University of Washington, Seattle

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Orb Actonorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2010 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Candace M. Adamocontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell2011 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Tom C. AdamsenNuclear Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2008 Kenneth A. Krohn (grad student)
Victor Adebomi2022 David Baker (post-doc)
Robert S. Adelsteinmyosin Biochemistry19661968 Edmond H. Fischer (post-doc)
Andrew C. Adeygenomics Molecular and Cellular Biology20102014 Jay Shendure (grad student)
Inigo Aguirre de Carcer Garciatransition metal organometallic chemistry2008 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student)
Henry M. AjoNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry2003 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Andrew J. Akelaitismaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2006 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Ilhan A. Aksay
Tina M. AlbertsonPathology, Biochemistry2009 Bradley D. Preston (grad student)
Andreas Christopher AlbrechtPhysical Chemistry1954 William Tracy Simpson (grad student)
Becky AlexanderAtmospheric chemistry: physical chemistry of isotope effects; solar system formation
G. Graham AllanHydrology, Environmental Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Biogeochemistry
Elizabeth Andruszkiewicz Allan Ryan P. Kelly (grad student)
Kate E. AllenInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2013 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Kyle E. AllenPharmacy, Physiology Biology2010 Kent L. Kunze (grad student)
Stuart Anthony AllisonBiochemistry1981 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Pauline E. AlokolaroBioinorganic Chemistry2009 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Paul Amieux Stan McKnight (grad student)
Babak Amir-Parviz
Lynn M. AmonBose-Einstein condensates2000 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
Robbyn (Perdue) Anand Chemistry20102015 Daniel T. Chiu (post-doc)
Niels H. Andersenbiorecognition
Henrik AndersenBiochemistry2001 Earl W. Davie (grad student)
Richard L. Anderson1959 Erling Joseph Ordal (grad student)
Trisha L. Andreworganic optoelectronic devices, wearable electronics20022005 Natia L. Frank (research assistant)
Simeon AndrewsChemical Biology of Signal Transduction Chemistry2012 Dustin James Maly (grad student)
Basil Gideon Anex1959 William Tracy Simpson (grad student)
Cortney G. AngersCell biology, Membrane biology, Membrane fusion, SNARE proteins2010 Alexey J. Merz (grad student)
Meher Antia Chemistry2005 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Ronald G. AoyamaPharmacy2003 William F. Trager (grad student)
Lorilee Arakaki Bioengineering19871995 Martin J. Kushmerick (grad student)
Jose Araujo Chemistry Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Carina A Arboleda materials science and engineering20132014 Marco Rolandi (research assistant)
Paul I. Archermultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies2008 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Roger S. Armen2004 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student)
Sheldon Aronowitz1972 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Jeffrey B. Arterburnsmall molecular probes, imaging agents, anticancer and antiviral drugs.19911992 James M. Mayer (post-doc)
Yosuke Ashikari Chemistry2014 Andrew J. Boydston (post-doc)
Yashwanth AshokProtein methods ; Biochemistry
Iris Asllanienergetics of cells and organs2002 Martin J. Kushmerick (grad student)
David E. AstonChemical Engineering, Physical Chemistry2001 John C. Berg (grad student)
Nicholas T. AuPharmacy, Organic Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry2014 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
Tracey J. AuMolecular Biology2011 Toshio Tsukiyama (grad student)
Felix AubkePhysical Inorganic Chemistry George H. Cady (post-doc)
Anthony K. AufdenkampeBiogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Soil Science Agriculture2002 John I. Hedges (grad student)
Donald E. AyerBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1994 Robert N. Eisenman (post-doc)
Tracey L. Baasartemisinin2000 Tomikazu Sasaki (grad student)
Prasad H Babar Chemistry2014 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Nikolina BabicOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2004 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Olivier BachmannGeochemistry, Geology, Petrology
Ekaterina BadaevaTheoretical Chemistry2011 Xiaosong Li (grad student)
Daehyun Baek2007 Phil P. Green (grad student)
Vaishali Bagalkot Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Thomas BailliePharmacy, Toxicology
James R. BainMetabolomics, diabetes, obesity2001 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Sandra M. BajjaliehSynaptic Transmission, Biochemistry, Lipid signaling
Bruce S. BakerGenetics, Neuroscience1971 Lawrence Sandler (grad student)
David Bakerprotein structure prediction
Gerald J. BakusEcology Biology, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Biochemistry1962 Dixy Lee Ray (grad student)
Alice Augusta BallMedicinal chemistry, pharmacy1914 William Maurice Dehn (research assistant)
Arunima BandyopadhyayOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Immunology2005 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Samragni Banerjee Chemistry2022 Xiaosong Li (post-doc)
Mariana Barcenas20112015 František Tureček (grad student)
Michael F. Bardaro2011 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
B Bruce BareForest Management and Quantitative Science
Christopher A. BarnesBiomaterials2009 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Shoshanna Barnettcoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials Chemistry2013 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Ximena Barros-Álvarez Biochemistry20132018 Wilhelmus G.J. Hol (grad student)
Kevin L. BartlettComputational Chemistry2001 Weston T. Borden (grad student)
Bipasha Baruabiorecognition2005 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Robert E. Basford1954 Frank M. Huennekens (grad student)
James B. BassingthwaightePhysiome
Enrique R. Batista1999 Hannes Jónsson (grad student)
Kurt G. BeamExcitation-contraction coupling1974 Charles F. Stevens (grad student)
Daniel Andrew BeardNonequilibrium thermodynamics in biochemical networks, Mass transport and microvascular exchange in physiological systems, Physiological and pathophysiological regulation of metabolism, Biophysics of supramolecular complexes19931997 James B. Bassingthwaighte (grad student)
Danelle R. BeaudoinImmunology, Biochemistry2003 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Remi Beaulacinorganic materials, spintronics, photonics20072011 Daniel R. Gamelin (post-doc)
Joseph A. Beavocontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell
Craig Cano BeesonAnalytical Chemistry, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Darren William Begley2009 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
Craig Aaron BehnkeBiochemistry, structural biology Biochemistry19962000 David C. Teller (grad student), Ronald E. Stenkamp (grad student)
Richard Leslie Bellseparation processes, bio-engineering Chemical Engineering1964 Albert L. Babb (grad student)
Jason B. Benedict20022007 Bart Kahr (grad student)
Albert S. BenightBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Molecular Biology Chemistry1986 J. Michael Schurr (post-doc)
Stephanie J. BenightOrganic electronics, stretchable electronics, electro-optics2011 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Brian James Bennion2003 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student)
Henry Kreitzer Benson industrial chemistry
John C. Berg
Domenick J. Bertelli1961 Hyp J. Dauben (grad student)
Joseph R. BertinoBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Pharmacology Clement Alfred Finch (post-doc), Frank M. Huennekens (post-doc)
Timothy H. BertramExperimental Atmospheric Chemistry20072009 Joel A. Thornton (post-doc)
Warren L. BeuschleinChemical engineering
Elliot Beutler Chemistry David J. Masiello (grad student)
Nishant Bhatambrekarmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2006 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Sanchali Bhattacharjeematerials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2006 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Prasad S. BhosaleChemical Engineering Chemical Engineering2012 John C. Berg (grad student)
Nicholas W. Bigelow Chemistry2014 David J. Masiello (grad student)
Daniel Bjerre Biochemistry2012 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
Robert E. BlankenshipMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry19761979 William W. Parson (post-doc)
Alissa C. BleemAmyloidosis, Molecular Dynamics, Biofilms
Amy Szuchmacher BlumPhysical Chemistry, Nanoscience, Plasmonics, Self-assembly2000 Thomas Engel (grad student)
James G. BockheimSoil Science Agriculture, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology1982 Fiorenzo Cesare Ugolini (grad student)
Maximiliane S. Boecklartemisinin2000 Tomikazu Sasaki (grad student)
Jason L. BoerPharmaceutical Chemistry2003 Kent L. Kunze (grad student)
David W. Bogdanoff
Naomi L. BogenschutzMolecular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2013 Toshio Tsukiyama (grad student)
Joshua C. BolingerNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy2006 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
James G. Bollingermedicinal enzymology Chemistry Genome Sciences20132016 Michael H. Gelb (grad student), Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Karl S. Booksh1994 Bruce Kowalski (grad student)
Carmen J. BoothPathology, Animal Physiology Biology, Biochemistry2005 Daniel Bowen-Pope (grad student)
Emily J. Borda2004 Snorri Thor Sigurdsson (grad student)
Weston T. BordenComputational Chemistry
Paul Bornsteincollagen structure and synthesis, matricellular protein biochemistry
Eric D. BottNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy Chemistry Chemistry20072012 Philip J. Reid (grad student), Bart Kahr (grad student)
Alan Ernest BoudreauPetrology, Geochemistry1986 I Stewart McCallum (grad student)
Marc Bourgeois Chemistry David J. Masiello (post-doc)
Daniel Bowen-PopePathology, Animal Physiology Biology, Biochemistry
Peter V. BowerPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2001 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Steven E. BowlesOrganic Electronic and Magnetic Materials2005 Natia L. Frank (grad student)
Julie A. BowmanMalaria Pharmacology, Functional Genomics2008 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
Shane D. Boydpi-conjugated semiconducting polymers2011 Christine Luscombe (grad student), Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Andrew J. BoydstonOrganic Synthesis, Polymer Chemistry
Phillip BradleyBiochemistry, Bioinformatics Biology, General Biophysics
Ralph A. Bradshawprotein chemistry19671969 Hans Neurath (research scientist)
Charles W. Branhamchemical crystallography2010 Bart Kahr (grad student)
Katherine Braun
Jerome Charles Bressimedicinal enzymology2000 Michael H. Gelb (grad student)
Bonita J. BrewerMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Biochemistry1979 Walton Lawrence Fangman (grad student)
Greg P. BrewoodBiophysical and Physical Chemistry2006 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Daniel R. BrimsOrganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry2003 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Lisa Brines Chemistry2007 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Stephanie BrockMaterials Chemistry1990 James M. Mayer (research scientist)
Dennis N. Bromleybiophysics, protein dynamics, molecular dynamics simulations, amyloid Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics2014 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student)
Craig G. BrooksbyPhysical Chemistry2003 Oleg V. Prezhdo (grad student)
Steven David BrownChemometrics1978 Bruce Kowalski (grad student), Gary L. Gard (research assistant)
Seth N. Brownoxidation reactions, chemical synthesis1994 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Chad D. Brown2003 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Carl K Brozek
James E Bruceproteomics, mass spectrometry
Jasmine R. Bryantcoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2002 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Bruce R. BuchananNear-ir
Christina D. BuchananGenetics2001 Bonita J. Brewer (grad student), Walton Lawrence Fangman (grad student)
Robert Worth Buddemeier1969 Arthur W. Fairhall (grad student)
Kristi L. BudzinskiAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2011 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Frederic U. BuehlerChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2000 James C. Seferis (grad student)
Bernard S. BuetowPathology, Cell Biology2003 Daniel Bowen-Pope (grad student)
Roger BuickGeobiology, Geochemistry
Nicholas D. Bukermaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2006 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Theresa Bullard Physics20022008 Bart Kahr (grad student)
Roger E BumgarnerGenomics, bacteriology, bioinformatics, spectroscopy
David S. Burch1956 Ronald Geballe (grad student)
Lloyd W. BurgessAnalytical Chemistry, Optics Physics
Llyod W. BurgessAnalytical Chemistry
Henry Matthew BurlagePharmaceutical chemistry1928 Eldin Verne Lynn (grad student)
Jacob Busche Chemistry David J. Masiello (grad student)
Matthew F. Bushstructures of biological assemblies
Aimee Byrnebiorecognition Chemistry2013 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Ralph A. Cachobiochemistry, protein design, enzymology, natural product biosynthesis2015 David Baker (post-doc)
George H. Cady
Caitlin N Cainchemical separations; chemometrics Chemistry20192024 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Erasmo A. CallerosBiomaterials2010 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
James B. CallisAnalytical Chemistry, Entomology Biology1970 Martin Gouterman (grad student)
Pedro HC CamargoNanomaterials, plasmonics, catalysis
Charles T. CampbellNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Manel Campsdirected evolution of new biological activities20012004 Lawrence A. Loeb (post-doc)
Elizabeth R CanarieEPR spectroscopy
Zhiqiang CaoChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Biomedical Engineering2011 Shaoyi Jiang (grad student)
Shijie CaoDrug delivery, biomaterial, immunoengineering
Amber E. CaracolMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics, Oncology2011 Nancy Maizels (grad student)
William B. Carlsonmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2003 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Leslie A. CaromilePathology, Biomedical Engineering2009 Daniel Bowen-Pope (grad student)
F. Howard Carpenter19981999 František Tureček (grad student)
Louisa R. CarrChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2011 Shaoyi Jiang (grad student)
Lincoln D. CarrBose-Einstein condensates2001 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
Brian J. Carrollbiosynthesis of antibiotics and related natural products2003 Heinz G. Floss (grad student)
Gerard Michael CarrollElectrochemical energy storage and catalysis Chemistry20102016 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Andrea D. CarrollAnalytical Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering2003 Jaromir Ruzicka (grad student)
Bryan D. CarsonImmunology, Biochemistry2006 Steven F. Ziegler (grad student)
