Tomas Hudlicky, Ph.D.

1978-1982 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States 
 1982-1995 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States 
 1995-2003 University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
 2003-2022 Brock University, Saint Catharines, Ontario, Canada 
synthetic organic chemistry
"Tomas Hudlicky"

Mean distance: 7.7


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Ernest Wenkert grad student 1977 Rice University
 (Total synthesis of (±)-eburnamonine, (±)-dehydroaspidospermidine, (±)-vincadifformine, (±)-quebrachamine, and (±)-aspidospermidine)
Wolfgang Oppolzer post-doc 1978 University of Geneva


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Thomas R.R. Pettus research assistant 1987-1989 Virginia Tech
Kevin J. Finn grad student Brock University
Andrew Gum grad student UF Gainesville
Gustavo Seoane grad student 1985-1988 Virginia Tech
Horacio F. Olivo grad student 1988-1992 Virginia Tech
David Gonzalez grad student 1994-1999 UF Gainesville
Bennett Haines Novak grad student 2000 UF Gainesville
Kofi Abeka Oppong grad student 2001 UF Gainesville
Stefan Schilling grad student 2001 UF Gainesville
Bernhard Paul grad student 2002 UF Gainesville
Jerremey Willis grad student 2002 UF Gainesville
Theodore A. Martinot grad student 1999-2002 UF Gainesville
Vu Phong Bui grad student 2003 UF Gainesville
Stanley Leon Freeman grad student 2003 UF Gainesville
Josef Zezula grad student 2003 UF Gainesville
Uwe Rinner grad student 2000-2003 UF Gainesville
Ales Machara post-doc 2009- Brock University
Lukas Werner post-doc 2009- Brock University
Brindaban Chandra Ranu post-doc 1982-1985 Virginia Tech
Álvaro Takeo Omori post-doc 2006-2007 Brock University (Canada)
John F Trant post-doc 2011-2012 Brock University
Mukund Ghavre post-doc 2015-2017 Brock University
Lukas Rycek post-doc 2015-2017 Brock University (Canada)
Josie Reed research scientist Brock University
BETA: Related publications


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Habaz L, Bedard K, Smith M, et al. (2022) Design and Synthesis of C-1 Methoxycarbonyl Derivative of Narciclasine and Its Biological Activity. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 27
Ticli V, Zhao Z, Du L, et al. (2021) Synthesis and biological evaluation of 10-benzyloxy-Narciclasine. Tetrahedron. 101
Wicks C, Hudlicky T, Rinner U. (2021) Morphine alkaloids: History, biology, and synthesis. The Alkaloids. Chemistry and Biology. 86: 145-342
Endoma-Arias MA, Dela Paz H, Hudlicky T. (2019) Chemoenzymatic Total Synthesis of (+)-10-Keto-Oxycodone from Phenethyl Acetate. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 24
Makarova M, Endoma-Arias MA, Dela Paz H, et al. (2019) Chemoenzymatic total synthesis of ent-oxycodone: Second, third and fourth generation strategies. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Makarova M, Rycek L, Hajicek J, et al. (2019) Tetrodotoxin: History, Biology, and Synthesis. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Baidilov D, Miskey S, Hudlicky T. (2019) Rapid Access to the Tricyclic Core of Calyciphylline A -Type Alkaloids Through Allyl Cyanate-to-Isocyanate Rearrangement European Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2019: 7590-7595
Borra S, Lapinskaite R, Kempthorne C, et al. (2018) Isolation, Synthesis, and Semisynthesis of Amaryllidaceae Constituents from Narcissus and Galanthus sp.: De Novo Total Synthesis of 2- epi-Narciclasine. Journal of Natural Products
Baidilov D, Rycek L, Trant JF, et al. (2018) Chemoenzymatic Approach to Tetrodotoxin: Synthesis of Fukuyama's, Alonso's, and Sato's Advanced Intermediates. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Endoma-Arias MA, Makarova M, Dela Paz H, et al. (2018) Chemoenzymatic Total Synthesis of (+)-Oxycodone from Phenethyl Acetate Synthesis. 51: 225-232
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