Serge Laplante, Ph.D.

2004 Universite Laval (Canada) 
Food Science and Technology Agriculture
"Serge Laplante"
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Paul Paquin grad student 2004 Universite Laval (Canada)
 (Etude des proprietes stabilisantes d'emulsion du chitosane en presence d'isolat de proteines de lactoserum.)
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Laplante S, Turgeon SL, Paquin P. (2006) Emulsion-stabilizing properties of chitosan in the presence of whey protein isolate : Effect of the mixture ratio, ionic strength and pH Carbohydrate Polymers. 65: 479-487
Laplante S, Turgeon SL, Paquin P. (2005) Effect of pH, ionic strength, and composition on emulsion stabilising properties of chitosan in a model system containing whey protein isolate Food Hydrocolloids. 19: 721-729
Laplante S, Turgeon SL, Paquin P. (2005) Emulsion stabilizing properties of various chitosans in the presence of whey protein isolate Carbohydrate Polymers. 59: 425-434
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