Brian R. Reid
Affiliations: | University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA |
biophysical chemistryGoogle:
"Brian Reid"Mean distance: 9.43 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorR. David Cole | grad student | 1965 | UC Berkeley | |
(Lysine-rich histone synthesis in isolated calf thymus nuclei) |
Sign in to add traineePeter F. Flynn | grad student | 1989 | University of Washington |
Fredrik N. Edfeldt | grad student | 2001 | University of Washington |
Seong-Gi Kim | post-doc | 1989-1991 | University of Washington (Neurotree) |
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Edfeldt NB, Harwood EA, Sigurdsson ST, et al. (2004) Sequence context effect on the structure of nitrous acid induced DNA interstrand cross-links. Nucleic Acids Research. 32: 2795-801 |
Edfeldt NB, Harwood EA, Sigurdsson ST, et al. (2004) Solution structure of a nitrous acid induced DNA interstrand cross-link. Nucleic Acids Research. 32: 2785-94 |
LiWang AC, McCready DE, Drobny GP, et al. (2003) Observation of a distinct transition in the mode of interconversion of ring pucker conformers in non-crystalline d-ribose-2'-d from 2H NMR spin-alignment. Journal of Biomolecular Nmr. 26: 249-57 |
Gallego J, Reid BR. (1999) Solution structure and dynamics of a complex between DNA and the antitumor bisnaphthalimide LU-79553: intercalated ring flipping on the millisecond time scale. Biochemistry. 38: 15104-15 |
Gallego J, Golden EB, Stanley DE, et al. (1999) The folding of centromeric DNA strands into intercalated structures: a physicochemical and computational study. Journal of Molecular Biology. 285: 1039-52 |
Cerritelli SM, Fedoroff OY, Reid BR, et al. (1998) A common 40 amino acid motif in eukaryotic RNases H1 and caulimovirus ORF VI proteins binds to duplex RNAs. Nucleic Acids Research. 26: 1834-40 |
Gallego J, Chou SH, Reid BR. (1997) Centromeric pyrimidine strands fold into an intercalated motif by forming a double hairpin with a novel T:G:G:T tetrad: solution structure of the d(TCCCGTTTCCA) dimer. Journal of Molecular Biology. 273: 840-56 |
Fedoroff OY, Ge Y, Reid BR. (1997) Solution structure of r(gaggacug):d(CAGTCCTC) hybrid: implications for the initiation of HIV-1 (+)-strand synthesis. Journal of Molecular Biology. 269: 225-39 |
Chou SH, Zhu L, Reid BR. (1997) Sheared purine x purine pairing in biology. Journal of Molecular Biology. 267: 1055-67 |
Chou SH, Zhu L, Gao Z, et al. (1996) Hairpin loops consisting of single adenine residues closed by sheared A.A and G.G pairs formed by the DNA triplets AAA and GAG: solution structure of the d(GTACAAAGTAC) hairpin. Journal of Molecular Biology. 264: 981-1001 |