Daniel M. Casmiermaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2004 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Carlos E. CatalanoGeneral Biophysics, Virology Biology, Nanoscience
Michael CertoMolecular Biology2011 Andrew Scharenberg (grad student)
Mikyung Cha Chemistry1993 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Rimi Chakrabarti Chemistry2014 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Joel Ranier ChamberlainGene therapy, muscular dystrophy Hematology David W. Russell (post-doc)
Eve Privman ChampalouxDopamine, Electrochemistry, Reward, Otolaryngology20202021 Paul E. M. Phillips (post-doc)
Richard D. ChampionChemical Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Organic Chemistry Chemical Engineering2012 G. Graham Allan (grad student)
Leslie Chan Bioengineering20102015 Suzie Hwang Pun (grad student)
Eddie Li Chang1979 J. Michael Schurr (post-doc)
Shirley Chang DEOHS2016 Edward J Kelly (grad student)
Craig T. Chapmanphysical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry, chemical physics Chemistry20102013 Xiaosong Li (post-doc)
John D Chapman20072013 David Robinson Goodlett (grad student)
Harry CharbonneauBiochemistry19841987 Kenneth A. Walsh (post-doc), Joseph A. Beavo (post-doc)
Trevor CharlesMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry Microbiology19911993 Eugene W. Nester (post-doc)
Champak ChatterjeeOrganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis, Biophysics, Enzymology, Protein Chemistry
Zibo Chen20132018 David Baker (grad student)
Hongmin Chen Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Haobin ChenBiomedical photonics, Analytical chemistry, Nanotechnology, Semiconducting polymers, Pdot Department of Chemistry Daniel T. Chiu (post-doc)
Xinyang ChenGeochemistry20172019 Fang-Zhen Teng (post-doc)
Liangyi Chenquantitative imaging of insulin secretion20012004 Bertil Hille (post-doc)
Ching-Kang J. Chenphotoreceptor, G proteins, retina, visual system James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Yeechi Chensolar energy, materials, nanotechnology2009 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Jingyi ChenNanocrystals2006 Younan Xia (grad student)
Sharon S. ChenProteomics2005 Ruedi Aebersold (grad student)
Kung-Shih Chenorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2014 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Xiaohong Chen2006 František Tureček (grad student)
Mark Chengultrafast structural dynamics of light-driven chemical and biological processes in solution Chemistry2013 Munira Khalil (grad student)
Gang ChengChemical Engineering, Polymer Chemistry2009 Shaoyi Jiang (grad student)
Tianyi ChengPharmacology and Toxicology; Computer Science
Laura Chery Chemistry2019 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
Charles Y. Cheung2003 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Brett S. ChevalierMolecular Biology, General Biophysics2002 Barry L. Stoddard (grad student)
Matthew C. Childers Bioengineering Bioengineering2013 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student), Michael Regnier (post-doc)
Timothy M. ChinowskyElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Biochemistry2000 Sinclair S. Yee (grad student)
Daniel T. ChiuAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology
John ChoiniereGeneral Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry2012 František Tureček (grad student)
Chung J. ChouOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology Biology2004 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Bert E. Christensen1932 Warren L. Beuschlein (grad student)
Devin Eugene Christensen2007 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Gary D. ChristianAnalytical Chemistry
David Chu Bioengineering20092014 Suzie Hwang Pun (grad student)
Kimo ChungChemical Engineering, Plastics Technology, Polymer Chemistry2001 James C. Seferis (grad student)
Thomas W. ChungAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2011 František Tureček (grad student)
Maryelise Cieslewicz Bioengineering20102015 Suzie Hwang Pun (grad student)
Richard Paul Ciula1960 Kenneth B. Wiberg (grad student)
Kacey A. Claborn20012006 Bart Kahr (grad student)
Antony D. ClarkeAtmospheric Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry1982 Robert J. Charlson (grad student)
Heather M. ClaryComputational Chemistry2003 Weston T. Borden (grad student)
Katrina G. Claw Genome Sciences2013 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
James B. Clendenning1994 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Bruce E. ClurmanMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Brian M. CochranOrganic and Organometallic Chemistry2009 Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
David C. Coffeysolar energy, materials, nanotechnology2007 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Michael Coggins2012 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Philip Cohenprotein phosphorylation in cell regulation1971 Edmond H. Fischer (post-doc)
Dawn E. CohenAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2010 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Ilana E. CohenMicrobiology Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2014 Nina Salama (grad student)
Alicia W. CohnInorganic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Nanotechnology Chemistry2014 Daneil R. Gamelin (grad student)
Toby Brian Cole2000 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Dale Warren ColeSoil Science1963 Stanley Paul Gessel (grad student)
James L. Colonybiosynthesis of antibiotics and related natural products2000 Heinz G. Floss (grad student)
William Homer ConePhysical chemistry1936 Herman Vance Tartar (grad student)
Melissa ConerlyMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology2010 Steven Henikoff (grad student)
Wendy L. ConnorsAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry2000 Jaromir Ruzicka (grad student)
Terry A. Cookcontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell2001 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
John D. CorbettInorganic Solid-State Chemistry1952 Norman Wayne Gregory (grad student)
Anda M. CorneaMolecular Biology, Ecology Biology2010 David W. Russell (grad student)
Colin E. CorrentiBiochemistry, Immunology, Oncology2011 Roland K. Strong (grad student)
Daniel Joseph CosgrovePlant Physiology, Biochemistry Botany19801982 Robert E. Cleland (post-doc)
Brandi M. Cossairtsynthetic inorganic chemistry, molecules and materials for light harvesting and catalysis
Naomi J. CottonBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Pathology2004 William W. Parson (grad student)
Nick Cox2013 Gojko Lalic (grad student)
Jonathan T. Coxelectrochemistry, electrocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry of single metal/semiconductor nanoparticles and nanowires Chemistry2012 Bo Zhang (grad student)
Colleen F. CraigPhysical Chemistry2006 Oleg V. Prezhdo (grad student)
Evan CritesPerovskites, Quantum Dots Chemsitry Sidney E Cruetz (research assistant)
Alden L. Crittenden
Glenn A. Crosbymetal complexes1955 Paul C. Cross (grad student)
Gregory J. Crowtherenergetics of cells and organs2002 Martin J. Kushmerick (grad student), Kevin Edward Conley (grad student)
Sidney E Cruetz Chemistry2017 Daniel R. Gamelin (post-doc)
Dawn M. CrumptonInorganic Chemistry 2000 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Jerry H. Current1961 B. Seymour Rabinovitch (grad student)
Madeline F. Curriechemistry, chemical biology Chemistry2020 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
William Cusworth František Tureček (grad student)
Kevin Cutler Joseph D. Mougous (grad student)
Valerie D. Daggettbiophysics, protein dynamics, molecular dynamics simulations, amyloid
Caroline L. DahlbergMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2008 David Kimelman (grad student)
Randy A. DahlgrenHydrology, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences, Ecology Biology1987 Fiorenzo Cesare Ugolini (grad student)
Gucan Daiion channel biophysics Physiology and Biophysics Physiology and Biophysics Bertil Hille (post-doc), William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Larry R. Daltonmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques
Iryna DanilinaRemote Sensing, Geology Earth and Space Sciences2012 Alan R. Gillespie (grad student)
Martin DarvasDopamine, Learning, Memory2008 Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Rhiju Daspredictive understanding of how biopolymer sequences code for biopolymer structures, with an initial focus on RNA20052008 David Baker (post-doc)
Hyp J. Dauben
Shivang R. Dave2011 Xiaohu Gao (grad student)
Ernest R. DavidsonQuantum Chemistry Weston T. Borden (collaborator)
Amy M. Davidson2010 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
Earl W. Davie blood coagulation and fibrinolysis1954 Hans Neurath (grad student)
Joshua A. Daviesmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2009 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Sandra J. Degenblood coagulation, prothrombin, tPA1982 Earl W. Davie (grad student)
Michael D. DeGrandpreBiogeochemistry, Geochemistry1990 William H Zoller (grad student)
Ahmad Dehestanicoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2004 James M. Mayer (grad student)
William Maurice DehnOrganic chemistry, chemistry of explosives
Pritilekha Deka2007 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
Robert J. DeLange1965 Edwin G. Krebs (grad student)
Jeffrey J. Delrow Chemistry1998 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Jillian L. DempseyInorganic Spectroscopy and Solar Energy Conversion20112012 Daniel R. Gamelin (post-doc)
Clyde L. DenisMolecular Biology, Biochemistry1982 Elton T. Young (grad student)
Denice D. Denton
David A. Deranleau1963 Hans Neurath (grad student)
Abhinav Dhall2016 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Maurizio Di PierroAtmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric Sciences2013 Lyatt Jaegle (grad student)
Deborah Diamond19951998 Linda L. Randall (post-doc)
Rogelio P. DiazBiophysical and Physical Chemistry2002 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Angela F. DickensBiogeochemistry2004 Richard H. Gammon (grad student)
Leslie J. DickmannPharmaceutical Chemistry2003 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
Brandon L. DietrichInorganic Chemistry 2010 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
John DiGiovanniPharmacology and Toxicology1978 Mont Rawlings Juchau (grad student)
Ioana M. DimaAtmospheric Science Physics2005 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Frank DiMaioBiochemistry
Zhongli Ding2000 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Antonio G. DiPasqualecoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2006 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Monja DishmonPathology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2006 Daniel Bowen-Pope (grad student)
John C Dittmer Biochemistry1958 Donald J. Hanahan (grad student)
Eytan DomanyComputational Biology, Bioinformatics, Statistical Physics
SHARON L. DOTYForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Plant Culture Agriculture, Biogeochemistry Department of Microbiology Department of Microbiology Department of Biochemistry Stuart E. Strand (post-doc), Eugene W. Nester (grad student), Milton Gordon (post-doc)
Natalia Doubinaorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2011 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Carl J. Douglasregulation of plant gene expression, plant phenylpropanoid and related natural products, secondary cell wall development, pollen wall formation, Populus (poplar) genomics and molecular biology, and cellulosic biofuels, and the genetics and of local adapta1983 Walter Halperin (grad student)
William J. Dreyer1956 Hans Neurath (grad student)
Gary P. DrobnyPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry
Le Roy Dugan1942 Helmut M. Haendler (grad student)
Damian Dunford2014 Andrew J. Boydston (post-doc)
Wiley Dunlap-Shohl Chemical Engineering20142019 David Mitzi (grad student)
Thomas G. DunneInorganic chemistry, coordination chemistry1957 Norman Wayne Gregory (grad student)
Matthew M. Durbanpi-conjugated semiconducting polymers Chemistry2012 Christine Luscombe (grad student)
Imke DurreAtmospheric Science Physics2000 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Richard T. Eastman Pathobiology2003 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
Thomas G. Ebreyvisual pigments, bacteriorhodopsin
Dorothy C. EchoduPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2009 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Heather C. EdbergAnalytical Chemistry2002 Lloyd W. Burgess (grad student)
Johanna EddyMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology, Cell Biology2009 Nancy Maizels (grad student)
Fredrik N. Edfeldtbiophysical chemistry2001 Brian R. Reid (grad student)
John S. EdgarAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2010 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Thomas H EdwardsChemistry, Biophysics, NMR, EPR Chemistry20122018 Stefan Stoll (grad student)
Thomas E. Edwardschemistry and structural biology of nucleic acids2003 Snorri Thor Sigurdsson (grad student)
Jonathan D. Egberttransition metal organometallic chemistry2010 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student)
Jarrett D. Egertson Genome Sciences20092013 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
David F. Eggersinfrared spectroscopy
Bruce E. Eichingermaterials chemistry
Lisa A. Eidenschinkbiorecognition2009 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Robert N. EisenmanMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Jeffrey Ellison Chemistry1997 Julie A. Kovacs (post-doc)
Gary W. ElmerPharmaceutical Chemistry
David J. ElziMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2007 Robert N. Eisenman (grad student)
Prashant S. EmaniPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry Physics2012 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Merle T. Emersonspectroscopy1958 David F. Eggers (grad student)
Thomas EngelPhysical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering
Michael J EnrightInorganic, synthesis, materials Chemistry20142019 Brandi M. Cossairt (grad student)
Nicholas D. Epiotischemical bonding
Christian Erickson Chemistry Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Karl-Heinz Ernst20032004 Charles T. Campbell (post-doc), Viola Vogel (research scientist)
Anthony P. EspositoNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy2001 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Myron Evans
Declan EvansComputational Chemistry, Protein Design, Enzyme Design Biochemistry2023 David Baker (post-doc)
Todd R. Ewymaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2010 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Arthur W. Fairhall
Erkang FanBiochemistry
Hua-Ying FanChromatin biology2000 Alan M. Weiner (grad student)
Linglan FangChemical Biology Department of Chemistry20142020 Dustin James Maly (grad student)
Azizeh M. FarajallahOrganic Chemistry, Parasitology Biology2007 Pradipsinth K. Rathod (grad student)
Jason A. FarmerNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry2010 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Douglas K. FaustBose-Einstein condensates2011 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
Thomas G. FazzioMolecular Biology2004 Toshio Tsukiyama (grad student)
Alexander J. Federation Genome Sciences20162019 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Ulrich FeklPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Theory Physics, General Biophysics20002003 Karen I. Goldberg (post-doc)
