Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
John Jacob Abelisolation and characterization of hormones
Alvaro Acosta-SerranoParasitology, Vector Biology, Biochemistry Biological Chemistry Paul T. Englund (post-doc)
Christian B. AnfinsenProtein chemistry
Srinivas Aripirala Sandra B. Gabelli (grad student)
Netz ArroyoElectrochemistry, in-vivo biosensing, analytical chemistry
J. Thomas Augustimmunology and vaccine development
Safi Ayinde
Tihitina Aytenfisu Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry2018 Sandra B. Gabelli (research assistant)
P. Aitana Azurmendi PREP Program2019 Sandra B. Gabelli (research assistant)
Shridhar Bhat Pharmacology Jun O. Liu (post-doc)
William R. Bishaimolecular pathogenesis of tuberculosis1991 Hamilton O. Smith (post-doc)
Grant W. BrownDNA replication, DNA repair19931999 Thomas J. Kelly (post-doc)
Fred Bunz
Fred Bunz
Paul W. BurridgePharmacogenomics, stem cells, cardiovascular diseases Institute for Cell Engineering20092011 Elias Zambidis (post-doc)
Hannah Campbell20202021 Sandra B. Gabelli (grad student)
Michael J. CaterinaTRPV channels David Julius (post-doc)
Kara Cerveny
Iris Chen20072008 David K. Ryugo (research assistant)
Zhiqiang Cheng Jun O. Liu (post-doc)
Zhiqiang Cheng
Philip A. ColePharmacology, Biochemistry19851991 Cecil H. Robinson (grad student)
Jonathan B CoulterCellular response to stress and DNA damage Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences Pathology20142019 Theodore Leslie DeWeese (post-doc), Edward Gabrielson (research assistant), Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian (post-doc)
Nancy L. Craig
Michael Thomas Crow
Emmanuel Datanchemical biology, oxygen biology, transcription, epigenetics, cancer, structural biology, virology, virus-host interaction
Alison Davis
Heydar DavoudiSystems Neuroscience20102017 David Foster (grad student)
Enrique Manuel De La CruzCytoskeleton, RNA helicases, Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Polymer Mechanics, Processivity19921997 Thomas Dean Pollard (grad student)
Stephen V. DesiderioDevelopment of Immune System
Vincent du VigneaudBiochemistry1927 John Jacob Abel (post-doc)
Tiffany Dunston2017 Robert A. Casero (post-doc)
Krisna C. Duong-LyGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Microbiology Biology Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry Sandra B. Gabelli (grad student)
Jennifer Emtage Robert Elmer Jensen (grad student)
Salvatore J. EnnaNeuropharmacology, neurochemistry, GABA19751977 Solomon H. Snyder (post-doc)
Aurora Esquela-Kerschernon-coding RNAs, prostate cancer Molecular Biology and Genetics19972003 Se-Jin Lee (grad student)
Theresa G. Evans-NguyenKinetics, Mass Spectrometry, Environmental Chemistry Pharmacology20052009 Robert J. Cotter (post-doc)
Kenyon M. Evans-NguyenAnalytical Sensors, Biomaterials, Nanoparticle Therapeutics, and Scanning Probe Microscopy Pharmacology20052008 Robert J. Cotter (post-doc)
Caren L Freel Meyers
Dominique P. FruehNMR spectroscopy, structural biology
Ryuya FukunagaRNA silencing mechanism
Sandra B. GabelliPI3K, Nudix, Sodium Voltage Gated Channels, FPPS, Immunotherapy, structural biology Kenneth W. Kinzler (collaborator)
Marta Garcia Contreras Pathobiology2021 Kenneth W. Witwer (post-doc)
Frederick Parker Gaymicrobiology, immunology1901 Simon Flexner (research assistant)
Eugene Maximilian Karl Geiling John Jacob Abel (collaborator)
Assaf A. GiladMRI, synthetic biology20032006 Peter C.M. van Zijl (post-doc)
Hilary Arnold GodwinMolecular toxicology of heavy metals and environmental chemistry19941996 Jeremy Mark Berg (post-doc)
