Chun-Chieh Lin

Neuroscience Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States 
drosophila, olfaction
"Chun-Chieh Lin"
Mean distance: 16.5 (cluster 11)
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Fölsz O, Lin CC, Task D, et al. (2022) The Q-system: A Versatile Repressible Binary Expression System. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2540: 35-78
Task D, Lin CC, Vulpe A, et al. (2022) Chemoreceptor co-expression in olfactory neurons. Elife. 11
Xie T, Ho MCW, Liu Q, et al. (2018) A Genetic Toolkit for Dissecting Dopamine Circuit Function in Drosophila. Cell Reports. 23: 652-665
Riabinina O, Task D, Marr E, et al. (2016) Organization of olfactory centres in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Nature Communications. 7: 13010
Lin CC, Potter CJ. (2016) Non-Mendelian Dominant Maternal Effects Caused by CRISPR/Cas9 Transgenic Components in Drosophila melanogaster. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
Lin CC, Riabinina O, Potter CJ. (2016) Olfactory Behaviors Assayed by Computer Tracking Of Drosophila in a Four-quadrant Olfactometer. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Lin CC, Potter CJ. (2016) Editing Transgenic DNA Components by Inducible Gene Replacement in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics
Lin CC, Potter CJ. (2015) Re-Classification of Drosophila melanogaster Trichoid and Intermediate Sensilla Using Fluorescence-Guided Single Sensillum Recording. Plos One. 10: e0139675
Lin CC, Prokop-Prigge KA, Preti G, et al. (2015) Food odors trigger Drosophila males to deposit a pheromone that guides aggregation and female oviposition decisions. Elife. 4
Lin C, Prokop-Prigge KA, Preti G, et al. (2015) Author response: Food odors trigger Drosophila males to deposit a pheromone that guides aggregation and female oviposition decisions Elife
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