Jordan Ferrier19961997 František Tureček (research assistant)
Robert M. Fesinmeyerbiorecognition2005 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Leonard S. Fifieldmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2003 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Daniel FigeysBiochemistry Molecular Biotechnology Ruedi Aebersold (post-doc)
Benjamin Figueroa Chemistry Dan Fu (grad student)
Robert Harley FillingameBiochemistry1973 David R. Morris (grad student)
Gregory L. Finney Genome Sciences20202012 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
Kathryn A. FintonGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry Biochemistry2013 Roland K. Strong (grad student)
Gina S. FioriniAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2007 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Kimberly A. Firestonematerials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2005 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Andrea Firrinncieli Department of Food Science and Technology SHARON L. DOTY (post-doc)
Edmond H. Fischerstructure and regulation of enzymes, control of cellular processes by hormones and growth factors, role of protein tyrosine phosphatases in signal transduction, cell cycle, and transformation
Sean A. FischerTheoretical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Xiaosong Li (grad student)
Timothy FisterSpectroscopy, X-Ray Physics20072012 Gerald T. Seidler (grad student)
Noel S. FitzgeraldAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Llyod W. Burgess (grad student)
Heinz G. Flossbiosynthesis of antibiotics and related natural products
Peter F. FlynnBiochemistry Chemistry Chemistry1989 Brian R. Reid (grad student), J. Michael Schurr (post-doc)
William E FondrieProteomics, Mass Spectrometry, Bioninformatics, Machine Learning Genome Sciences2018 William Stafford Noble (post-doc)
Tim FormosaBiochemistry Leland H. Hartwell (post-doc)
Catherine E. FosterNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy2000 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Joseph Fowble Chemistry2006 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
Douglas M. FowlerChemical Biology
David Fox2008 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Carlos G. Fragaanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2000 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Andrew T. Francis Chemistry Dan Fu (grad student)
Aaron J. Frank2000 František Tureček (grad student)
Cara L. FrankenfeldBiochemistry, Animal Physiology Biology, Women's Studies2003 Johanna W. Lampe (grad student)
Daniel C. FredricksonSolid state chemistry - Crystallography - Chemical Bonding Theory - Materials2000 Bart Kahr (research assistant)
Daniel L. FreemanMalaria Pharmacology, Functional Genomics2010 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
Beth FriedmanAtmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric Sciences2014 Joel A. Thornton (grad student)
Lars Frosig19971998 František Tureček (grad student)
Dan Fuoptical spectroscopy and imaging techniques to investigate the spatial-temporal dynamics of living biological systems at single cell resolution
Bryant S. Fujimoto Chemistry1986 J. Michael Schurr (post-doc)
Eiichi FukushimaNMR19611967 Edwin Albrecht Uehling (grad student)
Gregory R. FulmerInorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry20052010 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Clement E. FurlongMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Toxicology
Margaret A. GabrielPhysical Chemistry2007 Hannes Jónsson (grad student)
Jennifer C. GaddAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology Chemistry2012 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Amy M. GaffneyGeology2004 Bruce K. Nelson (grad student)
Eric A. GalburtBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2002 Barry L. Stoddard (grad student)
Daneil R. GamelinInorganic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Nanotechnology
Daniel R. Gamelinmultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies
Richard H. GammonBiogeochemistry
Abbie S. Ganas Materials Science & Engineering2020 Peter J. Pauzauskie (grad student)
Karthik Ganesan Chemistry2000 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Jacob J. GanoMolecular Biology2007 Toshio Tsukiyama (grad student)
Xiaohu GaoBioengineering
Jessica C. Garbern2009 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Gary L. Gard George H. Cady (grad student)
Kavita Garg2006 Phil P. Green (grad student)
Riddhiman K. Garge Genome Sciences Genome Sciences Jay Shendure (post-doc), Lea M. Starita (grad student)
Carlos A. GartnerPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology2001 Sidney D. Nelson (grad student)
Bruce C. GatesCatalysis1966 Lennart N. Johanson (grad student)
Byron D. GatesThe Surface and Interfacial Chemistry of Materials2001 Younan Xia (grad student)
Christine Gatlin19972002 František Tureček (grad student)
Jürgen GaussCoupled cluster theory, quantum chemistry Eric J. Heller (post-doc)
John A. Gebe1996 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Michael H. Gelbmedicinal enzymology
Pacal Gerbaux20012002 František Tureček (grad student)
Scott A. GerberAnalytical Chemistry, Genetics, Organic Chemistry2001 František Tureček (grad student)
Steven G. GerstBiogeochemistry, Atmospheric Science Physics, Analytical Chemistry2000 Richard H. Gammon (grad student)
Stanley Paul GesselForest Soils, Soil Science
April D. GettyInorganic Chemistry 2001 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Mark S. GhiorsoGeochemistry, Mineralogy, Geology
Shohini GhoshOrganic Chemistry, Immunology2004 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Milo GibaldiPharmacy
William P Giddings Chemistry Kenneth B. Wiberg (post-doc)
Alan R. GillespieBiogeochemistry, Molecular Biology, Environmental Sciences, Geology
William Lester GillilandOrganometallic chemistry, Chemistry of explosives1923 William Maurice Dehn (grad student), George Burton Rigg (research scientist)
Jason Gilmore Genome Sciences20142018 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Marc V. GilstMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
David S. Gingersolar energy, materials, nanotechnology
Morgan GleavesInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2012 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Matthew Gliboffsolar energy, materials, nanotechnology Physics2013 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Adam Goetz2014 Andrew J. Boydston (post-doc)
David H. GoetzMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology2002 Roland K. Strong (grad student)
Jonathan M GoldbergInorganic/Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20122017 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student), Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Karen I. GoldbergInorganic Chemistry
Seth Goldenberg
Matthew R. Golder
Joseph L. GoldsteinGenetics Arno G. Motulsky (post-doc)
Harrison Goldwyn Chemistry David J. Masiello (grad student)
Frederick Simon GolecOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19731977 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
David Robinson Goodlettstructure function relationships in proteins and lipids i Molecular Biotechnology19971999 Ruedi Aebersold (research scientist)
Thomas Tyrel Goodman Bioengineering20032009 Suzie Hwang Pun (grad student)
Inna GoreshnikChemical Biology of Signal Transduction2011 Dustin James Maly (grad student)
Gwen M. Gossanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2004 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Martin Goutermanelectronic spectra and structure of porphyrins and related compounds
Daniel Jay Graham2001 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Ann W. GrantNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry2001 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Donald John Graves1959 Edwin G. Krebs (grad student), Edmond H. Fischer (grad student)
Lucas Graythe origin of life Biochemistry2012 Alan M. Weiner (grad student)
Phil P. Greenmathematical, statistical, and computer methods for analyzing the genomes of humans and other organisms
Kimberly-Alice D. GregersenAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2010 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Joshua A. GregersenMolecular Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry2011 František Tureček (grad student)
Norman Wayne Gregory
Kyle A. GriceInorganic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry2010 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Timothy J. Griffindevelopment and application of mass spectrometry-based tools to study proteins and proteomes19992003 Ruedi Aebersold (post-doc)
Lars Grimsrud Albert L. Babb (grad student)
Ming Gu19901995 František Tureček (grad student)
Hongdi Gu Biochemistry19931997 David Baker (grad student)
Joshua P. Guerretteelectrochemistry, electrocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry of single metal/semiconductor nanoparticles and nanowires Chemistry2013 Bo Zhang (grad student)
Ali Deniz GulerTRPVs, hypothalamic control
Jennifer Guler Chemistry2011 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Erica Gunn2009 Bart Kahr (grad student)
Kim N. GunnersonPhysical Chemistry2007 Oleg V. Prezhdo (grad student)
Haiwei H. Guomutations and human cancer2004 Lawrence A. Loeb (grad student)
Kamila S. GwiazdaMolecular Biology, Immunology Molecular and Cellular Biology2014 Andrew Scharenberg (grad student)
Bradley F. HabenichtPhysical Chemistry2008 Oleg V. Prezhdo (grad student)
Tania J. HabibImmunology2003 Kenneth Kaushansky (grad student)
Helmut M. Haendler1940 George McPhail Smith (grad student)
Chris HaguePharmacology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Sossina M. Haileionic conductivity, solid state materials
Benjamin Downs HallGenome Sciences
Marnie A. Hallerorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2005 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
George Dawson HalseySurface chemistry
Mazen L. HamadAnalytical Chemistry2003 Lloyd W. Burgess (grad student)
Randall E. Hamm1941 Thomas Gordon Thompson (grad student)
Jeff R. Hammondquantum chemistry, computer science20022003 Weston T. Borden (research assistant)
Scott R. Hammondmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2007 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Sung HanNeural circuit based understandings of brain disorders20132016 Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc), William A. Catterall (grad student), Horacio O. de la Iglesia (grad student)
Donald J. HanahanPhospholipid Chemistry
David W Hann1978 B Bruce Bare (grad student)
Kelsey L. HansonPharmacy2011 Kent L. Kunze (grad student)
Changtong Hao20062007 František Tureček (post-doc)
Jonathan M. HarborHydrology, Environmental Sciences, Physical Geography, Biogeochemistry1990 Bernard Hallet (grad student), Charles F. Raymond (grad student)
Sanjay B. HariChemical Biology of Signal Transduction Chemistry20092013 Dustin James Maly (grad student)
Jelte HarnmeijerBiogeochemistry, Geology, Paleontology2010 Roger Buick (grad student)
John P. HarrelsonPharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry2005 Sidney D. Nelson (grad student)
Hilairy Ellen Hartnettbiogeochemistry, organic chemistry, astrobiology Oceanography19901998 Allan H. Devol (grad student)
Kimberly Hartstein Chemistry Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Caroline S. HarwoodMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Robert Patrick HassettBiogeochemistry, Ecology Biology1986 Michael R. Landry (grad student)
David W Hastingschemical oceanography, paleoceanography Oceanography19901995 Steven R Emerson (grad student)
Steven K. Hauorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2009 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
R. David Hawkins Bing Ren (post-doc)
Sophia C. HayesNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy2001 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Paul A. HaynesProteomics, informatics Department of Molecular Biotechnology19961998 Ruedi Aebersold (post-doc)
Rebecca Hayouncoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2011 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Timothy Arthur James HaysteadBiochemistry Pharmacology1991 Edwin G. Krebs (post-doc)
Patrick J. Heath Chemistry1997 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Fred Harvey HeathAnalytical chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical warfare
Travis J. Hebdentransition metal organometallic chemistry2009 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student)
John I. Hedges Department of Oceanography1975 Patrick LeGrand Parker (grad student)
Warren HeidemanBiochemistry, Toxicology1983 Daniel R. Storm (grad student)
Clemens Claudius Heikaus2009 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Ronald Lee HeimarkCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Biogeochemistry, Oncology Earl W. Davie (post-doc), Stephen Mark Schwartz (post-doc)
Joseph P. Heindel Chemistry20172022 Sotiris S Xantheas (grad student)
D. Michael Heinekeytransition metal organometallic chemistry
Dennis M. HeinekeyOncology, Biochemistry
Shawna Mae Hengel20052010 David Robinson Goodlett (grad student)
Graeme A HenkelmanPhysical Chemistry2001 Hannes Jónsson (grad student)
Kirk R. HennePharmaceutical Chemistry2001 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
Armando HerbelinAnalytical Chemistry2002 Jaromir Ruzicka (grad student)
Petra Herguthorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2003 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Lilliana Morris Hermann20142019 Geoffrey William Coates (grad student)
Jessica Hernandez2020 Kristiina A. Vogt (grad student)
Thurston E. HerricksMalaria Pharmacology, Functional Genomics Chemistry20112007 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student), Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Jon Roger Herriott
Christian Hertweck Heinz G. Floss (post-doc)
Angie L. Hertzcontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell2011 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Zachary B. HillChemical Biology of Signal Transduction2011 Dustin James Maly (grad student)
Roman W. HillermeierChemical Engineering, Plastics Technology2000 James C. Seferis (grad student)
Bruce J. HindsNanofabrication, Membranes
Isamu Clarence Hisatsune1954 David F. Eggers (grad student)
Matthew H. HitchmanAtmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric Sciences1985 Conway B. Leovy (grad student)
Han K. HoToxicology, Cell Biology2005 Sidney D. Nelson (grad student)
Rebecca L. HoenigmanComputational Chemistry2002 Weston T. Borden (grad student)
Allan S. Hoffman
Jamin C. Hoggardanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2008 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Wilhelmus G.J. Holprotein crystallography for structure-based design of drugs for tropical diseases
Julius Dewey HoltenMolecular Chemistry, Physical Chemistry1976 Martin Gouterman (grad student)
George M. HomsyFluid Dynamics
Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smithlipid membrane biophysics2010 Sarah L. Keller (grad student)
Michael R. Hoopmann Genome Sciences20052009 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
Sam Hoot Theodore C White (grad student)
Jessica M. Hoovercoordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, catalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, kinetics and mechanism20042009 James M. Mayer (grad student), Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
