (post-doc)
Anna Simon Chemistry Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Harkesh B. SinghInorganic chemistry, organometallic compounds1988 Fred Wudl (post-doc)
Robert L. Sinsheimermolecular biology
Donald J. SirbulyPhysical Chemistry, Energy, Catalysis, Devices, Assembly, Spectroscopy2003 Steven K. Buratto (grad student)
Sanya SirivithayapakornEnvironmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering2003 Arturo A. Keller (grad student)
Easan Sivaniah19972000 Edward J. Kramer (post-doc)
Nelle L. SlackNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems2000 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)
Luis J. SmithMaterials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry19931999 Anthony Cheetham (grad student), Hellmut Eckert (grad student)
Julian William SnowBiochemistry1975 Thomas McClellan Hooker (grad student)
Mark R. Snyder2004 Frederick F. Lange (grad student)
Dotsevi Y. Sogahdesign and synthesis of new polymers, preparation of protein-based polymers and application of living polymerization methods to surface functionalization of nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes19751977 Thomas C. Bruice (post-doc)
Karen E. Sohnpolymer interfaces Materials2008 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Stephanie S. Sohnnatural product total synthesis Chemistry2007 Jeffrey W. Bode (grad student)
Kevin V. SolomonMetabolic Engineering Chemical Engineering Michelle O'malley (post-doc)
Jung-Ah Song20182020 Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Kiho Song Biomolecular Science and Engineering20162020 Christopher S. Hayes (grad student)
Victor Soto-VerdugoComputational chemistry Physics2010 Horia Metiu (grad student)
Frank J. SperaGeology, Geochemistry
Howard J. SperoBiogeochemistry, Geology1986 Beatrice March Sweeney (grad student)
Johannes Sprafke Craig J. Hawker (post-doc)
Todd M. SquiresFluid Mechanics
Catherine Louise Squires1972 Nancy Lee (grad student)
Aasheesh SrivastavaBioinspired Materials, Polymeric Biomaterials, Nanomaterials20062009 J. Herbert Waite (post-doc), Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Timothy C. SteimlePhysical Chemistry, Molecular Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Department of Chemistry19731978 David O. Harris (grad student)
Gila E. Steinpolymer interfaces2006 Edward J. Kramer (grad student)
Patrick C. Stengerbiomembranes, liquid crystals Chemical Engineering2008 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Timbo Stillinger Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Craig E. Stivala Chemistry2012 Armen Zakarian (grad student)
Nicholas C. Strandwitz Materials20042009 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Peter Strasser20002001 W. Henry Weinberg (post-doc)
Dimitrios Stroumpoulismanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers2006 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
Galen Dean StuckyOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry
Chengjun SunBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics2001 J. Herbert Waite (grad student)
Weikang SunOrganic Photovoltaics Materials20122015 Guillermo C. Bazan (grad student)
Michael Sushchikhsurface chemical-electrical phenomena related to catalysis and photoelectrocatalysis, and photovoltaic and chemo-electronic devices2005 Eric W. McFarland (grad student)
James S. SwensenPhysical chemistry2007 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Benjamin R. Taft20042008 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Christopher J. TakacsPhysical chemistry Physics2013 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
YerPeng TanBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics Biomolecular Science and Engineering2014 J. Herbert Waite (grad student)
Chuanbing TangPolymer Chemistry, Renewable Materials, Metal-containing Polymers Edward J. Kramer (post-doc)
Jing Tangsurface chemical-electrical phenomena related to catalysis and photoelectrocatalysis, and photovoltaic and chemo-electronic devices2004 Eric W. McFarland (grad student)
Andrea R. TaoMaterials Chemistry, Inorganic chemistry Daniel E. Morse (post-doc)
Sam Teicher2017 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Burcin TemelComputational chemistry2006 Horia Metiu (grad student)
Amy K. TezelFluid Mechanics2005 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Chalita Thanyakoopbioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry Chemistry2009 Alison Butler (grad student)
Elayne M Thomaspolymeric semiconductors, structure-property relationships, organic electronics Materials Materials20152019 Rachel A. Segalman (grad student), Michael Lawrence Chabinyc (grad student)
Arne Thomas20042005 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Rohan M Thomas
Philipp J. ThurnerBiomechanics, Mechanobiology, Collagen Fibrils
Matthew V. Tirrellmanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers
Eric S. Toberermaterials chemistry20012006 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Eric Toddbioorganic chemistry Biological Sciences Al Ebeling (grad student)
