Sebastian Martinuzzi, Ph.D.

2010 University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States 
Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture, Conservation Biology
"Sebastian Martinuzzi"
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Lee A. Vierling grad student 2010 University of Idaho
 (Lidar remote sensing for wildlife habitat characterization and modeling: Incorporating remotely sensed vegetation structure into current assessments of animal distribution and conservation.)
Volker Christian Radeloff post-doc 2010-2012 UW Madison (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
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Radeloff VC, Mockrin MH, Helmers D, et al. (2023) Rising wildfire risk to houses in the United States, especially in grasslands and shrublands. Science (New York, N.Y.). 382: 702-707
Schug F, Bar-Massada A, Carlson AR, et al. (2023) The global wildland-urban interface. Nature
Silveira EMO, Radeloff VC, Martínez Pastur GJ, et al. (2022) Forest phenoclusters for Argentina based on vegetation phenology and climate. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. e2526
Aycrigg JL, Mccarley TR, Belote RT, et al. (2021) Wilderness areas in a changing landscape: changes in land use, land cover, and climate. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. e02471
Branoff BL, Martinuzzi S. (2020) The Structure and Composition of Puerto Rico's Urban Mangroves. Forests. 11: 1119
Rivera LO, Martinuzzi S, Politi N, et al. (2020) National parks influence habitat use of lowland tapirs in adjacent private lands in the Southern Yungas of Argentina Oryx. 1-10
Guzmán-Colón DK, Pidgeon AM, Martinuzzi S, et al. (2020) Conservation planning for island nations: Using a network analysis model to find novel opportunities for landscape connectivity in Puerto Rico Global Ecology and Conservation. 23: e01075
Martinuzzi S, Allstadt AJ, Pidgeon AM, et al. (2019) Future changes in fire weather, spring droughts, and false springs across U.S. National Forests and Grasslands. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. e01904
Runge CA, Withey JC, Naugle DE, et al. (2019) Single species conservation as an umbrella for management of landscape threats. Plos One. 14: e0209619
Derguy M, Drozd A, Martinuzzi S, et al. (2019) Effect of climate data uncertainty on ecological land classification: a case study from Argentina Climate Research. 78: 261-270
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