Janiece L. Hopeanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2005 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Paul B. HopkinsBioorganic chemistry
Anita K. HopperMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology19741975 Benjamin Downs Hall (post-doc)
Thomas A. HorbettBiomedical Engineering, Biochemistry
Neilann K. HornerNutrition, Public Health, Biostatistics Biology, Women's Studies2000 Johanna W. Lampe (grad student)
Jonathon HowardMotor Proteins, Cytoskeleton
Charles Oliver Hower Physics1962 Arthur W. Fairhall (grad student)
Clara K. HsiaPharmacy Medicinal Chemistry2012 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
Edward J. HsiehBiochemistry, Chemical Biology, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Biological Regulation, Metabolism, Aging and Development Genome Sciences20082013 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Yun-Wei A. HsuCircadian rhythm, crustacean, cell/molecular biology, habenula20032008 Horacio O. de la Iglesia (grad student)
Yiding Hubiosynthesis of antibiotics and related natural products2000 Heinz G. Floss (grad student)
Emily Hu Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Po-Ssu HuangStructural Biology biochemistry20062011 David Baker (post-doc)
Daming Huangcontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell2004 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Alvin Y. HuangChemical Engineering2005 John C. Berg (grad student)
Su Huangorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2012 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Yue Huang Chemistry Chemistry20092013 František Tureček (grad student), David Robinson Goodlett (grad student)
Michael D. HuberBiochemistry2005 Nancy Maizels (grad student)
Frederick M. Hudsonbiorecognition2006 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Frank M. Huennekens
Kelly N. Hugginsbiorecognition2010 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Kira Hughes Chemsitry Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Robert E. HughesNeurodegeneration, Aging Genome Sciences2001 Stanley Fields (post-doc)
Alain C. Huitricmedicinal chemistry
Olivier M. HumbertMicrobiology Biology, Genetics2010 Nina Salama (grad student)
Elizabeth M. Humstonanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2010 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Sonia Y. HuntGenetics, Molecular Biology2002 Bonita J. Brewer (grad student), Walton Lawrence Fangman (grad student)
Joshua H. HunterMalaria Pharmacology, Functional Genomics2008 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
James Bryant HurleyStructural membrane biology
Regina A. HusetAnalytical Chemistry, Biogeochemistry, Atmospheric Sciences2007 Richard H. Gammon (grad student)
Ye-jin Hwang Chemical Engineering2015 Samson A. Jenekhe (grad student)
Dick G. Hwang2005 Phil P. Green (grad student)
Jason J. Hwang2007 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Dan G. Imre
Erica L. IngallsOrganic and Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
Kenneth Keith Innes1951 Paul C. Cross (grad student)
Gregory C. IretonMolecular Biology, Oncology2003 Barry L. Stoddard (grad student)
Christine M. IsbornTheoretical Chemistry2009 Xiaosong Li (grad student)
Leon D. IslasIon channels, biophysics, William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Wilhelmus G. J. HoiBiochemistry
Karl E. JacksonInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2010 František Tureček (grad student)
James E. (Ned) JacksonPhysical Organic Chemistry19791981 Weston T. Borden (research assistant)
Henry Jackson Chemistry2006 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Kyle M. JacobyGeneral Biology, Genetics Molecular and Cellular Biology2013 Andrew Scharenberg (grad student)
Lyatt JaegleAtmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry
Charles JaffeReaction dynamics Chemistry19731979 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
Leonard P. JamesMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2000 Robert N. Eisenman (grad student)
Nida Janulaitis Chemical Engineering2019 Stephanie Valleau (grad student)
R. J. JarjourMolecular Biology2010 Andrew Scharenberg (grad student)
Brooke Jarvie Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student)
Julia C. JarvisAtmospheric Sciences, Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry2008 Eric J. Steig (grad student)
Gavin D. JeffriesAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2008 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Alex K.-Y. Jenorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology
Shaoyi JiangChemical Engineering, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Yongdong Jin Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Gisli H. JohannessonPhysical Chemistry2000 Hannes Jónsson (grad student)
Lennart N. Johanson
Rachel E. Johns2007 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Claire A. Johnsonmultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies2010 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Lewis E. JohnsonElectron Paramagnetic Resonance Chemistry2012 Bruce H. Robinson (grad student)
Jenifer L. JohnsonAnalytical Chemistry, Cell Biology, Biochemistry2001 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Magnus T. Johnson Inorganic chemistry20132015 Karen I. Goldberg (post-doc)
Elizabeth E. Johnson2006 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
JP Johnson, Jr. William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Bryan E. JonesChemistry, Biophysical chemistry, biochemistry Biochemistry19941997 Rachel E. Klevit (post-doc)
Aaron Mitchell JonesOptoelectronics, 2D systems Physics20102015 Xiaodong Xu (grad student)
Jace W. JonesAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology Biology Chemistry20052009 František Tureček (grad student), David Robinson Goodlett (grad student)
Matthew Joseph SHARON L. DOTY (research assistant)
Pierre Joubert School of Environmental and Forest Sciences20162018 SHARON L. DOTY (research scientist)
Mont Rawlings Juchau
Lauren W. JuranekBiogeochemistry, Oceanography Biology2007 Paul D. Quay (grad student)
Peter C. JursComputational Chemistry1969 Thomas Lee Isenhour (grad student)
Mitchell Kaiser Chemistry Chemistry Kimberly Hartstein (research assistant), Sidney E Cruetz (research assistant)
Eric W. Kalercomplex fluids
Shyam Kandel School of Environmental and Forest Sciences SHARON L. DOTY (grad student)
Angeline R. Kantola2001 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Frank Erwin KaraszPolymer physics and chemistry1958 George Dawson Halsey (grad student)
Eric M. KarpNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry Chemical Engineering2012 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Floyd B. KarpBiomaterials2008 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
P. Andrew (Andy) KarplusProtein crystallography19781984 Kenneth A. Walsh (grad student), Jon Roger Herriott (grad student)
Kenneth KaushanskyBiochemistry, Cell Biology
Theresa M. KayzarGeochemistry, Geology, Petrology Earth and Space Sciences Earth and Space Sciences2012 Bruce K. Nelson (grad student), Olivier Bachmann (grad student)
Peter D. Kazarinoffpi-conjugated semiconducting polymers Materials Science and Engineering2012 Christine Luscombe (grad student)
Andrew J. KeefeChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biochemistry, Materials Science Engineering Chemical Engineering2013 Shaoyi Jiang (grad student)
Benjamin Kehimkaranalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry Chemistry2014 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Peter B. KelemenPetrology, Geochemistry1987 Bernard W Evans (grad student)
Sarah L. Kellerlipid membrane biophysics
David F. Kelley1980 B. Seymour Rabinovitch (grad student)
Edward J Kellytoxicology, drug metabolism, pharmacogenomics Biochemistry Medicinal Chemistry Bioengineering20121996 Richard DeForest Palmiter (grad student), Jonathan Himmelfarb (collaborator), Allan E. Rettie (collaborator), Yingye Zheng (collaborator)
Melissa Lambeth Kempenergetics of cells; systems biology2003 Martin J. Kushmerick (grad student)
Christopher M. KensethAtmospheric Chemistry, Organic Aerosol, Pinene Department of Atmospheric Sciences2022 Joel A. Thornton (post-doc)
Munira Khalilultrafast structural dynamics of light-driven chemical and biological processes in solution
Firas KhatibBioinformatics Biology Biochemistry20082013 David Baker (post-doc)
S. Cyrus Khojasteh1998 Sidney D. Nelson (grad student)
Brandon L. Kierbiorecognition2009 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Rachel E. KievitBiochemistry
Dmitri S. Kilincharge transfer dynamics Chemistry Oleg V. Prezhdo (post-doc)
Svetlana V. KilinaPhysical Chemistry2007 Oleg V. Prezhdo (grad student)
Tae-Dong Kimorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2007 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Ug-Sung Kim Chemistry1993 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
David KimelmanMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Fletcher M. KimuraAnalytical Chemistry2009 James B. Callis (grad student)
Andreas KirschningNatural products research, Flow chemistry19891991 Heinz G. Floss (post-doc)
Terutaka KitagawaBioinorganic Chemistry2007 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Kathryn Kitching20032004 František Tureček (grad student)
Weerayuth Kittichotirat20062011 Roger E Bumgarner (grad student)
Kevin R. Kittilstvedinorganic materials20012006 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Judith Kleinman
Rachel E. KlevitStructural Biology; Biophysics: Biochemistry: RNA Biology: Cancer Biology
Kyle Kluherz Chemistry2017 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Kristina M. Knestingsolar energy, materials, nanotechnology Chemistry2013 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Jenny L. KnothForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Plant Culture Agriculture, Ecology Biology, Botany Biology Forest Resources2012 SHARON L. DOTY (grad student)
Sreekanth Kokkonda Chemistry2010 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Evan Komp Chemical Engineering2019 Stephanie Valleau (grad student)
Xiang-Tian Kong Chemistry David J. Masiello (post-doc)
Michael C. KonopkaQuantitative Fluorescence Microscopy, Single-Cell Analysis Microbiology20082013 Mary E. Lidstrom (post-doc)
Aaron KorkegianMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2007 Barry L. Stoddard (grad student)
Joseph Korn20162017 František Tureček (post-doc)
John H Koschwanez Systems Biology20022006 Deirdre R. Meldrum (grad student)
Ilya V. Kosilkin Chemistry2012 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Donna J. KoslowskyMolecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry Botany1984 Susan D. Waaland (grad student)
Julie A. KovacsBioinorganic Chemistry
Bruce Kowalski1969 Thomas Lee Isenhour (grad student)
Claire E KozemchakChemistry
Kristina KrassovskyMolecular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2014 Steven Henikoff (grad student)
Stephen M. Kraynikcontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell Pharmacology2013 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Edwin G. KrebsProtein Phosphorylation
Jennah K. KriebelBio-organic and Biophysical Chemistry1998 Paul Yager (research assistant)
Kalyanaraman KrishnamoorthyBarton Professor of Chemistry Chemistry2013 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Ratika KrishnamurtyChemical Biology of Signal Transduction2011 Dustin James Maly (grad student)
Deanna L. Kroetzpharmacology, drug metabolism1990 Rene Levy (grad student)
Kenneth A. KrohnNuclear Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Dan Kroupa Chemistry Daniel R. Gamelin (post-doc)
David Kuhns František Tureček (grad student)
Samarth Kulkarni2006 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
John D. KulmanMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2001 Earl W. Davie (grad student)
Shiva Kumar Chemistry2013 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Shelley A. KunasekAtmospheric Chemistry, Paleoclimate Science, Geochemistry2009 Eric J. Steig (grad student)
Kent L. KunzePharmaceutical Chemistry
Martin J. Kushmerickenergetics of cells and organs
Christopher L. KuyperAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2006 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Alvin L. KwiramPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry, magnetic resonance
Connie S. KwokBiomaterials2001 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Jon J. LaddChemical Engineering2008 Shaoyi Jiang (grad student)
Henry LaiBiophysics, biological effects of electromagnetism1977 Walter L. Makous (grad student)
Roger A. LaineAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Pathobiology and Microbiology19721973 Sen-itiroh Hakomori (post-doc)
Jean-Benoît Lalanne Department of Genome Sciences Jay Shendure (post-doc)
Gojko LalicCopper, Gold
Anita Y. Lamprotein crystallography for structure-based design of drugs for tropical diseases2008 Wilhelmus G.J. Hol (grad student)
Abigail R. LambertBiochemistry2009 Barry L. Stoddard (grad student)
Johanna W. LampeNutrition, Toxicology, Biochemistry
Gary M Lampmanorganic chemistry Chemistry1964 Kenneth B. Wiberg (grad student)
Charley C. LangleyMicrowave spectroscopy20022003 František Tureček (post-doc)
Joerg LangowskiBiophysics, single molecule spectroscopy, computational biology1984 J. Michael Schurr (post-doc)
John M. Lansdown1992 Paul D. Quay (grad student)
David B. Laocoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials Chemistry2013 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Elizabeth A. LarimoreMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Molecular and Cellular Biology2012 Bruce E. Clurman (grad student)
Ryan P. LarsonCell Biology2011 Steven F. Ziegler (grad student)
Benjamin I. LarsonGeochemistry, Remote Sensing, Marine and Ocean Engineering2008 Marvin D. Lilley (grad student)
Joseph A Laureantibioinorganic chemistry Physical Science Division20172019 Wendy J. Shaw (post-doc)
Llewellyn R. Lawsonmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2006 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Sunil Laxmanmetabolism, signaling, amino acids, biochemical networks2006 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Peter B. LaxtonChemical Engineering2008 John C. Berg (grad student)
Quy H. LeCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Immunology Molecular and Cellular Biology2014 Nancy Maizels (grad student)
Elizabeth R. LeberBiomaterials2008 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Keum Y. LeeForestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Environmental Sciences, Plant Culture Agriculture, Biogeochemistry Forest Resources2013 SHARON L. DOTY (grad student)
Chang-Uk Lee Chemistry2014 Andrew J. Boydston (post-doc)
Sandra Young Lee2000 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Hak-No Lee František Tureček (post-doc)
Wylie I. Lee Chemistry1978 J. Michael Schurr (post-doc)
Kelly Lee
Benjamin Leipzig Chemistry2017 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Elana Lynn LeitholdGeochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Chemical Oceanography1987 Joanne Bourgeois (grad student)
Calvin Jon Leonen2017 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Kirsty Leongorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2010 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Mary Ann Elizabeth LeungComputational physical chemistry Chemistry20002007 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
Steven B. LeveryAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry1993 Sen-itiroh Hakomori (grad student)
Rene Levy
