H. Bradley Shaffer, Ph.D.

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Evolutionary and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles
"H. Shaffer"
Cross-listing: Terrestrial Ecology Tree


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Matthew K. Fujita research assistant 2001 UC Davis
Catherine (Cathy) Elizabeth Newman research assistant 2009-2011 UC Davis
Gideon Bradburd grad student UC Davis
Evan M. McCartney-Melstad grad student UCLA
David Parichy grad student (Neurotree)
Ian Jen Wang grad student UC Davis
Carlos Davidson grad student 2000 UC Davis
Tag Nicholas Engstrom grad student 2003 UC Davis
Benjamin Minault Fitzpatrick grad student 2004 UC Davis
Michael Francis Benard grad student 2005 UC Davis
Karen Elizabeth Leyse grad student 2005 UC Davis
Robert Thomson grad student 2010 UC Davis
Ian J. Wang grad student 2010 UC Davis
Fredric Janzen post-doc 1992-1994 UC Davis
S. Randal Voss post-doc 1994-1998 UC Davis (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Emily Claire (Moriarty) Lemmon post-doc 2007-2008 UC Davis
BETA: Related publications


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Cash EI, Ward PS, Escalona M, et al. (2024) "Genome Assembly Of The Winter Ant, Prenolepis Imparis". The Journal of Heredity
Cooper RD, Luckau TK, Toffelmier E, et al. (2024) A novel genetic strategy to enable rapid detection of rare non-native alleles. Scientific Reports. 14: 26027
Jacobs DK, Kinziger A, Abrecht M, et al. (2024) Reference genome for the endangered, genetically subdivided, northern tidewater goby, Eucyclogobius newberryi. The Journal of Heredity
MacDonald ZG, Schoville S, Escalona M, et al. (2024) A genome assembly for the Chryxus Arctic (Oeneis chryxus), the highest butterfly in North America. The Journal of Heredity
Cash EI, Escalona M, Ward PS, et al. (2024) "The Reference Genome Of The Kidnapper Ant, Polyergus Mexicanus". The Journal of Heredity
Chaturvedi S, Escalona M, Marimuthu MPA, et al. (2024) A draft reference genome assembly of California Pipevine, Aristolochia californica Torr. The Journal of Heredity
Ward PS, Cash EI, Ferger K, et al. (2023) Reference genome of the bicolored carpenter ant, Camponotus vicinus. The Journal of Heredity
Curti J, Fraser D, Escalona M, et al. (2023) A genome assembly of the Yuma myotis bat, Myotis yumanensis. The Journal of Heredity
Westeen EP, Escalona M, Beraut E, et al. (2023) A reference genome assembly for the continentally-distributed ring-necked snake, Diadophis punctatus. The Journal of Heredity
Cooper RD, Shaffer HB. (2023) Managing invasive hybrids with pond hydroperiod manipulation in an endangered salamander system. Conservation Biology : the Journal of the Society For Conservation Biology
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