Sarah H. Tolbertmaterials for energy harvesting, materials for energy storage, magnetic/piezoelectric materials, structural materials, and biomaterials.19951997 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Francesca Maria TomaPhotoelectrochemistry20112012 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc), Fred Wudl (post-doc)
Takashi TomiokaOrganometallic chemistry2004 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Neil D. Treatsynthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology and materials science Materials Materials2012 Craig J. Hawker (grad student), Michael Lawrence Chabinyc (grad student)
Douglas R. TreeSoft Matter, Polymers, Complex Fluids20142017 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Amanda M. Trentmanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers Biomolecular Science and Engineering2012 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
Derek C. TrethewayFluid Mechanics2000 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Chia-Kuang TsungOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry2007 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Raymond S. Tumanipulation and measurement of the surface properties of polymers2004 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student)
John B. UngerOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2009 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Nathan T. UterBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2005 John J. Perona (grad student)
Ryan William Van De Water19982003 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Anton Van der Ven
Petra van KoppenChemical Education, Physical Chemistry, Fifth Grade Chemistry Outreach Program, Professional Development K-12 Teachers (CenSURF and SCSP), Learning Assistant Program
Ryan M. van Zantenbiomembranes, liquid crystals Chemical Engineering2007 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Armand S. Vartanianprotein structure and function, nuclear magnetic resonance Biomolecular Science and Engineering2011 Frederick W. Dahlquist (grad student)
Luis Velarde20082010 Alec M. Wodtke (post-doc)
Brittnee V. Veldmanorganic conductors and superconductors2010 Fred Wudl (grad student)
Brian C. VicenteSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemical Engineering2011 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Larry Edward VickeryMolecular Biology, Biochemistry1971 William Kirkwood Purves (grad student)
Michael C. VilletSoft Matter Chemical Engineering2012 Glenn H. Fredrickson (grad student)
Rebecca Vincent2018 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Pratap Vishnoi Materials Research Laboratory20192021 Ram Seshadri (post-doc), Anthony Cheetham (post-doc)
Randall W. VivianOrganometallic chemistry2002 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Vojtěch Vlček Department of chemistry Roi Baer (grad student)
Karl R. VoigtritterOrganometallic chemistry Chemistry2013 Bruce H. Lipshutz (grad student)
Peter J. von LangenGeology, Biogeochemistry, Oceanography Biology2001 David W. Lea (grad student)
Anh Vuprotein structure and function, nuclear magnetic resonance Chemistry2011 Frederick W. Dahlquist (grad student)
J. Herbert WaiteBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics
Frederick Theodore Wall
Zhengming Wan1985 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Yanzhao WangOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Liming Zhang (grad student)
David (Qiang) Wang20022004 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Zhigang Wang20062007 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
MIngfeng WangPolymer Chemistry and Materials, Organic Electronics, Nanomedicine, Biomedical Engineering Materials Research Laboratory20092011 Fred Wudl (post-doc)
Xijun WangPhysical Chemistry, Machine Learning20162016 Baron G. Peters (grad student)
Junhua Wang19992001 Thomas R.R. Pettus (post-doc)
Quanquan Wang
Henry M Wang
Ying-Jen WangleeSurface organometallic chemistry, Heterogeneous olefin polymerization Chemistry2012 Susannah L. Scott (grad student)
Stephen S. WaskoBiochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics2010 J. Herbert Waite (grad student)
Herschel M. Watkinsbiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering Biochemistry and Molecular Biology2013 Kevin W. Plaxco (grad student)
Max N. WatsonPhysical Chemistry,Theory and Computation, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics Physics2012 Frank L. Brown (grad student)
Marisa Weaver20102015 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Stephen R. WeckslerCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2006 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
W. Henry WeinbergChemical Engineering
Gregory C. Welch Chemistry20082012 Guillermo C. Bazan (post-doc)
Todd Wenderski Chemistry20032008 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Guorong WengElectronic Structure Theory, Quantum Chemistry Chemistry20182023 Vojtěch Vlček (grad student)
