Robert N. Pease

Chemistry Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
combustion and chemical kinetics
"Robert N. Pease"

(1895 - 1964)

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Alan W. C. Menzies grad student 1921 Princeton
Hugh Stott Taylor grad student 1921 Princeton
 (An analysis of molecular volumes from the point of view of the Lewis-Langmuir theory of molecular structure)
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Lewis B, Pease RN, Taylor HS. (2015) Combustion processes Combustion Processes. 2: 1-662
Schubert SJCC, Pease RN. (1956) The oxidation of lower paraffin hydrocarbons. II. Observations on the role of ozone in the slow combustion of isobutane Journal of the American Chemical Society. 78: 5553-5556
Schubert CC, Pease RN. (1956) The oxidation of lower paraffin hydrocarbons. I. Room temperature reaction of methane, propane, n-butane and isobutane with ozonized oxygen Journal of the American Chemical Society. 78: 2044-2048
Clingman WH, Pease RN. (1956) Critical considerations in the measurement of burning velocities of bunsen burner flames and interpretation of the pressure effect. Measurements and calculations for methane Journal of the American Chemical Society. 78: 1775-1780
Burwasser H, Pease RN. (1955) Burning velocities of hydrogen-air flames Journal of the American Chemical Society. 77: 5806-5808
Whatley AT, Pease RN. (1954) Observations on thermal explosions of diborane-oxygen mixtures Journal of the American Chemical Society. 76: 1997-1999
Whatley AT, Pease RN. (1954) A kinetic study of the diborane-ethylene reaction Journal of the American Chemical Society. 76: 835-838
Brokaw RS, Pease RN. (1953) The Effect of Water on the Burning Velocities of Cyanogen—Oxygen—Argon Mixtures1 Journal of the American Chemical Society. 75: 1454-1457
Member P, Pease RN, Kármán Tv, et al. (1953) Theoretical studies of the combustion wave Symposium (International) On Combustion. 4: 919-922
Clingman WH, Brokaw RS, Pease RN. (1953) Burning velocities of methane with nitrogen-oxygen argon-oxygen, and helium-oxygen mixtures Symposium (International) On Combustion. 4: 310-313
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