Thomas Gordon Thompson

University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
analytical chemistry, oceanography
"Thomas Thompson"

(1888 - 1961)

Mean distance: 10.23


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Horace G. Byers grad student 1918 University of Washington
 (Preservation of Iron and Steel by Means of Passivifying Factors)
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Barkley RA, Thompson TG. (1960) Determination of chemically combined iodine in sea water by amperometric and catalytic methods Analytical Chemistry. 32: 154-158
Barkley RA, Thompson TG. (1960) The total Iodine and Iodate-iodine content of sea-water Deep Sea Research (1953). 7: 24-34
Gast JA, Thompson TG. (1959) Evaporation of Boric Acid from Sea Water Tellus A. 11: 344-347
Thompson TG. (1958) A short history of oceanography with emphasis on the role played by chemistry Journal of Chemical Education. 35: 108
Gast JA, Thompson TG. (1958) Determination of the alkalinity and borate concentration of sea water Analytical Chemistry. 30: 1549-1551
Thompson TG, Nelson KH. (1956) Concentration of brines and deposition of salts from sea water under frigid conditions American Journal of Science. 254: 227-238
Laevastu T, Thompson TG. (1956) The Determination and Occurrence of Nickel in Sea Water, Marine Organisms, and Sediments Ices Journal of Marine Science. 21: 125-143
Chow TJ, Thompson TG. (1955) Flame photometric determination of strontiumn in sea water Analytical Chemistry. 27: 18-21
Thompson TG, Chow TJ. (1955) A non-metallic water sampler Deep Sea Research (1953). 2: 200-202,IN1-IN2,203
Chow TJ, Thompson TG. (1955) Flame photometric determination of calcium in sea water and marine organisms Analytical Chemistry. 27: 910-913
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