Natasha B. Kelly, Ph.D.

2011 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Natasha Kelly"


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Suzanne Alonzo grad student 2011 Yale
 (Male Advertisement as a Reliable Signal of Paternal Care in Species with Male Care.)
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Kelly NB, Near TJ, Alonzo SH. (2012) Diversification of egg-deposition behaviours and the evolution of male parental care in darters (Teleostei: Percidae: Etheostomatinae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 25: 836-46
Kelly NB, Alonzo SH. (2010) Does a trade-off between current reproductive success and survival affect the honesty of male signalling in species with male parental care? Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 23: 2461-73
Kelly NB, Alonzo SH. (2009) Will male advertisement be a reliable indicator of paternal care, if offspring survival depends on male care? Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 276: 3175-83
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