Wanda LewNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry2011 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Kun LiPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry Physics2012 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Xiaosong LiTheoretical Chemistry
Yijun Limedicinal enzymology2004 Michael H. Gelb (grad student)
Jianing Li Pathology20032006 Roger E Bumgarner (grad student)
Jiangning LiPathology, Molecular Biology2006 Roger E Bumgarner (grad student)
Junwei Li Xiaohu Gao (grad student)
Zhe Li2019 David Baker (post-doc)
Qing Liang2006 Lyatt Jaegle (grad student)
Wenkel LiangTheoretical Chemistry Chemistry2012 Xiaosong Li (grad student)
Zylee Liddy Epidemiology2023 Edward J Kelly (grad student)
Marya Liebermansurface chemistry, self-assembly of two- and three-dimensional structures, and molecular electronics1994 Tomikazu Sasaki (grad student)
Marvin D. LilleyGeochemistry
Sung-Change Lin
Sung-Chang Lin Chemistry1978 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Jasper C. Linbiorecognition2007 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Edward C. LingafelterChemistry
Michael P. LinnesBiomaterials2009 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Dmitry V. LiskinOrganic and Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
Hongyan Liu Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Andi Liu2021 Joseph D. Mougous (post-doc)
William K. Liumultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies2007 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Sen Liuorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2003 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Shi Liuorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2003 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Jiyun LiuBiochemistry2006 Erkang Fan (grad student)
Sheng-Ying LoCell biology, Membrane biology, Membrane fusion, SNARE proteins2011 Alexey J. Merz (grad student)
Karen LoPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2004 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Braden T. LobingierNeuronal membrane traffic Biochemistry2013 Alexey J. Merz (grad student)
Deirdre E. LockwoodChemical Oceanography Oceanography2013 Paul D. Quay (grad student)
Frederick Valentine Lofgren Pharmacy1930 Eldin Verne Lynn (grad student)
Ern Lohmutations and human cancer2006 Lawrence A. Loeb (grad student)
Thomas J. LongBiomaterials Bioengineering2013 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Jared E. LopesImmunology2007 Steven F. Ziegler (grad student)
Gabriel P. Lópezbiomaterials science and engineering, bioanalytical chemistry and biointerfacial phenomena1991 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Elizabeth A. LouiePhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2005 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Brooke LoveGeochemistry2009 Marvin D. Lilley (grad student)
Walter D. LovelandNuclear chemistry1966 Arthur W. Fairhall (grad student), Isaac Halpern (grad student)
Helena M. LovickOrganic and Organometallic Chemistry2009 Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
Yu Lumedicinal enzymology2006 Michael H. Gelb (grad student)
Hongbo LuNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry2000 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Jin Lu Chemistry20142016 Bo Zhang (post-doc)
Avery T. LuedtkeInorganic Chemistry 2007 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Priscilla Lugo-MasInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2007 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Bradley M. Lunde2009 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
Christine Luscombepi-conjugated semiconducting polymers
Dylan M. LynchOrganic Chemistry, Targeted Protein Degradation, PROTACs, Carbohydrate Chemistry, Radical Chemistry, Biomolecular, Radical, Carbohydrate, Methodology, Glycopeptides Chemistry20212022 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Eldin Verne Lynnsynthetic medicinals and the chemistry of plants
John S. LyssandPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry2010 Chris Hague (grad student)
Michael J. MacCossproteomics, mass spectrometry, biochemistry, separations, bioinformatics, software development, quantitative analysis
Bradley A. MacLeodsolar energy, materials, nanotechnology Chemistry2012 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Lauran R. MaddenBiomaterials2012 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Madercoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2007 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Taifo MahmudNatural Products Drug Discovery, Biosynthesis19972000 Heinz G. Floss (post-doc)
Khan W. MahmudBose-Einstein condensates2004 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
Lutz G. MaibaumTheoretical Physical Chemistry
Nancy MaizelsBiochemistry
Jennifer N. Maki Chemistry2011 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
Noah Malmstadt2003 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Dustin James MalyChemical Biology of Signal Transduction
Ram Mangipudi Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Bryce Adrian ManifoldNonlinear Microscopy, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Deep Learning Chemistry20172022 Dan Fu (grad student)
Virginia W. Mannercoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2009 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Jorge Marchand
Antonio M. MarcondesPathology2010 Daniel Bowen-Pope (grad student)
Ales Marek20132014 František Tureček (post-doc)
Alka Marhawa Chemistry2009 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Todd F. Marklecoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2009 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Luke C. Marneyanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry Chemistry2013 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Michael J. MaroneyInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry19771981 Norman Jenisch Rose (grad student)
Brian J. MarquardtAnalytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Andrew J. Marshall2004 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Benjamin Martin David Kimelman (post-doc)
Richard L. Martinelectronic structure theory of molecules and solids Ernest R. Davidson (post-doc)
Anjali Mascarenhas Chemistry2011 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
David J. MasielloNanophotonics, electron microscopy20042006 William P. Reinhardt (post-doc)
Robert K. MasseAerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering2000 David W. Russell (grad student)
Christopher King MathewsNucleotide enzymology, DNA precursor metabolism, bacteriophage1962 Frank M. Huennekens (grad student)
Joseph W. MayTheoretical Chemistry Chemistry2014 Xiaosong Li (grad student)
James M. Mayercoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials
Phil Mayer20032005 František Tureček (post-doc)
Steven G. MayerRaman Spectroscopy, Statistical Mechanics Chemistry19971999 Philip J. Reid (post-doc)
Brian T. MayersNanocrystals2003 Younan Xia (grad student)
Luisa E. MayorgaBiomedical Engineering2008 Thomas A. Horbett (grad student)
Katherine A. Mazziopi-conjugated semiconducting polymers Materials Science and Engineering20092014 Christine Luscombe (grad student)
Christine McBethImmunology2009 Roland K. Strong (grad student)
Adam D. McBradyanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2006 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
I Stewart McCallumPetrology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Plate Tectonics
William Owen McClurebiological and chemical aspects of mental illness1964 Hans Neurath (grad student)
John Graham McCollSoil science: nutrient cycling, forest soils1969 Dale Warren Cole (grad student)
Audrey D. McConnellMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2009 Barry L. Stoddard (grad student)
Layton L. McCoy Hyp J. Dauben (post-doc)
Anne B. McCoyTheoretical and computational chemistry
Michelle E. McCullybiophysics, protein dynamics, molecular dynamics simulations, amyloid Bioengineering2012 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student)
Matthew G. McDonaldbiosynthesis of antibiotics and related natural products2001 Heinz G. Floss (grad student)
Abbye E. McEwenCell Biology, Molecular Biology Pathology20102014 Cara J. Gottardi (grad student)
Benjamin J. McFarlandBiochemistry, Immunology2001 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Alicia F. McGheeOrganic and Organometallic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
Linda B. McGownbiomaterials, nanotechnology, affinity techniques, bioseparations, genomic DNA and prebiotic chemistry1979 Gary D. Christian (grad student)
Christina M. McGrawAnalytical Chemistry, Entomology Biology2004 James B. Callis (grad student)
Sarah McKinneyBose-Einstein condensates2004 William P. Reinhardt (grad student)
Stan McKnightgenetics, PKA Richard DeForest Palmiter (post-doc)
Emily J. McLaurinNanomaterial synthesis, optical sensing, energy transfer2013 Daniel R. Gamelin (post-doc)
Joseph M McLellan Chemistry2007 Younan Xia (grad student)
Andrew W. McMillanGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Evolution Biochemistry Chemistry20062012 William W. Parson (grad student), Niels H. Andersen (collaborator)
Graham P. McVicker2010 Phil P. Green (grad student)
Elizabeth MedinaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2010 Carlos E. Catalano (grad student)
Jens Meiler David Baker (post-doc)
Gary A. MeintsPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2000 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Heather Mellowstransition metal organometallic chemistry2000 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student)
Joseph M. Meredithtransition metal organometallic chemistry2011 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student)
Eric D. Merkleybiophysics, protein dynamics, molecular dynamics simulations, amyloid Biochemistry20032010 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student), William W. Parson (grad student)
Anna Merkulova Chemistry2017 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Alexey J. MerzCell biology, Membrane biology, Membrane fusion, Golgi, Vacuole
Luo MiBiomedical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Molecular Chemistry Chemical Engineering2014 Shaoyi Jiang (grad student)
Michael M. MiazgowiczImmunology Immunology2013 Steven F. Ziegler (grad student)
Nina Michael2018 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Forrest E. MichaelOrganic and Organometallic Chemistry
Jason MicklefieldNucleic Acid Redesign and Recognition, Biocatalysis and Enzyme Mechanism, Biosynthesis and Biosynthetic Engineering Heinz G. Floss (post-doc)
Alexander J M MillerOrganometallic Chemistry20112012 James M. Mayer (post-doc), Karen I. Goldberg (post-doc)
Duane Douglas Millerdesign and synthesis of new drug molecules1969 Wendel Lane Nelson (grad student)
Gregory L. MilliganOrganic chemistry Chemistry19851990 Stan Raucher (grad student)
Jeremy H. Millsprotein design, unnatural amino acids Biochemistry2015 David Baker (post-doc)
Tyler Milstein Chemistry Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Jung-Hyun Minmedicinal enzymology2000 Michael H. Gelb (grad student)
Wendy Minke Biochemistry Christophe L.M.J. Verlinde (grad student)
Karyn L. MlodnoskyOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2004 Craig Cano Beeson (grad student)
Smita MohantyBiochemistry19911993 Gary P. Drobny (post-doc)
Rachel E. Mohleranalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2007 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Michael A. MohutskyPharmaceutical Chemistry2002 Gary W. Elmer (grad student)
Lucas Monkkonen20082015 David Robinson Goodlett (grad student)
Nicholas Montoni Chemistry David J. Masiello (grad student)
Randall MoonWnt signaling Zoology Merrill Hille (grad student)
Ana L. Mooreartificial photosynthesis19731976 Niels H. Andersen (post-doc)
Bradley S. Moore1994 Heinz G. Floss (grad student)
Thomas A. MooreArtificial Photosynthesis and Bio-inspired Catalysis1976 Alvin L. Kwiram (post-doc)
David R. MorrisRegulation of mRNA translation
Carrie M. MosherPharmacology, Biochemistry2008 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
Christopher MossAnalytical Chemistry2011 František Tureček (grad student)
Joseph D. MougousBioorthogonal chemistry
Devaraja G. Mudeppa Chemistry2005 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Emily K. MullenPetrology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Plate Tectonics2011 I Stewart McCallum (grad student)
Keiko Munechikasolar energy, materials, nanotechnology2010 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Andrea M. Munrosolar energy, materials, nanotechnology2008 David S. Ginger (grad student)
David R. MunroChemical Oceanography Oceanography2012 Paul D. Quay (grad student)
Venkatesh N. Murthyinformation processing by neural circuits Eberhard E. Fetz (grad student)
Niren Murthy2001 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
James R. MusickNeurophysiology19931999 Marc D. Binder (grad student)
Sarah A. MutchAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2009 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Andrew W. Myers Chemistry James M. Mayer (post-doc)
Jeremy S. Nadeauanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2011 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Hirokazu Nagaokasolar energy, materials, nanotechnology Chemistry2014 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Alexei N. Naimushin Chemistry2000 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Mariko NakanoPharmacy, Biochemistry, Ophthalmology2011 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
Eri Nakatani-WebsterGeneral Biophysics, Virology Biology, Nanoscience Medicinal Chemistry2013 Carlos E. Catalano (grad student)
Elaine Y. NamInorganic Chemistry2009 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Michael A. NashNanotechnology, biotechnology, biophysics, biophysical chemistry, polymers Bioengineering Bioengineering20062011 Patrick S. Stayton (grad student), Paul Yager (grad student), Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Sandi L. NavarroEpidemiology, Nutrition2011 Johanna W. Lampe (grad student)
Moise NdaoPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2008 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Jennifer L. Nehringtransition metal organometallic chemistry2003 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student)
Maureen NeitzMolecular Genetics and Color Vision
Wendel Lane NelsonPharmaceutical Chemistry
Bruce K. NelsonGeochemistry, Geology, Petrology
Sidney D. NelsonToxicology, Biochemistry
Heidi D. Nelsonquantum dots2013 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Alshakim Nelsonnanomanufacturing
Joseph P. NemargutRetina, Glaucoma20102012 Russell Van Gelder (post-doc)
Garet G. NenningerElectronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Sinclair S. Yee (grad student)
Hans Neurathprotein science
Pauline C. NgBiomedical Engineering2002 Steven Henikoff (grad student)
Chayanon Ngambenjawong Bioengineering20122017 Suzie Hwang Pun (grad student)
Lien T. NgoNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry2004 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Felix N. NguyenChemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering2007 John C. Berg (grad student)
Viet Nguyen František Tureček (post-doc)
Elizabeth (Mimi) Vi NguyenProteomics, cancer signalling, cancer biology Medicinal Chemistry20062012 David Robinson Goodlett (grad student)
Jeff Nivalananopores, synthetic biology, protein engineering20082010 David Baker (research assistant)
