Harold Gordon Rule

Chemistry University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 
"Harold Rule"


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Otto Dimroth grad student 1913 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
 (Zur Kenntnis der intramolekularen Umlagerung.)
Adolf von Baeyer grad student 1913 Universität München


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Egon Bretscher grad student 1928 Edinburgh (Physics Tree)
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Boyes WHD, Grieve JL, Rule HG. (1938) 342. New derivatives of mesobenzanthrone Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 1833-1841
Rule HG, Thompson SB. (1937) Bromo- and nitro-derivatives of naphthalic acid Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 1764-1767
Grieve JL, Rule HG. (1937) Oxidation products of benzanthrone-8-carboxylic acid Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 535-537
Bigelow LA, Rule HG. (1935) The cyclisation of 1:9-benzanthrone-8-carboxylic acid to 8:11-ketobenzanthrone, and of dibenzanthronedicarboxylic acid to diketo-dibenzanthrone Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 573-575
Rule HG, Puesell W, Barnett AJG. (1935) 1:9-Benzanthrone-8-carboxylic acid and dibenzanthronedicarboxylic acid from 8-bromo-1-naphthoic acid Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 571-572
Rule HG, Turner HM. (1935) Reactivity of peri-substituted naphthalenes. Part III. Further synthetic reactions of 8-halogeno-1-naphthoic acids Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 317-319
Rule HG, Cunningham JP. (1935) Studies in solvent action. Part X. Rotatory powers of dimethylene tartrate, methylenetartaric acid and its dimethyl ester, in the presence of added solvents and salts Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 1038-1043
Rule HG, Pursell W, Brown RRH. (1934) Derivatives of 8-bromo- and 8-chloro-1-naphthoic acids and their orientation by dehalogenation and decarboxylation Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 168-171
Rule HG, Brown RRH. (1934) The preparation of naphthastyril from 8-bromo-1-naphthoic acid Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 137
Rule HG, Brown RRH. (1934) Constitution of dinitroacenaphthenequinone and of dinitronaphthalic acid. Preparation of a new dinitronaphthalene Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 171-174
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