Marc Achermann

Physics University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
Condensed Matter Physics, Optics Physics
"Marc Achermann"
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Ursula Keller grad student 1998-2001 ETH Zürich
Victor Klimov post-doc 2002-2006 LANL


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Yikuan Wang grad student 2009 U Mass Amherst (Physics Tree)
Sibel Ebru Yalcin grad student 2010 U Mass Amherst (Physics Tree)
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Achermann M. (2016) Sideways scattering in double resonant plasmonic nanostructures for light harvesting applications. Optics Express. 24: 30234-30244
Simon YC, Bai S, Sing MK, et al. (2012) Low-power upconversion in dye-doped polymer nanoparticles. Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 33: 498-502
Chudomel JM, Yang B, Barnes MD, et al. (2011) Highly twisted triarylamines for photoinduced intramolecular charge transfer. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 115: 8361-8
Achermann M, Jeong S, Balet L, et al. (2011) Efficient quantum dot-quantum dot and quantum dot-dye energy transfer in biotemplated assemblies. Acs Nano. 5: 1761-8
Bheemaraju A, Pourmand M, Yang B, et al. (2011) Effect of side chains on charge transfer in quaterthiophene-naphthalene diimide based donor-bridge-acceptor dyads Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part a: Pure and Applied Chemistry. 48: 986-993
Ivanov SA, Achermann M. (2010) Spectral and dynamic properties of excitons and biexcitons in type-II semiconductor nanocrystals. Acs Nano. 4: 5994-6000
Wang Y, Yang T, Pourmand M, et al. (2010) Time-resolved surface plasmon polariton coupled exciton and biexciton emission. Optics Express. 18: 15560-8
Achermann M. (2010) Exciton−Plasmon Interactions in Metal−Semiconductor Nanostructures The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 1: 2837-2843
Mistark PA, Park S, Yalcin SE, et al. (2009) Block-copolymer-based plasmonic nanostructures. Acs Nano. 3: 3987-92
Wang Y, Yang T, Tuominen MT, et al. (2009) Radiative rate enhancements in ensembles of hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructures. Physical Review Letters. 102: 163001
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