Donald R. WenzNitrogen-functionalized molecules Chemistry2014 Javier Read de Alaniz (grad student)
Jason D. White2006 Alec M. Wodtke (grad student)
Jarett WilcoxenBioinorganic Chemistry, Enzymology, EPR
Julia L.E. Willett
Mark Williams Geography1991 Jeff Dozier (grad student)
Melvin R. WillisEnvironmental Sciences, Urban and Regional Planning2003 Arturo A. Keller (grad student)
Stephen D. Wilson
Alec M. Wodtke
Man-Hon WongDatabase Computer Science19891993 Divyakant Agrawal (grad student)
Yuk Fai Wong UC Santa Barbara20172022 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Benjamin J. Wongbiomembranes, liquid crystals Chemical Engineering2010 Joseph A. Zasadzinski (grad student)
Gerard C. L. WongMaterials Science Engineering, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics Biology Materials2000 Cyrus R. Safinya (post-doc)
Curtis E. WoodcockGeography, Biogeochemistry, Remote Sensing, Environmental Sciences1986 David Stanley Simonett (grad student)
Carmen F. WorksCatalysis, photochemistry and photophysics of transition metal complexes, and the chemistry of NO and other small molecule bioregulators.2001 Peter C. Ford (grad student)
Ashley M. Wright Chemistry20082013 Trevor W. Hayton (grad student)
David Tai-Wei Wu19931996 Glenn H. Fredrickson (post-doc)
Yiying WuMaterials Chemistry, Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage2005 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Binghui WuChemistry2013 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Jennifer L. WuChemical Engineering2003 W. Henry Weinberg (grad student)
Kun-Liang Wu Chemistry20042010 Thomas R.R. Pettus (grad student)
Fred WudlOrganic & Bioorganic, Materials Chemistry, Molecular Design & Synthesis, Devices, Assembly & Nanochemistry
Kira E. Wyckoff2018 Ram Seshadri (grad student)
Michael D. WyrstaPolymer Chemistry, General Biophysics, Materials Science Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2002 Timothy J. Deming (grad student)
Fan Xia Alan J. Heeger (post-doc)
Xiumei XuFluid Dynamics Mechanical Engineering2007 George M. Homsy (grad student)
Yasmeen I. Yamini-BenjaminClinical Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Black Studies, Women's Studies2006 Michael J. Brown (grad student)
Yang Yang
Peidong YangMaterials Chemistry, Inorganic chemistry1998 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Xueming Yang Alec M. Wodtke (grad student)
Yosang YoonFluid Mechanics2006 L. Gary Leal (grad student)
Kenneth Young William C. Kaska (grad student)
Benjamin A. YoungbloodMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry & Biophysics, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics, Deivces, Assembly & Nanochemistry, Structural Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis2007 Norbert O. Reich (grad student)
Miaoer YuOrganic Chemistry2000 Timothy J. Deming (grad student)
Benjamin C. YuMaterials Science Engineering2001 Frederick F. Lange (grad student)
Jing Yu
Jie YuComputational chemistry Chemistry2013 Horia Metiu (grad student)
Jonathan D. YuenPhysical chemistry Materials2008 Alan J. Heeger (grad student)
Chol S. YunChemistry of Materials, Nanoscience, Photochemistry, Solid State Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Dynamics, Synthesis and Catalysis2005 Geoffrey F. Strouse (grad student)
Santiago Francisco Yuneschemistry Chemistry20032004 Clifford A Bunton (post-doc)
Armen Zakarian
Hannah K. Zanebioinorganic chemistry and metallobiochemistry Chemistry2014 Alison Butler (grad student)
Joseph A. Zasadzinskibiomembranes, liquid crystals
Zachary A. ZellFluid Mechanics Chemical Engineering2013 Todd M. Squires (grad student)
Hongbo Zeng Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering2007 Matthew V. Tirrell (grad student), Jacob N. Israelachvili (grad student)
Guozhu ZhangInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Liming Zhang (grad student)
Zhuo Zhang2005 Frederick F. Lange (grad student)
Jinsong Zhang20022004 Thomas R.R. Pettus (post-doc)
Youxiang Zhangsurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)2003 Martin Moskovits (grad student)
Xiaohua Zhangbioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry Chemistry2007 Thomas C. Bruice (grad student)
Yichi ZhangOrganic/inorganic interface chemistry Chemistry2013 Galen Dean Stucky (grad student)
Liming ZhangOrganic & Bioorganic, Molecular Design & Synthesis, Biomedical Sciences, Energy, Catalysis & Green Chemistry
Nanfeng ZhengChemistry20052007 Galen Dean Stucky (post-doc)
Xueyun ZhengMass Spectrometry, Biophysics Chemistry2015 Michael T. Bowers (grad student)
Dongxu ZhouEnvironmental Sciences, Physical Chemistry, Environmental Engineering Environmental Science & Management2012 Arturo A. Keller (grad student)
Zhuoyun ZhuangMaterials Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Molecular Design & Synthesis, Biomedical Sciences, Biology-Inspired Chemistry & Physics Chemistry2011 Luc Jaeger (grad student)
Alexandra ZidovskaNanoScale Assembled Structures in Biological and Soft Matter Systems Materials2008 Cyrus R. Safinya (grad student)