Mindy Kim GrahamNucleic Acids, Cancer, Telomeres Department of Oncology2019 Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian (post-doc)
Ali Deniz GulerTRPVs, hypothalamic control
Zufeng Guo
John A. HanoverGlycobiology, Nuclear Pores, Bioorthonal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Biochemistry Physiological Chemistry19761981 William J. Lennarz (grad student)
Ruth Hartke Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences2018 Jun O. Liu (grad student)
Qing-Li He
Qingli He
Leslie Hellerman
Alyson Aiken Hobbs2004 Robert Elmer Jensen (grad student)
Donald P. Hollis
William Hong Sandra B. Gabelli (grad student)
Rong HuangProtein N-terminal methylation and acetylation20072011 Philip A. Cole (post-doc)
Reid HuntPharmacology19001902 John Jacob Abel (research scientist), William Henry Howell (grad student)
Akunna Iheanacho Sandra B. Gabelli (grad student)
William B. IsaacsPharmacology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Oncology, Radiology Urology1988 Donald S. Coffey (grad student)
Robert Elmer Jensenmitochondrial function and morphology
Walter Jonesnucleic acids and their derivatives1896 John Jacob Abel (research scientist)
Thomas J. KellyDNA replication19691970 Hamilton O. Smith (post-doc)
Oliver Kerscher Robert Elmer Jensen (grad student)
YuSeon Kim2011 Sandra B. Gabelli (research assistant)
Corrine R. Klimentpulmonary fibrosis, asthma, antioxidants Medicine20142018 Douglas N. Robinson (post-doc)
Pankaj KumarCrystallography, Ubiquitin biology, Drug Discovery, ß-lactams, Drug resistance, Molecular biophysics, Chemical biology, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Non-Tubercular Mycobacteria, Biochemistry Centre for Tuberculosis Research20172014 Cynthia Wolberger (post-doc), William R. Bishai (post-doc)
Scot C. KuoPolymer Physics of F-Actin Networks, Bacterial Pathogens, Optical Engineering, Phagocytosis and Therapeutic Delivery, Cell Mechanics
Marikki Laiho
Peter K Lambooyproteins, insulin, antibodies, enzymes, purification development Biological Chemistry19831985 Tian Y Tsong (post-doc)
Lester F. LauCell Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry19831986 Daniel Nathans (post-doc)
Se-Jin Lee Molecular Biology and Genetics Daniel Nathans (grad student)
Congjun Liepigenomics Biological Chemistry19911995 Paul T. Englund (post-doc)
Yingjun Li
Feng Liang Richard L. Huganir (post-doc)
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz1986 Douglas Fambrough (grad student)
Jun O. Liu
Patrick M. Lombardistructure-mechanism of hydrolytic metalloenzymes2012 Cynthia Wolberger (post-doc)
Alan Shunyou Long ChemBio Core Jun O. Liu (research scientist)
Jon LorschProtein synthesis, regulation of translation
Jun Lu Jun O. Liu (post-doc)
Sweta Maheshwari20152020 Sandra B. Gabelli (post-doc)
William A. MaioSynthetic Chemistry20032008 Gary Herbert Posner (grad student)
Diana Mandelker2010 Sandra B. Gabelli (grad student)
Robert F. MargolskeeTaste19771983 Daniel Nathans (grad student)
Earl May Nancy L. Craig (post-doc)
Jason E. Michaud
Sarah L. J. MichelZinc finger proteins, metalloregulatory proteins20012004 Jeremy Mark Berg (post-doc)
Michelle Miller Oncology20132019 Sandra B. Gabelli (post-doc)
Fuad MohammadRibosome, Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Genetics2015 Rachel Green (grad student)
Angelo Mondragon
James Culvin MorrisMolecular and biochemical parasitology Biological Chemistry Paul T. Englund (post-doc)
Paul C. Nelson Eric D. Young (post-doc)
William Nelson
