George Barger

University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 
medical chemistry
"George Barger"


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Abraham Léo Errera research assistant 1901-1903 ULB (Physiology Academic Tree)


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James Norman Davidson research assistant 1934 Edinburgh
Charles Harrington grad student 1919-1920 Edinburgh (Cell Biology Tree)
Thomas Spence Work grad student 1937 Edinburgh
Vincent du Vigneaud post-doc 1929 Edinburgh
Thiruvenkata Rajendra Seshadri post-doc 1929-1930 Edinburgh
Fernando Calvet Prats post-doc 1937-1938
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Barger G, Martin WF, Mitchell W. (1938) 317. The minor alkaloids of Duboisia myoporoides. Part II. Poroidine and isoporoidine Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 1685-1690
Barger G, Robinson R, Smith LH. (1937) 143. Synthetical experiments relating to carpaine. Part III. Some derivatives of tetrahydrofuran and intermediates of the aliphatic series Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 718-725
Barger G, Robinson R, Short WF. (1937) 142. Synthetical experiments relating to carpaine. Part II Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 715-718
Barger G, Robinson R, Urushibara Y. (1937) 141. Synthetical experiments relating to carpaine. Part I. Synthesis of a basic long-chain lactone Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 714-715
Barger G, Robinson R, Work TS. (1937) 140. Constitution of carpaine. Part III Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 711-713
Barger G, Blackie JJ. (1937) Alkaloids of Senecio. Part III. Jacobine, jacodine, and jaconine Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 584-586
Barger G, Robinson R, Short WF. (1937) Synthetical experiments relating to carpaine. Part II Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 715-718
Barger G, Robinson R, Smith LH. (1937) Synthetical experiments relating to carpaine. Part III. Some derivatives of tetrahydrofuran and intermediates of the aliphatic series Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 718-725
Barger G, Robinson R, Work TS. (1937) Constitution of carpaine. Part III Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 711-713
Barger G, Blackie JJ. (1936) Alkaloids of senecio. Part II. Senecionine and squalidine Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed). 743-745
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