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Neil Dixon, PhD

Manchester Institute of Biotechnology University of Manchester, Manchester, England, United Kingdom 
Chemical biology, Medicinal chemistry and Synthetic Biology
"Neil Dixon Chemistry"
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Tomazetto G, Pimentel AC, Wibberg D, et al. (2020) Multi-omic directed discovery of cellulosomes, polysaccharide utilization loci, and lignocellulases from an enriched rumen anaerobic consortium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Berepiki A, Kent R, Machado LFM, et al. (2020) Development of High-Performance Whole Cell Biosensors Aided by Statistical Modeling. Acs Synthetic Biology
F M Machado L, Currin A, Dixon N. (2019) Directed evolution of the PcaV allosteric transcription factor to generate a biosensor for aromatic aldehydes. Journal of Biological Engineering. 13: 91
Kent R, Dixon N. (2019) Contemporary Tools for Regulating Gene Expression in Bacteria. Trends in Biotechnology
Alvarez-Gonzalez G, Dixon N. (2019) Genetically encoded biosensors for lignocellulose valorization. Biotechnology For Biofuels. 12: 246
Kent R, Dixon N. (2019) Systematic evaluation of genetic and environmental factors affecting performance of translational riboswitches. Acs Synthetic Biology
Horga LG, Halliwell S, Castiñeiras TS, et al. (2018) Tuning recombinant protein expression to match secretion capacity. Microbial Cell Factories. 17: 199
Moraes EC, Alvarez TM, Persinoti GF, et al. (2018) Lignolytic-consortium omics analyses reveal novel genomes and pathways involved in lignin modification and valorization. Biotechnology For Biofuels. 11: 75
Morra R, Del Carratore F, Muhamadali H, et al. (2018) Translation Stress Positively Regulates MscL-Dependent Excretion of Cytoplasmic Proteins. Mbio. 9
Morra R, Young K, Casas-Mao D, et al. (2017) Optimization of Membrane Protein Production Using Titratable Strains of E. coli. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1586: 83-107
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