Noreen Tuross

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
Biogeochemistry, Archaeology Anthropology
"Noreen Tuross"
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Ryan SE, Reynard LM, Pompianu E, et al. (2020) Growing up in Ancient Sardinia: Infant-toddler dietary changes revealed by the novel use of hydrogen isotopes (δ2H). Plos One. 15: e0235080
Reynard LM, Ryan SE, Guirguis M, et al. (2020) Mediterranean precipitation isoscape preserved in bone collagen δH. Scientific Reports. 10: 8579
Marcus JH, Posth C, Ringbauer H, et al. (2020) Genetic history from the Middle Neolithic to present on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. Nature Communications. 11: 939
Reynard LM, Ryan SE, Tuross N. (2019) The interconversion of δ H values of collagen between thermal conversion reactor configurations. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry : Rcm
Vågene ÅJ, Herbig A, Campana MG, et al. (2018) Salmonella enterica genomes from victims of a major sixteenth-century epidemic in Mexico. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Ryan SE, Reynard LM, Crowley QG, et al. (2018) Early medieval reliance on the land and the local: An integrated multi-isotope study (87Sr/86Sr, δ18O, δ13C, δ15N) of diet and migration in Co. Meath, Ireland Journal of Archaeological Science. 98: 59-71
Tuross N, Reynard LM, Harvey E, et al. (2017) Human skeletal development and feeding behavior: the impact on oxygen isotopes Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 9: 1453-1459
Reynard LM, Tuross N. (2016) Hydrogen isotopic analysis with a chromium-packed reactor of organic compounds of relevance to ecological, archaeological, and forensic applications. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry : Rcm. 30: 1857-64
Reynard LM, Burt N, Koon HE, et al. (2016) Limits and possibilities in the geolocation of humans using multiple isotope ratios (H, O, N, C) of hair from east coast cities of the USA. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies. 1-15
Reynard LM, Meltzer DJ, Emslie SD, et al. (2015) Stable isotopes in yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) fossils reveal environmental stability in the late Quaternary of the Colorado Rocky Mountains Quaternary Research (United States). 83: 345-354
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