Lucas G. NivonProtein design, modeling, RNA modeling, single-molecule biophysics Biochemistry20082014 David Baker (post-doc)
Myong Han No František Tureček (research assistant)
Misty L NobleBiomaterials Bioengineering Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Kevin M. Noonesolar energy, materials, nanotechnology2011 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Nicholas S. Norbergmultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies2006 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Michael R NorrisSynthesis, Inorganic, Electrochemistry Chemistry20132015 Brandi M. Cossairt (post-doc)
Sirkku Nuutero Chemistry1996 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Bethany P. NyholmNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy2003 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Abby R. O'Connor Chemistry20082010 Karen I. Goldberg (post-doc)
Gemma O'Connor Earth and Space Sciences Eric J. Steig (grad student)
Kevin M. O'Malleyorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology Chemistry2013 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Claire J. O'Nealprotein crystallography for structure-based design of drugs for tropical diseases2005 Wilhelmus G.J. Hol (grad student)
Brian C O'Regandye-sensitized solar cells Chemistry1998 Martin Gouterman (grad student), Daniel T. Schwartz (grad student)
Thomas C. OatesAnalytical Chemistry, Optics Physics Chemistry2013 Lloyd W. Burgess (grad student)
Yuko OgataAnalytical Chemistry2004 František Tureček (grad student)
Tamara M. OkonogiElectron Paramagnetic Resonance2000 Bruce H. Robinson (grad student)
Benjamin C. Olbrichtmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2010 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
John Preston Oliver1959 David Moore Ritter (grad student)
Carissa P. OlsenMolecular Biology, Biochemistry2011 Marc V. Gilst (grad student)
Katherine A. Olsenbiorecognition2006 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Gregory L. OlsenPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2007 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
William Bruce Olson1960 Paul C. Cross (grad student)
Shao-En OngQuantitative Proteomics, Signaling
Ellen OrdinarioBiochemistry, Immunology2007 Nancy Maizels (grad student)
Santiago Orregobiomineralization, fatigue, fracture, dentin, biofilms, acids Materials Science and Engineering20112015 Dwayne Arola (grad student)
Mary Jane Osbornlipopolysaccharide1958 Frank M. Huennekens (grad student)
Tristan R. OsbornMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology Biology2005 Earl W. Davie (grad student)
Rob C. Oslundmedicinal enzymology2011 Michael H. Gelb (grad student)
Sarah Ostheller Chemistry Kira Hughes (research assistant)
Sergey Ovchinnikov
Nathan A. OylerPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2000 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Harvey J. Palmer Chemical Engineering John C. Berg (grad student)
Richard DeForest Palmiterneuropeptide signaling, receptor biology
Cullen K. PangMalaria Pharmacology, Functional Genomics2008 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
Lisa S. Park-Gehrkecoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2010 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Marissa Parker2018 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Nastassia E. ParkerChemical Biology, Protein Chemistry, Peptide Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysical Chemistry, Epigenetic Regulation Chemistry Medicinal chemistry20222022 Champak Chatterjee (grad student), Kelly Lee (grad student)
Oliver T. ParkinsonBiochemistry, Toxicology Medicinal Chemistry2012 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
William W. ParsonBiochemistry
Premal H. Patelmutations and human cancer2001 Lawrence A. Loeb (grad student)
Rapat Patrapuvich Chemistry2011 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Maggie Patrick Chemistry Carl K Brozek (research assistant)
Joshua D. PattersonNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy2011 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Andrew L. PaulselBiochemistry Alexey J. Merz (grad student)
Andrew V. PawlikowskiInorganic Chemistry 2006 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Erin Peck DEOHS2010 Edward J Kelly (grad student)
Lars C. Pedersen Structural Biology19901994 David C. Teller (grad student)
Kari J. PedersonPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2010 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Brenden Pelkie Chemical Engineering2020 Stephanie Valleau (grad student)
Robert Pepin20122016 František Tureček (grad student)
Bulathsinhalage G. PereraChemical Biology of Signal Transduction Chemistry2012 Dustin James Maly (grad student)
John P. Perkins1968 Edwin G. Krebs (post-doc)
Lorena Lea Perkins2017 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Steve Perlmutter1995 Eberhard E. Fetz (collaborator), Eberhard E. Fetz (post-doc)
Abigail L. Personneurophysiology, cerebellum, motor control David Perkel (grad student)
Sabrina PetersonNutrition, Toxicology, Biochemistry2005 Johanna W. Lampe (grad student)
Gregory D. Phelanmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2003 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Philip W. PhillipsStrongly Correlated Electrons1982 Ernest R. Davidson (grad student)
Matthew P. PhilpottNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy2000 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Jason C. Pickensprotein crystallography for structure-based design of drugs for tropical diseases2003 Wilhelmus G.J. Hol (grad student)
Joern Pielbacterial natural products, biosynthesis, chemical ecology Chemistry19981999 Bradley S. Moore (post-doc), Heinz G. Floss (post-doc)
Karisa M. Pierceanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2007 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Jessica PikulBioinorganic Chemistry2011 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
David PilgrimMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Cell Biology Biochemistry19831987 Elton T. Young (grad student)
Jeffry E. PincusMolecular Biology2006 Barry L. Stoddard (grad student)
Lindsay Pino Genome Sciences Genome Sciences20142019 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student), William Stafford Noble (grad student)
Delia M. Pinto-SantiniMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry2008 Nina Salama (grad student)
Samuel D. PittmanOperations Research, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2003 B Bruce Bare (grad student)
Kevin W. Plaxcobiomolecular physics, biomolecular engineering19971998 David Baker (post-doc)
Ramulu Podutoori Chemistry2007 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Thomas J. PohlMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Biochemistry Molecular and Cellular Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2013 M K. Raghuraman (grad student), Bonita J. Brewer (grad student)
Miroslav Polasek1999 František Tureček (post-doc)
Brent M. Polishakorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2011 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Vincent Ponstransition metal organometallic chemistry2004 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student)
Alfred S. PonticelliBiochemistry1988 Gerald Ralph Smith (grad student)
Saran PoovarodomChemical Engineering2010 John C. Berg (grad student)
Jennifer M. PophamPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2005 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Stephen C. Porterglacial geology and geomorphology
Roger S Porter1956 George H. Cady (grad student)
Jason D. PrantnerInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Jake Precht Chemistry20132015 Naomi Shauna Ginsberg (research assistant)
Bradley D. PrestonPathology, Biochemistry
Oleg V. PrezhdoPhysical Chemistry
Nigel D. Priestley Chemistry Heinz G. Floss (post-doc)
Giora ProskurowskiGeochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Oceanography Biology2005 Marvin D. Lilley (grad student)
Jonathan N. Pruneda Biochemistry2012 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Anna Pyaytmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2009 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Lifeng Qi Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Jian Qian Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Hong QianBiophysical Chemistry, Statistical Physics, Mathematical Biology
Zhaoxia Qian Chemistry David J. Masiello (post-doc)
Roberta QuadrelliAtmospheric Science Physics2004 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Paul D. QuayBiogeochemistry
Steven Quillin Chemistry David J. Masiello (grad student)
B. Seymour Rabinovitch
Pavle V. Radovanovicinorganic materials, nanomaterials19992004 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student), Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
M. Daniel RafteryMetabolite profiling, methods development and applications, Disease diagnostics development and systems biology research, NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry
Vinodhkumar RaghunathanPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2006 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
M K. RaghuramanMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Lauren J. Rajakovichmicrobial metabolism, enzymes
Daniel A. RamrusChemical Engineering2006 John C. Berg (grad student)
Summer L. RandallAnalytical Chemistry, Optics Physics2004 Lloyd W. Burgess (grad student)
Alexa RaneyRegulation of mRNA translation2001 David R. Morris (grad student)
David P. RangelBiophysical and Physical Chemistry2005 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Pratisha RanjitkarChemical Biology of Signal Transduction2011 Dustin James Maly (grad student)
Ramesh Rao František Tureček (research assistant)
Pradipsinh K. RathodMalaria Pharmacology, Functional Genomics
Pradisinh K. RathodAnalytical Chemistry
Pradipsinth K. RathodOrganic Chemistry, Parasitology Biology
Hannah Ratner Joseph D. Mougous (post-doc)
Buddy D. RatnerBiomaterials1974 Allan S. Hoffman (post-doc)
Stan Raucher
Meghana RawalMaterials Chemistry, Electro-optics, Opto-electronics, Polymers Chemistry2014 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Matthew R. RedinboStructural Studies of Dynamic Cellular Processes1999 Wilhelmus G.J. Hol (post-doc)
Richard Lee RedingtonPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry1961 Paul C. Cross (grad student)
Gerald R. ReeckBiochemistry1971 Hans Neurath (grad student)
Julian Rees Chemistry2016 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Annie Regan Chemistry20182018 Daniel R. Gamelin (research assistant)
Steve L. Reichow2006 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
Brian R. Reidbiophysical chemistry
Philip J. ReidNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy
Obadiah G. Reidsolar energy, materials, nanotechnology2010 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Vanessa R. Reidanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2008 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Paula Reimer
William P. ReinhardtBose-Einstein condensates
Rory P. RemmelPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology1982 Gary W. Elmer (grad student)
Kevin J. RennertAtmospheric Sciences2007 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Allan E. RettiePharmacology, Biochemistry1987 William F. Trager (post-doc), Mont Rawlings Juchau (post-doc)
Jacqueline A. Reynoldscell membranes1963 George Dawson Halsey (grad student)
Theran P. RiedelAtmospheric Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2013 Joel A. Thornton (grad student)
Erin Riley Chemistry20062012 Bart Kahr (grad student)
Nicholas M. RileyMass spectrometry, glycoproteomics, proteomics, PTMs, chemical biology, glycobiology
Jeffrey Dennis RinehartInorganic, magnetism, materials20112014 Daniel R. Gamelin (post-doc)
L. Wait Risingclinical pharmacy Pharmacy1929 Eldin Verne Lynn (grad student)
Steven W. Rissing1980 Thomas W. Schoener (grad student)
David Moore Ritter
Michael F. RobertoNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy Chemistry2014 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Timothy Allen Robertson2007 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
George T. Robillardnanotechnology19671971 Philip Edwin Wilcox (grad student)
Melvin B. RobinMolecular Spectroscopy1960 William Tracy Simpson (grad student)
Robert Maxwell Robinson2005 Phil P. Green (grad student)
Bruce H. RobinsonElectron Paramagnetic Resonance
Alex L. RobinsonAnalytical Chemistry2001 Gary D. Christian (grad student)
Gabriel J. Rocklinprotein folding and stability David Baker (post-doc)
Martin Rodbell1954 Donald J. Hanahan (grad student)
Robert G. RoederMolecular Biology1969 William J. Rutter (grad student)
Ponlapat RojnuckarinBiochemistry, Cell Biology2001 Kenneth Kaushansky (grad student)
Marco Rolandinanomaterials, bioelectronics, bio materials, bio control
Herschel L. Romanyeast genetics
Harrison L. RommelElectron Paramagnetic Resonance2007 Bruce H. Robinson (grad student)
Norman Jenisch Rose
Tamara RosenbaumBiophysics, TRP channel, Structure-function Sharona E. Gordon (post-doc)
Carolyn F. RosewallOrganic and Organometallic Chemistry2011 Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
J.B. Alexander (Sandy) RossBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Biological Fluorescence1976 Alvin L. Kwiram (post-doc), David A. Deranleau (grad student), David C. Teller (grad student)
Justine P. Rothmechanisms of redox reactions in proteins2000 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Kenneth W. RousslangSteady-State and Time-Resolved Phosphorescence of biologically important molecules19701976 Alvin L. Kwiram (grad student)
Richard H. RowEvolution and Development Biology2010 David Kimelman (grad student)
Ankita Roy Arohan R. Subramanya (post-doc)
Alan F. Rubin Genome Sciences2013 Phil P. Green (grad student)
Richard P. Rucker Chemistry2013 Gojko Lalic (grad student)
Summer B. RupperGeophysics, Geology, Atmospheric Science Physics2007 Eric J. Steig (grad student)
David W. RussellGene editing, stem cell therapy
Diane Haddock RussellPharmacology1968 Donald S. Farner (post-doc)
Tige Rustad Theodore C White (grad student)
Benjamin H. RutzMaterials Science Engineering Chemical Engineering2014 John C. Berg (grad student)
Jaromir RuzickaAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry
Julian Sachs
Martin Sadilek19951996 František Tureček (post-doc)
Nina SalamaMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry
Jesse J. Salkmutations and human cancer2010 Lawrence A. Loeb (grad student)
Patrick J. Salveson
Suzanne B. SandmeyerMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry1980 Paul Bornstein (grad student)
Bernard D SantarsieroCrystallography, Structural Chemistry, Structural Biology, Drug Discovery19751980 Edward C. Lingafelter (grad student), Verner F. Schomaker (grad student)
Caroline T Saouma Department of Chemistry James M. Mayer (post-doc)
Manojkumar SaranathanMRI physics, Neuro image processing, Thalamic nuclei segmentation, Deep learning for image processing2001 Martin J. Kushmerick (grad student)
Kyosti V. SarkanenLignin Chemistry
Tomikazu Sasakiartemisinin
William A. SatherVoltage-gated Ca2+ channels1988 Peter B. Detwiler (grad student)
Christopher T. Saunders2007 Phil P. Green (grad student)
Adam J. SchaferPhysical Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Thomas Engel (grad student)
Andrew ScharenbergMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology
Friedemann J. SchaubMolecular Biology, Pathology2002 Daniel Bowen-Pope (grad student)