Scott Nicholsstructural biology, biophysics, NMR spectroscopy Dominique P. Frueh (grad student)
Oluwaseun Basit OgunbonaMitochondria Biology
Akhilesh Pandeysignaling and biomarker discovery
Nikola P. PavletichCancer Biology, Structural Biology1991 Carl O. Pabo (grad student)
Peter L. PedersenGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Albert L. Lehninger (post-doc)
Brandon Peiffer Jun O. Liu (grad student)
Kim L Phan DDP Program2019 Sandra B. Gabelli (research assistant)
Thomas Dean PollardCell Biology, Biochemistry, Actin
A.V. Subba Rao Jun O. Liu (post-doc)
Cecil H. Robinsonsteroid chemistry and biochemistry
Martin I. Rubinclinical chemistry19411942 E. Emmet Reid (post-doc)
Kathleen Ryan Robert Elmer Jensen (grad student)
Phillip Sanchez
Harry SchachterGlycosylation Saul Roseman (post-doc)
David A. ScheinbergBiochemistry Pharmacology19781983 Mette Strand (grad student)
Eli D. SchmellManufacturing Validation and Process Control19751976 William J. Lennarz (grad student), William J. Lennarz (post-doc)
Walter K. SchmidtYeast protease Cell Biology and Anatomy2001 Susan Michaelis (post-doc)
Eric W. Schmidt Department of Chemistry20002002 Craig A. Townsend (post-doc)
Robert T. Schooley
Gregg L. SemenzaCell Biology, Molecular Biology Pediatrics Pediatrics19861989 Haig H. Kazazian (post-doc), Stylianos Antonarakis (post-doc)
Herana Kamal SeneviratneChemical Biology, Medicine
Hiromi Sesaki Robert Elmer Jensen (post-doc)
Alexander Shaver Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences20182023 Netz Arroyo (grad student)
Yigong Shistructural and molecular mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis19901995 Jeremy Mark Berg (grad student)
Pushpendra Singh Amitabha Chattopadhyay (grad student)
Hamilton O. Smith
Barbara Sollner-WebbRNA editing, and processing of DNA sequences
Lakshmi Srinivasan Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry Sandra B. Gabelli (post-doc)
Mette Strand
Surojit Sur20012007 Bert Vogelstein (post-doc)
Puchong Thirawatananond20142018 Sandra B. Gabelli (research assistant)
Paul R. ThompsonChemical Biology, enzymology, medicinal chemistry Pharmacology20002003 Philip A. Cole (post-doc)
Thomas E. ThompsonStructure of biological membranes; lipid bilayers; protein-lipid interactions.
Denis V. Titov
Anupama Tiwari Jun O. Liu (post-doc)
Phouc T. Tran
Pamela L. TumaBiochemistry, Cell Biology2002 Ann L. Hubbard (post-doc)
Carl VoegtlinPharmacology19061913 John Jacob Abel (research scientist)
Bert VogelsteinCancer
Herschel V. Wademolecular basis of the tissue-selectivity of hormones
Lai-Xi Wang Yuan Chuan Lee (post-doc)
Yuefan Wang Jun O. Liu (post-doc)
David J. Weberstructure and function of S100B, a growth factor in the brain and skin19881992 Albert S. Mildvan (post-doc)
David B. WilliamsProtein chaperones in the ER, MHC processing, calnexin Gerald W. Hart (post-doc)
Noreen WilliamsRibosome biogenesis, bioenergetics Biological Chemistry19811984 Peter L. Pedersen (post-doc)
D. Wright Wilsonintermediary metabolism19141917 Walter Jones (post-doc)
George B. WislockiComparative anatomy Lewis Hill Weed (research scientist)
W. Barry Woodphagocytosis, leukocytes William Mansfield Clark (grad student)
Katharine M. Wright2018 Sandra B. Gabelli (post-doc)
Hao Wumouse genetics, neurological disorders Jeremy Nathans (post-doc)
Yongmei Xie
Jiadi Xu Chemistry and Biophysics Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy (post-doc)
Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian William Nelson (grad student)
Matthew Youngman
Elias Zambidis
Jin ZhangSpatiotemporal Regulation Dynamics of Intracellular Signaling