Victoria N. Balfour, Ph.D.

2013 Forestry University of Montana, Missoula, MT 
Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Soil Science Agriculture, Hydrology
"Victoria Balfour"


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Ronald H. Wakimoto grad student 2013 Univ. Montana
 (Variations in wildfire ash properties and implications for post fire hydrological response within western North American ecosystems.)
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Balfour VN. (2015) Determining wildfire ash saturated hydraulic conductivity and sorptivity with laboratory and field methods Catena. 135: 358-368
Balfour VN, Doerr SH, Robichaud PR. (2014) The temporal evolution of wildfire ash and implications for post-fire infiltration International Journal of Wildland Fire. 23: 733-745
Bodí MB, Martin DA, Balfour VN, et al. (2014) Corrigendum to "Wildland fire ash: Production, composition and eco-hydro-geomorphic effects", Earth Sci. Rev. 130 (2014) [103-127] Earth-Science Reviews. 138: 503
Bodí MB, Martin DA, Balfour VN, et al. (2014) Wildland fire ash: Production, composition and eco-hydro-geomorphic effects Earth-Science Reviews. 130: 103-127
Balfour VN, Woods SW. (2013) The hydrological properties and the effects of hydration on vegetative ash from the Northern Rockies, USA Catena. 111: 9-24
Woods SW, Balfour VN. (2010) The effects of soil texture and ash thickness on the post-fire hydrological response from ash-covered soils Journal of Hydrology. 393: 274-286
Woods SW, Balfour VN. (2008) The effect of ash on runoff and erosion after a severe forest wildfire, Montana, USA International Journal of Wildland Fire. 17: 535-548
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