James W. Rivers, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology | University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, United States |
Ecology BiologyGoogle:
"James Rivers"Parents
Sign in to add mentorStephen I. Rothstein | grad student | 2008 | UC Santa Barbara | |
(An investigation of factors influencing nestling begging behavior in a generalist brood parasite.) |
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Valente JJ, Rivers JW, Yang Z, et al. (2023) Fragmentation effects on an endangered species across a gradient from the interior to edge of its range. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology |
Lajoie JL, Ganio LM, Rivers JW. (2019) Individual variation and seasonality drive bird feeder use during winter in a Mediterranean climate. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 2535-2549 |
Northrup JM, Rivers JW, Yang Z, et al. (2019) Synergistic effects of climate and land-use change influence broad-scale avian population declines. Global Change Biology |
Rivers JW, Verschuyl J, Schwarz CJ, et al. (2019) No evidence of a demographic response to experimental herbicide treatments by the White-crowned Sparrow, an early successional forest songbird The Condor. 121 |
Galbraith SM, Cane JH, Moldenke AR, et al. (2019) Salvage logging reduces wild bee diversity, but not abundance, in severely burned mixed-conifer forest Forest Ecology and Management. 453: 117622 |
Barry AM, Hagar JC, Rivers JW. (2018) Use of created snags by cavity-nesting birds across 25 years The Journal of Wildlife Management. 82: 1376-1384 |
Rivers JW, Houtz JL, Betts MG, et al. (2017) No evidence for a link between forest herbicides and offspring sex ratio in a migratory songbird using high-throughput molecular sexing. Conservation Physiology. 5: cox054 |
Barry AM, Hagar JC, Rivers JW. (2017) Long-term dynamics and characteristics of snags created for wildlife habitat Forest Ecology and Management. 403: 145-151 |
Rivers JW, Peer BD. (2016) Relatedness Constrains Virulence in an Obligate Avian Brood Parasite Ornithological Science. 15: 191-201 |
Rivers JW, Newberry GN, Schwarz CJ, et al. (2016) Success despite the stress: violet‐green swallows increase glucocorticoids and maintain reproductive output despite experimental increases in flight costs Functional Ecology. 31: 235-244 |