Ketra A. Schmitt, Ph.D.

2006 Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 
Public Health, Biostatistics Biology
"Ketra Schmitt"
Cross-listing: PHTree


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Mitchell J. Small grad student 2006 Carnegie Mellon
 (Combining information in human health risk assessment.)


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Ryan S D Calder grad student 2010-2012 Concordia University Montreal (Chemistry Tree)
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Zacchia NA, Schmitt K. (2019) Medical Spending for the 2001 Anthrax Letter Attacks. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 13: 539-546
Calder RSD, Schmitt KA. (2015) Decentralised drinking water regulation: Risks, benefits and the hunt for equality in the Canadian context International Journal of Water. 9: 178-193
Schmitt KA, Calder RSD. (2011) Response to comment on "role of detection limits in drinking water regulations" Environmental Science and Technology. 45: 836
Calder RS, Schmitt KA. (2010) Role of detection limits in drinking water regulation. Environmental Science & Technology. 44: 8008-14
Choi T, Schervish MJ, Schmitt KA, et al. (2010) Bayesian hierarchical analysis for multiple health endpoints in a toxicity study Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. 15: 290-307
Choi T, Schervish MJ, Schmitt KA, et al. (2008) A Bayesian approach to a logistic regression model with incomplete information. Biometrics. 64: 424-30
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