Lawrence Edwin Schaufler2001 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Peter Schellenberg19981999 William W. Parson (post-doc)
William R. SchiefBiochemistry, Immunology1999 Viola Vogel (grad student)
Alina M. Schimpfinorganic chemistry, nanomaterials, doping, plasmonics,spectroscopy20092014 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Perry G. SchiroAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2011 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Edward W. Schlagspectroscopy and dynamics—principally ZEKE spectroscopy, but also multiphoton mass spectrometry, radiationless processes, cluster research, unimolecular reactions, electron transfer and ionization mechanisms1958 B. Seymour Rabinovitch (grad student)
Cody Williams SchlenkerChemistry and Clean Energy20112012 David S. Ginger (post-doc)
Thomas E Schmidlin2011 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student)
Kenneth S. Schmitz Chemistry1972 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Friedemann W. Schneider1962 B. Seymour Rabinovitch (grad student)
Thomas SchneiderAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology Chemistry20162016 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student), František Tureček (post-doc)
Haley Schramm
Kathrin Schrick1994 Leland H. Hartwell (grad student)
Katherine M. Schultztransition metal organometallic chemistry2011 D. Michael Heinekey (grad student)
Craig M. SchulzAnalytical Chemistry2002 Jaromir Ruzicka (grad student)
J. Michael SchurrBiophysical and Physical Chemistry Chemistry2013 John C. Thomas (collaborator), Bryant S. Fujimoto (collaborator)
Emily K SchutskyImmunology, Enzymology, Epigenetics Immunology2018 Daniel B. Stetson (post-doc)
Greg Schwartzretina2009 Frederick M. Rieke (grad student), Michael J. Berry (grad student), Michael Jacob Kahana (research assistant)
Matthew L. Schwartzmembrane fusion, synaptic vesicle biogenesis2010 Alexey J. Merz (grad student)
Dirk SchweitzerInorganic Chemistry2001 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Devin Karl SchweppeProteomics Genome Sciences20132016 James E Bruce (post-doc)
Debra A. Schwinnmolecular pharmacology, alpha 1 adrenergic receptors
Alexander D. Scouras2010 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student)
Sudeshna SealOncology, Biochemistry2006 Dennis M. Heinekey (grad student)
Brian Searle Genome Sciences20142018 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
Georg Seelig20032009 Erik Winfree (post-doc)
Stephanie C. Seemanmotor control2010 Steve Perlmutter (grad student)
James C. SeferisChemical Engineering, Plastics Technology, Polymer Chemistry
Monica R. Sekharan2004 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Jason R. SellersNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Joshua P. SementiAerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering2005 David W. Russell (grad student)
Donald Wayne Setserreaction dynamics1961 B. Seymour Rabinovitch (grad student)
Jennifer L. Seymour2004 František Tureček (grad student)
Allyson E. SgroAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2011 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Scott Shaffer19962001 František Tureček (grad student)
Christopher J. Shaffer20132015 František Tureček (post-doc)
Viral ShahAtmospheric Chemistry Atmospheric Sciences20122018 Lyatt Jaegle (grad student)
Kavita V. Shah2007 Randall Moon (grad student)
Sason S. Shaikquantum chemistry19741978 Nicholas D. Epiotis (grad student)
Irving Shainelectrochemistry1952 Alden L. Crittenden (grad student)
Zahra Shajani2007 Gabriele Varani (grad student)
Guozheng Shaosolar energy, materials, nanotechnology Chemistry2014 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Prachi SharmaComputational chemistry Chemistry2021 Xiaosong Li (post-doc)
James C. SharpNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry Chemistry2014 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Barbara Ramsay ShawBoronated Nucleic Acids1973 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Wendy J. ShawPhysical and Biophysical Chemistry2000 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Jason M. ShearerBioinorganic Chemistry2001 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
James P. ShelbyAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2004 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Patrick Shelton20142019 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Elizabeth Shen Joseph D. Mougous (post-doc)
Mingchao ShenBiomedical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Cell Biology2001 Thomas A. Horbett (grad student)
Andrew Sher School of Environmental and Forest Sciences SHARON L. DOTY (research scientist)
Skylar Sherman Chemistry Kimberly Hartstein (research assistant)
Fred Shermanstructure of genes and the effects of genetic mutations on proteins in yeast1959 Herschel L. Roman (post-doc)
Huilin ShiStructure analysis of biological systems using mass spectrometry-based techniques Genome Sciences20132015 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Zhengwei Shiorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2010 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Sayaka ShibataBiochemistry2011 Erkang Fan (grad student)
John H. Shibata1983 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Tsuyoshi Shimoboji2001 Allan S. Hoffman (grad student)
Kseniya Shin Chemistry Dan Fu (grad student)
Steven Shoner Chemistry1996 Julie A. Kovacs (post-doc)
Jean'ne M. ShreeveInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry1961 George H. Cady (grad student)
Irene Shubiorecognition2011 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Paul J. Shughrueestrogen19911995 Daniel M. Dorsa (post-doc)
Jennifer S. Shumaker-Parry2002 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
S ShushruthVisual system, Decision making2011 Michael N. Shadlen (post-doc)
Paul A. SibbaldOrganic and Organometallic Chemistry2009 Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
Justin B. Siegelcomputational protein design and engineering2011 David Baker (grad student)
W. C. Siegleranalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2011 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Michael De Siena Chemistry Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Snorri Thor Sigurdssonchemistry and structural biology of nucleic acids1993 Paul B. Hopkins (grad student)
Trent L. SilbaughNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry Chemical Engineering2014 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Peter Silver Theodore C White (grad student)
Andrew M. Simmsbiophysics, protein dynamics, molecular dynamics simulations, amyloid2011 Valerie D. Daggett (grad student)
John W. Simons1964 B. Seymour Rabinovitch (grad student)
Pragya Singh20062011 David Robinson Goodlett (grad student)
Amanda E. Sinhaanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2004 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Jessica S. Sinnessmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2006 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Sara Skrabalakchemical effects of ultrasound and chemical sensing Chemistry20162018 Younan Xia (post-doc)
Ronald S. SlettenGeology, Geochemistry, Environmental Geology
Daniel R. Slussmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques20042009 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Brian P. Smartmedicinal enzymology2006 Michael H. Gelb (grad student)
Alyssa L. SmithElectron Paramagnetic Resonance2009 Bruce H. Robinson (grad student)
Polina B. SmithAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2011 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Kevin Smith David J. Masiello (grad student)
George McPhail Smith
Brian V. SmoliakAtmospheric Sciences, Climate Change Atmospheric Sciences2013 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Nicole SmytheInorganic Chemistry 2004 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Jessica L. Sneedenmutations and human cancer2004 Lawrence A. Loeb (grad student)
Sanjoy M. SomPlanetology, Geomorphology, Sedimentary Geology2010 Roger Buick (grad student), David Richard Montgomery (grad student)
Kiran K. Somaneuroscience, endocrinology19942000 John C. Wingfield (grad student)
Lu Song1990 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Jake D. Sopercoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2003 James M. Mayer (grad student)
David M. SoperImmunology2007 Steven F. Ziegler (grad student)
Zdenek Spacil20102015 František Tureček (post-doc)
Sandi Spencer Genome Sciences20162018 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Paul C. SpiegelMolecular Biology, General Biophysics, Animal Physiology Biology2004 Barry L. Stoddard (grad student)
Jesse John SpillaneOrganoboron chemistry Chemistry Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
Thomas G. SpiroBioinorganic and Biophysical Chemistry
Anthony J. St. JohnInorganic Chemistry 2011 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Bethany A. Staggemeieranalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2004 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Brendan D. StamperPharmacy, Toxicology, Biochemistry2010 Sidney D. Nelson (grad student)
Cynthia A. Stanichlipid membrane biophysics Chemistry2012 Sarah L. Keller (grad student)
William S. Stavropoulos1966 Alain C. Huitric (grad student)
Todd R. StedlPhysical Chemistry2003 Hannes Jónsson (grad student)
William A. SteeleSurface chemistry, statistical mechanics, condensed matter theory1954 George Dawson Halsey (grad student)
Eric J. SteigAtmospheric Sciences, Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry Geological Sciences1996 Minze Stuiver (grad student), Alan R. Gillespie (grad student), Stephen C. Porter (grad student)
Stephen E. Stein B. Seymour Rabinovitch (grad student)
Zackary L SteinOrganic chemistry Chemistry Forrest E. Michael (grad student)
Daniel Stephens20032004 František Tureček (research assistant)
Andrew Stergachis Genome Sciences20092013 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
Michael James StevensonBioinorganic Chemistry Immunology20102011 Nancy Maizels (research assistant)
Ross Stewart Chemistry1954 Kenneth B. Wiberg (grad student)
James M. Stewartbiorecognition2009 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
William M. StierPhysical Chemistry, Energy2003 Oleg V. Prezhdo (grad student)
Barry L. StoddardGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
Katherine E. StollBiochemistry2010 Rachel E. Kievit (grad student)
Stefan StollEPR
George Hubert StoutOrganic chemistry , Organic structure determination , Natural products synthesis
Elisabeth Streinsolar energy, materials, nanotechnology Chemistry2013 David S. Ginger (grad student)
Sarah Strode2008 Lyatt Jaegle (grad student)
Roland K. StrongBiochemistry
Eva E. StueekenGeobiology, Geochemistry Earth and Space Sciences2014 Roger Buick (grad student)
Minze Stuiver
Christopher A. Sucato Chemistry2005 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Martin T. SuchorolskiMolecular Biology, Biomedical Engineering Molecular and Cellular Biology2011 Nina Salama (grad student)
Alison M. Suess Chemistry20132015 Gojko Lalic (post-doc)
Philip A. Sullivanmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2006 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Andrew W. Sulyaanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry2009 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Grace S. SunPhysical Chemistry2000 Hannes Jónsson (grad student)
Bingyun SunAnalytical, Biological, Materials, and Physical Chemistry, Nanotechnology2005 Daniel T. Chiu (grad student)
Yugang Sunnanoscience Chemistry20012003 Younan Xia (post-doc)
Huai SunComputational Chemistry, Force field development19861990 Weston T. Borden (grad student)
Wei Sun Chemistry Daniel T. Chiu (post-doc)
Haishan Sunmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2009 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
Chenhang SunChemical Engineering2002 John C. Berg (grad student)
James Surapisitchatcontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell2007 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Eric M. SussmanBiomaterials2011 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Emmajay Sutherland
Stephanie M. SuzukiMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Toxicology Molecular and Cellular Biology2014 Clement E. Furlong (grad student)
Rodney D. SwartzOrganic Chemistry2010 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Laura K. SycuroMicrobiology Biology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2009 Nina Salama (grad student)
Marisa L. SylvesterBiomaterials Bioengineering2012 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Robert E. Synovecanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry
Erik A. SyrstadAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2004 František Tureček (grad student)
David Lee Tabb2003 Phil P. Green (grad student)
Guoying TaiPharmacy2006 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
Wanyi Tai Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Steven L. TaitSurface Chemistry, Catalysis, Nanoscience, Physical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry Chemistry Physics20002005 Charles T. Campbell (grad student), Samuel C. Fain (grad student)
Jocelyn Y. Takayesumaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques2008 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
James-Kevin Tan Bioengineering20112016 Suzie Hwang Pun (grad student)
Herman Vance TartarPhysical Chemistry
Wayne Emery TaylorRibosome structure, RNA polymerase transcription, yeast ADH zinc-finger txn factor ADR1, protein-DNA binding, androgen testosterone signaling, mesenchymal stem cell differentiation to fat or muscle Biochemistry19841989 Elton T. Young (post-doc)
Michael R. TaylorZebrafish genetics, blood-brain barrier20032003 Susan E. Brockerhoff (post-doc), James Bryant Hurley (grad student)
Vishnu Rajan Tejusglycobiology, computational biology, cancer Chemistry2024 Nicholas M. Riley (research assistant)
David C. TellerGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry
Sheila S. TevesMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Molecular and Cellular Biology2013 Steven Henikoff (grad student)
Niket Thakkar Applied Mathematics David J. Masiello (grad student)
Porranee ThanapakpawinHydrology, Environmental Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Biogeochemistry2007 G. Graham Allan (grad student)
Roopa ThaparStructural Biology; Biophysics: Biochemistry: RNA Biology: Cancer Biology Biochemistry19921997 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Ashleigh Thebergemetabolomic analysis
Roslyn M. TheisenInorganic Chemistry2005 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
John C. Thomas1980 J. Michael Schurr (post-doc)
David W. J. ThompsonClimate, atmospheric science2000 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Thomas Gordon Thompsonanalytical chemistry, oceanography1918 Horace G. Byers (grad student)
Amanda L. Thorsenmultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies Chemistry2014 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Simonida R. ThurberAnalytical Chemistry, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Lloyd W. Burgess (grad student)
Matthew S. TillmanChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2002 James C. Seferis (grad student)
Sonia Ting Genome Sciences20112017 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
See-Yuen Ting2020 Joseph D. Mougous (post-doc)
Santiago A. ToledoInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2009 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
