Margaret S. VanLoock, Ph.D.

2000 University of Alabama, Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States 
"Margaret VanLoock"
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Stephen C. Harvey grad student 2000 UAB
 (The ribosome: Structure, function, and dynamics.)
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VanLoock MS, Yu X, Kasai M, et al. (2001) Electron microscopic studies of the Translin octameric ring Journal of Structural Biology. 135: 58-66
VanLoock MS, Chen YJ, Yu X, et al. (2001) The primase active site is on the outside of the hexameric bacteriophage T7 gene 4 helicase-primase ring. Journal of Molecular Biology. 311: 951-6
Sardesai NY, Stagg SM, Vanloock MS, et al. (2000) RNA scaffolds for minihelix-based aminoacyl transfer: design of "transpeptizymes". Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. 17: 29-37
VanLoock MS, Agrawal RK, Gabashvili IS, et al. (2000) Movement of the decoding region of the 16 S ribosomal RNA accompanies tRNA translocation. Journal of Molecular Biology. 304: 507-15
Wang R, Alexander RW, VanLoock M, et al. (1999) Three-dimensional placement of the conserved 530 loop of 16 S rRNA and of its neighboring components in the 30 S subunit. Journal of Molecular Biology. 286: 521-40
VanLoock MS, Easterwood TR, Harvey SC. (1999) Major groove binding of the tRNA/mRNA complex to the 16 S ribosomal RNA decoding site. Journal of Molecular Biology. 285: 2069-78
Elgavish T, VanLoock MS, Harvey SC. (1999) Exploring three-dimensional structures of the HIV-1 RNA/tRNALys3 initiation complex. Journal of Molecular Biology. 285: 449-53
VanLoock MS, Harris BA, Harvey SC. (1998) To knot or not to knot? Examination of 16S ribosomal RNA models. Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics. 16: 709-13
Harvey SC, VanLoock MS, Rasterwood TR, et al. (1998) Molecular Modeling Studies on the Ribosome Acs Symposium Series. 682: 369-378
VanLoock MS, Easterwood TR, Harvey SC. (1997) tRNA/mRNA/rRNA interactions in the Escherichia coli ribosomal decoding site with and without bound aminoglycoside. Nucleic Acids Symposium Series. 68
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