John W. TomaszewskiOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2002 Niels H. Andersen (grad student)
Daniela Tomazela Genome Sciences20082011 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Kozo TomitaRNA, Structure, Biochemistry, Protein19992002 Alan M. Weiner (post-doc)
Jonathan D. TonerGeology, Geochemistry, Environmental Geology Earth and Space Sciences2012 Ronald S. Sletten (grad student)
Rudesh D ToofannyBiophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular dynamics, Metabolic pathway design, computational biology,bioinformatics20062013 Valerie D. Daggett (post-doc)
Robert Tournay School of Environmental and Forest Sciences SHARON L. DOTY (grad student)
Clare-Louise (Evans) TowseChemistry
William F. TragerBiochemistry1965 Alain C. Huitric (grad student)
Thuy Tran František Tureček (research assistant)
James Hugh TrexlerSedimentary Geology, Geochemistry, Plate Tectonics1984 Joanne Bourgeois (grad student)
Timothy J Trinkleinanalytical chemistry, data science Chemistry20182023 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Michael J. TrnkaBiochemistry2004 William F. Trager (grad student)
Tristan A. Troniccoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials Chemistry2012 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Li-Chun L. Tsaicontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell2011 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Annabel T. TsaiBiomaterials2007 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Toshio TsukiyamaMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology
Neil M. Tuckerorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2008 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
František TurečekMass spectrometry
Blas P. UberuagaPhysical Chemistry2000 Hannes Jónsson (grad student)
Rei UeyamaAtmospheric Sciences2010 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Fiorenzo Cesare Ugolinisoil forming process, podzolization
Esha Upadhyay2017 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Sanjit S. UppalGlycobiology, Mass-Spec PHARM-MEDCHEM PHARM-MEDCHEM Miklos Guttman (research assistant), Abhigya Mookherjee (research assistant)
Alana L. UpthagrovePharmaceutical Chemistry2001 Wendel Lane Nelson (grad student)
Edward J. ValenteStructural Organic Chemistry19721977 Verner F. Schomaker (grad student), Edward C. Lingafelter (grad student)
Stephanie ValleauTheoretical chemistry, kinetics, machine learning
Focco van den AkkerBiochemistry1997 Wilhelmus G.J. Hol (grad student)
Renee M. Van GinhovenPhysical Chemistry2002 Hannes Jónsson (grad student)
Benjamin E. Van Kuikenultrafast structural dynamics of light-driven chemical and biological processes in solution Chemistry2014 Munira Khalil (grad student)
Brooke M. Gartland VandenBrinkPharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Toxicology2010 Kent L. Kunze (grad student)
Gabriele VaraniNMR spectroscopy to elucidate the structure and the dynamics of protein-RNA complexes
Jose Arana Varela Materials Science Engineering1981 Osgood James Whittemore (grad student)
Joshua C. Vaughanchemical probes and optical instruments for biological imaging
Sarah L. Veatchlipid membrane biophysics2004 Sarah L. Keller (grad student)
Alexandra VelianInorganic Chemistry
Christophe L.M.J. VerlindeStructure-based drug design
Marc Vermulstmutations and human cancer2008 Lawrence A. Loeb (grad student)
Evelyn Rios Viche Microbiology2021 Joseph D. Mougous (research assistant)
Emilie Viglino20142017 František Tureček (grad student)
Gloria Villar AcevedoChemical Engineering2008 Julie A. Kovacs (grad student)
Terry Villarreal Larry R. Dalton (research assistant)
Kalyan C. VinnakotaQuantitative Medicine, Systems Biology, Quantitative Systems Pharmacology, Ras, Quantitative Physiology20012006 Martin J. Kushmerick (grad student)
Katrina S. VirtsAtmospheric Sciences, Meteorology Atmospheric Sciences2012 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Shetty Vivekananda20012002 František Tureček (post-doc)
Vladimir A. Vlaskinmultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies Chemistry2014 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Michael VolnyPhysical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry2006 František Tureček (grad student)
Julia A. Vorholt1998 Mary E. Lidstrom (post-doc)
Michelle D. WahlinPharmacy, Toxicology Medicinal Chemistry2014 Thomas Baillie (grad student)
Christopher R. Waidmanncoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials2009 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Salih J. Wakilfatty acid metabolism and the metabolic syndrome1952 Donald J. Hanahan (grad student)
William Everett Walker Bioengineering Valerie D. Daggett (grad student)
John Michael (Mike) Wallace
Paul M. WallaceNon-linear Optical Materials and Single Molecule Spectroscopy2005 Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Donal A. Walsh1966 Edwin G. Krebs (post-doc)
Kenneth A. Walsh19591962 Hans Neurath (post-doc)
Christine E. Wang Bioengineering20112016 Suzie Hwang Pun (grad student)
Yuesong Wang František Tureček (post-doc)
Xudong Wang Chemistry2020 David S. Ginger (post-doc)
Yaxi Wang Joseph D. Mougous (post-doc)
Hua WangBiomaterials2005 Buddy D. Ratner (grad student)
Ding Wangmedicinal enzymology2006 Michael H. Gelb (grad student)
Isiah Warner development of chiral separation procedures using novel chiral polymers; · development of novel analytical schemes for protein separations; · characterization of proteins and other biomolecules associated with human atherosclerotic plaque; 1977 Gary D. Christian (grad student)
Jeffrey J. Warrencoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials20052010 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Joseph H. Weisolar energy, materials, nanotechnology2009 David S. Ginger (grad student)
David R. WeinbergInorganic chemistry, organometallics, C-H bond activation, Carbon dioxide reduction, solar fuels20002000 James M. Mayer (research assistant)
Alan M. Weinerthe origin of life
Chad R. WeisbrodAnalytical Chemistry, Genetics, Bioinformatics Biology Genome Sciences2013 James E Bruce (grad student)
Richard L. Weisscompartmentation of enzymes and metabolites in biological regulation1971 David R. Morris (grad student)
Caroline E. Weller2017 Champak Chatterjee (grad student)
Jeffrey D. Wellhausenchemistry and structural biology of nucleic acids2005 Snorri Thor Sigurdsson (grad student)
Michael A. Wells Donald J. Hanahan (post-doc)
Dawn Marie Wenzel2010 Rachel E. Klevit (grad student)
Claire West Chemistry David J. Masiello (grad student)
James B WestphalNonlinear optics, Scanning second harmonic generation microscopy Chemistry20032007 Larry R. Dalton (grad student)
James B. Westphalmaterials chemistry with particular emphasis on high technology electronic, electro-optic, and nonlinear optical materials and emphasis on nanoscale materials and architectural construction techniques Chemistry20012010 Larry R. Dalton (grad student), Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Justin J. WettsteinAtmospheric Sciences2007 John Michael (Mike) Wallace (grad student)
Kelly M. Whitakermultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies2009 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
John White Chemistry2000 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (grad student)
John White Chemistry2006 Pradipsinh K. Rathod (post-doc)
Robert D. White Chemistry1971 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Stephen H. Whitefolding and stability of membrane proteins1969 John Walter Woodbury (grad student)
Aaron M. Whittaker Chemistry20082013 Gojko Lalic (grad student)
Osgood James Whittemoreceramic engineering
Philip Edwin Wilcoxprotein chemistry
Jess P. Wilcoxon Chemistry1984 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Benjamin J. Wileynanomaterials2007 Younan Xia (grad student)
Barrie WilkinsonBiosynthesis, natural products, chemical biology School of Chemistry19941995 Heinz G. Floss (post-doc)
Ebonee P. WilliamsChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering2003 James C. Seferis (grad student)
Loren Dean WilliamsDNA, intercalators, crystallography, RNA, ribosome, evolution1981 Martin Gouterman (research assistant)
Burke S. WilliamsInorganic Chemistry 2000 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
Dara B. WilliamsInorganic Chemistry 2007 Karen I. Goldberg (grad student)
David B Williams-YoungElectronic Structure Theory, Quantum Chemistry, High Performance Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra Department of Chemistry20132018 Xiaosong Li (grad student)
Stanley Morris Williamsoninorganic synthesis, fluorinated ligands, organometallic/transition metal chemistry1961 George H. Cady (grad student)
Bruce E. WilsonInformatics, Information Science, chemometrics, phenology19851988 Bruce Kowalski (grad student)
Ryan B. Wilsonanalytical chemistry and bioanalytical chemistry Chemistry2012 Robert E. Synovec (grad student)
Lon J. WilsonNuclear Chemistry, Nanoscience, Nanotechnology1971 Norman Jenisch Rose (grad student)
Charles Owens Wilson, Jr.medicinal chemistry1938 L. Wait Rising (grad student)
Henry Edgar Wirth1934 Thomas Gordon Thompson (grad student)
Goragot Wisedchaisriprotein crystallography for structure-based design of drugs for tropical diseases2005 Wilhelmus G.J. Hol (grad student)
Robert Woodbury WisemanRegulation of energetics in skeletal muscle Radiology19891992 Martin J. Kushmerick (post-doc)
Jessica M. Wittmancoordination chemistry, catalysis and electrocatalysis, bioinorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry, electron transfer, and reactions of nanoscale materials Chemistry2014 James M. Mayer (grad student)
Christopher A. WolcottNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry Chemical Engineering2014 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Brian J. WolfeAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry2011 František Tureček (grad student)
Jill K. WolkenAnalytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Molecular Biology2000 František Tureček (grad student)
Jason Wooden Genome Sciences20062010 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Ashley M. Wright20132016 Karen I. Goldberg (post-doc)
Calvert C. Wrightfuel technology1931 Warren L. Beuschlein (grad student)
Albert Y. Wucontrol of signal transduction by cyclic nucleotide second messengers in the cell2003 Joseph A. Beavo (grad student)
Chao-Hsiang WuAnalytical Chemistry2003 Jaromir Ruzicka (grad student)
Yuguang WuBiomedical Engineering, Biochemistry2004 Thomas A. Horbett (grad student)
Mei-Ting WuBiochemistry2010 Wilhelmus G. J. Hoi (grad student)
Yi-Jui WuChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, System Science Engineering2001 James C. Seferis (grad student)
Changfeng WuSingle molecule spectroscopy, Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Nanomaterials Daniel T. Chiu (post-doc)
Pengguang Wu1990 J. Michael Schurr (grad student)
Li WuMedical Test Technology chemistry20152019 Daniel T. Chiu (post-doc)
Colleen M. Wurden2000 Rene Levy (grad student)
Kristin L. Wustholz20022007 Bart Kahr (grad student), Philip J. Reid (grad student)
Zhengui XiaNeuronal Apoptosis and stem cell biology
Younan XiaNanocrystals
Dianne J. Xiao
Jingyi Xie Molecular Engineering2018 James Richard Heath (grad student)
Gang XinEnvironmental Sciences, Microbiology Biology, Environmental Engineering, General Agriculture2008 SHARON L. DOTY (grad student)
Yujie Xiong20042007 Younan Xia (post-doc)
Xiaodong Xu
Bo XuSolar Cells
Yun Xu2004 Rene Levy (grad student)
Lijun XuNanoscience, Environmental Catalysis, Physical, and Bioanalytical Chemistry2006 Charles T. Campbell (grad student)
Chunfu XuPeptide self-assembly; Computational Protein Design Department of Biochemistry2014 David Baker (post-doc)
Adam N. YadonMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Molecular and Cellular Biology2012 Toshio Tsukiyama (grad student)
Mengyu Yan20122016 Liqiang Mai (grad student)
Marissa E. Yanezprotein crystallography for structure-based design of drugs for tropical diseases2007 Wilhelmus G.J. Hol (grad student)
Pinyi Yangpi-conjugated semiconducting polymers Materials Science and Engineering2013 Christine Luscombe (grad student)
Xinli Yang20052006 František Tureček (post-doc)
Jian Yang Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Han-Yin Yang Genome Sciences20122018 Michael J. MacCoss (grad student)
Caiping Yao2001 Rene Levy (grad student)
Chunxiang YaoAnalytical Chemistry2007 František Tureček (grad student)
Laxminarasimha R. YatavelliAtmospheric Chemistry2011 Joel A. Thornton (grad student)
Sinclair S. YeeElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Optics Physics, Biochemistry
Hsien-Wei Yeh2019 David Baker (post-doc)
Catherine K. YeungPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy2005 Allan E. Rettie (grad student)
Xianhua YiTransmembrane Signaling, Physical Chemistry of Cell Membranes and Protein-Protein Interactions Genome Sciences20042007 Michael J. MacCoss (post-doc)
Yadong YinMaterials Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Colloidal Chemistry, Photonic Crystals, Self-Assembly2002 Younan Xia (grad student)
Hin-Lap Yiporganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2008 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Mellissa YongPublic Health2008 Johanna W. Lampe (grad student)
Raymond A. Youngpolymer chemistry, cellulose chemistry, plasma chemistry1973 Kyosti V. Sarkanen (grad student)
Terry-Lynn YoungGenetics, Epidemiology Mary-Claire King (grad student)
Tricia A. Youngbullpi-conjugated semiconducting polymers2010 Christine Luscombe (grad student)
Dan Yuan Bioengineering20172023 James Richard Heath (grad student)
Jesse G. Zalatansignaling pathways
Ariel C. ZanePhysical and Biophysical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Gary P. Drobny (grad student)
Paul H. ZehfussGeology2005 Alan R. Gillespie (grad student)
Yueming Zhai Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Yinbo ZhangDNA repair Immunology2016 Nancy Maizels (post-doc)
Feng Zhang Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Rongyu ZhangImmunoengineering Bioengineering2019 James Richard Heath (grad student)
Jin Zhong ZhangPhysical chemistry1989 Dan G. Imre (grad student)
Bo Zhangelectrochemistry, electrocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry of single metal/semiconductor nanoparticles and nanowires
Guangtao ZhangOrganic Chemistry2006 Erkang Fan (grad student)
Yanxu ZhangAtmospheric Chemistry, Chemical Oceanography, Biogeochemistry Atmospheric Sciences2013 Lyatt Jaegle (grad student)
Chunsheng ZhaoPharmacy, Biochemistry, Analytical Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry2012 Sidney D. Nelson (grad student)
Lixin Zhengorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2003 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Jie ZhengBiophysics William N. Zagotta (post-doc)
Diane K. Zhongmultifunctional inorganic materials for spintronics and energy conversion technologies Chemistry2012 Daniel R. Gamelin (grad student)
Xin-Feng Zhou20032006 František Tureček (grad student)
Weibin Zhou Xiaohu Gao (post-doc)
Steven F. ZieglerImmunology, Biochemistry
Melvin T. Zinorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology2007 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
William H Zolleratmospheric chemistry, volcanic chemistry, and the environmental sciences.
Jingyu Zouorganic and inorganic functional materials for photonics, opto-electronics, nanomedicine, and nanotechnology Materials Science and Engineering2013 Alex K.-Y. Jen (grad student)
Pavel Zrazhevskiy Bioengineering Xiaohu Gao (grad student)